Chapter 15

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Ansh's POV

I walk with dad into his office and as I walk in I see people staring at me, I am sure they don't know me but seeing me walking with dad may have created some suspicion.

Me (loudly speaking) - Sir, this internship means a lot to me... please let me get a chance... I even came to your house today... and followed you that you could get convinced... please sir... give me a chance...

Dad looks at me with a confused expression but I look towards the employees who are either smirking, smiling or feeling sorry for me. Dad silently follows my gaze and then takes me to his office.

Dad (confused) - Why did you do all this drama?
Me (smirking) - Dad, I am sure that someone is selling our business's information to our competitors and therefore, we are sharing a loss... now it's best if Ansh Singh Oberoi takes this case... from now on... dad I will only be an intern at this office... not your son but a middle-class person who needs an internship due to some personal issues...from now on dad...I will call you sir... but only when we working... we will not come to work together... and we will not go home together... I will not use a car... but will come in a taxi or bus...

Dad (upset) - Why are you doing this Ansh? I want to be able to tell my employees proudly that this is my son... who will fix our problems... I want to go every day with you to this business... I want to listen to your complaints and compliments at the end of the day about how work has been... don't do this Ansh...

Me (smiling) - No dad... we have to... and dad... you can hear me complain and compliments when I get home... you can come with me every day to work... let me explain... you will drop me near a bus stop everyday... this way you are kind of coming with me.... And dad... I just thought of something... you can pick me up from the bus stop... now stop whining... and smile...

Dad puts on a fake smile, and not wanting to pressure him to put a real smile, I smile and leave the office. I go towards the receptionist to let her know I got hired, and I while doing that I feel 50 people's eyes on me. It kind of creeps me out but I put on a fake smile.

Receptionist (smirking) - So, did sir hire you or not?

Me (smirking) - Would I be here if he didn't?

Receptionist stares at me hearing the comment, she looks angry but who cares? She needs to be more polite to her co-workers.

Receptionist - I will just check that with sir...

The receptionist leaves with a smirk but then comes back with a frown. What happened to your hopes? This lady needs to be taught manners.

Me (smirking) - Why this frown?

The lady looks at me with anger and then goes to her desk.

Me (smirking) - You know what... learn to show some respect to your co-workers...

Lady (annoyed) - Who are you to teach me all this?

Me (smirking) - An...

I was going to say Ansh Singh Oberoi but I stop myself from saying it.

Me (smirking) - My position or name isn't important... but I can promise you that if you don't change your attitude then tomorrow will be your last day...

The lady looks at me with suspicious eyes. Did I blow up my cover?? I knew it, I should have kept quiet. I need training from Khushi aunty on how to be a spy... lol... Khushi aunty told me her stories as a spy in Raizada mansion... with Nk uncle as her partner...I should get some lessons. Anyway, the lady suddenly starts laughing.

Lady (laughing) - Are you some fortune-teller? I haven't got time for this... here (passes me a schedule)... you are with sir for the first 2 weeks and then you are with another person... more instructions will be told later.

I give her a fake smile and leave towards dad's cabin but as I am about to enter a guy stops me.

Guy (smiling) - Hello, I am John... I am also doing an internship...I am so glad that someone stood up to that lady... (whispers in my ear) she is so annoying...

I laugh at his last sentence as I can agree with him. But why is no one standing up to her?

Me (curious) - Why is no one standing up to her?

John (upset) - She is a manipulative b****you see she can convince Shivay sir that she is innocent...and you know... she threatens people as well... she would say to a person that if you don't listen to me then you will be fired... and the next day... if that person doesn't pay attention to her then she would file a fake complaint against the person and make them fired...and that's how she rules this place... (smirking) but it seems that it is about to change...

Me (smirking) - It is...

After listening to this, I smirk, it's time to learn to not blow up my cover as well as teach this stupid lady some lesson. I will not tell dad about this otherwise, he will get her fired.

Me (smirking) - Can you tell me how long has she been here?

John (confused) - Around 5 to 6 years now... but her dad used to work here... that's why she is so confident that she won't get fired... her dad was a wonderful employee.... That Shivay sir had a lot of faith in...

Me (smiling) - How do you know all this?

John (still confused) - I asked people... but why do you want to know all this?

Me (smirking) - You will find out soon... for now... wanna come to the office with me?

John nods and I go inside dad's office with John.

Me (nervous) - Sir...

Dad immediately turns around and is about to ask me to come towards him but stops himself.

Me (smiling) - Actually sir, the receptionist outside... really wants to work more... she was too nervous to ask you so I asked myself... she wants you to give her more responsibility and work... she doesn't like sitting at one desk and just waiting to serve people... she wants to be given more responsibility...

Dad (confused) - Umm... thank you for letting me know that... and I will keep that in my mind... but for now... did the receptionist explain the schedule to you?

Me (smiling) - Yes sir...

John (smiling) - Actually sir... we are both with you today...

Dad gives a smile and then dismisses us.
John (confused) - Why did you say that?

Me (smirking) - Because now the receptionist will get busy... and that would be a good enough punishment for a lazy lady...

John looks at me with an amusing face and then takes me on a tour around the building. He doesn't know that I have seen this office way too many times but I follow him while pretending that I have no idea what the building from the inside looks like.

To those, who want John's picture, he isn't that relevant so I haven't put it up but just imagine him as anyone.

Precap - Rumya's POV

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