Chapter 17

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Rahul's POV

I walk into Saumya chachi's building with a smile on my face. Saumya chachi has given most of her responsibilities to her manager, Sam as she doesn't come to her office often as she trusts her manager to do the right thing. I walk towards Sam's office and he immediately greets me with a smile.

Sam (smiling) - Hello Rahul Sir, I hope you are well...

Me (smiling) - Hello Sam and yes I am can you please give me the accountants file as well as employees file...and show me where my office is at...

Sam smiles and takes me towards a spare office that chachi has made for me and then he leaves to get the employees file. Chachi knows me more than myself, she has put a group photo of everyone at the Oberoi mansion smiling... which was around the time mum was pregnant with Pari while Pankhuri chachi pregnant with Aditi. That was the only full family photo we have because the next photo is a photo where mum is in the hospital while holding a baby Pari in her arm while dad is holding me and smiling. I really miss you mum. I wish you both were here dad... mum... Par...Pari. I walk towards the next photo and I caress it... the photo of me holding my little Pari while Shivika is holding Aditi and the others are making funny faces. I laugh thinking about the moment.... It was the day before Pari's birthday and we all decided to take a photo to capture the moment... but we didn't know that this will be the last time that we will ever take a photo like this.

Sam (rushing in) - Here sir...

Sam looks at me while giving me the files and could see that I have cried but without questioning me, he leaves and I start to wipe my tears. I sit on the blue chair and I start to look over the accounts file... everything seems perfect. I guess Sam is a trustful person. I then went to the employee file and I look at familiar people's name there. It was 15 years ago when I came to chachi's office and I saw the employees. They are still here... I am surprised, but then I get another surprise to see that the girl I saw at the mall yesterday... Pari works here... and so does her friend... Myra... that girl that I saw in the mall with Pari. I start to instantly feel a connection with Pari... it's as if we are related... but how is that possible? She can't be my sister... can she? I look at Pari's personal details... and I get to know that she isn't married... doesn't have a last name... is around the same age as Pari but her birthday is different from my sisters... using my phone I take a quick photo of her address and I flip through the book. If only we were allowed to know parent's names... but then even if I knew her parent's names then it wouldn't have been useful. Suddenly I hear a knock which gains my attention. Who could it be? I quietly command the person to come in and I see a nervous Myra staring at me. Wonder why...she is wearing a beautiful pink dress and has a pink carry bag. She is wearing minimal makeup as well as jewellery and is wearing a necklace that has the letter M carved on it. She nervously comes closer to me while fidgeting her hands and I watch her amusingly.

Myra (nervous) - Sir... act...actually my friend and I want to have a day of this Thursday...

Me (upset) - I am sorry Ms Myra... you know the rules... we need to know about this 2 weeks before... you can't just ask 3 days before... That's not right ...

Myra (upset) - Please sir... It's my friend's dad's birthday...

I start to think about dad... his birthday is supposed to be on Thursday as well...

Me (curious) - What's your friend's name?

Myra (nervous) - Pari...

There it is... that name... I need to talk to Ansh and Dhruv about Pari... I feel as if we are related...

Me (smiling) - Fine, you and your friend can have a day off but only this time...

Myra nods and happily leaves the room while I start to think about my childhood memories with mum, dad and Pari.

Flashback ~ when Rahul was 3

No one's POV

Gauri (annoyed) - Rikara! Rikara!

Rahul immediately goes towards him mum and laughs seeing his mum's condition. Gauri has milk all over her dress as poor Pari decides that she wants to spill the milk bottle. Gauri is glaring at Pari who is laughing seeing her mum's condition.

Pari (smiling) - Mu...mumma!!

Rahul (surprised) - Mum... she said her first word...

Gauri (smiling) - Yes... she did...

Rahul rushes outside and gathers everyone in the Oberoi mansion to look at his younger sister...

Rahul (smiling) - Say mumma...

Pari being an attention seeker says the word and everyone smiles while Omkara gets tears in his eyes. He immediately lifts up Pari and tickles her while Gauri leaves to get changed.

Omkara (smiling) - Rahul... you know your first word was also mumma... and so is hers...

Rahul (surprised) - Really dad?

Omkara (smiling) - Yes...

Soon Omkara puts Pari down and Pari starts crying.

Rahul (smiling) - my little baby is crying... here... (gives her a toy)

While Pari is playing with the toy Rahul carefully lifts her up with the help of Omkara and then starts tapping her back which makes her fall asleep.

Gauri (smiling) - Thank you Rikara! Only you can make her fall asleep...

Rahul smiles feeling proud and then gives Pari to his dad.

Gauri (smiling) - Now it's time I put my favourite princess to sleep...

Gauri goes to get Aditi, while Omkara plays games with Rahul.

Flashback ends

Rahul's POV

That memory is so important to me... my parents were so proud of me... Pari couldn't even sleep without me... but now... I get nightmares because Pari isn't near me...I again go into another flashback mode when dad was teaching me not to lie.


No one's POV

Omkara has just found out that Rahul has lied to him about something and therefore, he is going to Rahul to teach him.

Omkara (upset) - Rahul... did you lie to me?

Rahul (smiling) - No dad...

Omkara (upset) - tell me the truth...

Rahul looking into his father's eyes and seeing him hurt made him immediately tells his father the truth.

Rahul (upset) - Yes... dad I lied... because I didn't want to hurt you...

Omkara (smiling) - Rahul... I am more upset that you lied to me... if you had told me the truth then I wouldn't have been that hurt... always remember this Rikara... 'Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.' because one day, that lie will be caught and they will lose trust on you... no matter how bad the truth is... no matter how heartbreaking it can be... you should always say it...

Rahul (smiling) - I promise to not lie to you, dad... I promise...

Flashback Ends

Rahul's POV

I jerk from my thoughts hearing another knock.

Sam (smiling) - Sir, would you like me to introduce you to everyone?

Me (smiling) - yes sure...

I follow Sam as he introduces me to various people and I shake hands with them or say 'namaste,' soon he introduces me to Pari. Pari smiles at me while I smile back.

Pari (smiling) - You are the guy I met at the mall...

Me (smiling) - yes... I am Rahul Singh Oberoi...

Pari (smiling) - Wow, so you are the owner of this office...well I am Pari...

Me (smiling) - I am not the owner of this office but my chachi is but how long have you been working here?

Pari (smiling) - I actually started just a few days ago as I shifted from Mumbai to Delhi... and I want to help my dad... that's why I am working...

Me (smiling) - You must be a good daughter then...

Pari (smiling) - Yes...

I smile and wave bye to Pari and soon I see Myra. She looks at me somewhat tensed but then smiles seeing someone.

Myra (smiling) - Hello Sir...

Me (smiling) - hello... are you ok?

Myra (tensed) - yes sir... absolutely fine...

Not wanting to question her further, I walk with Sam to my office and start to work on the pending tasks that Sam gives me.

Precap - Shivika's POV

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