Chapter 18

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Shivika's POV

I go towards the red Ferrari that dad had bought for me on my 18th birthday. Red is my favourite colour and that's why it's my favourite car. As I am about to hop in, mum drags me away from the car.

Mum (upset) - I am sorry Shivika... but this car... it has been sold and the new owner will soon be here... I know how much you love this car and how much you value it but we aren't able to afford it... so...

Me (angry) - What the... mum... that's not fair... why couldn't you sell other cars? This car is very special to me... and the number plate is lucky for me... it says my name on the car mum... I am not giving this car... NO WAY!

Mum silently drags me away from the scene and makes me sit in her car. Like seriously, mum... your car... it's nothing compared to my Ferrari. I look at mum with accusing eyes when she asks the driver to take us to her business. Why... why do I have a mum that thinks so much like a middle-class lady? She is the wife of a businessman... they why does she forget that? I am only keeping shut due to Aditi... otherwise, I would have said something.

Mum (upset) - Look... (tries to cup me but I move her arm away from me) Shivika beta... we will get your car back as soon as your dad's business starts to gain profit. Shivika... your dad and I are trying to feed 6 people in this house... including us... we have to look after our own business... and also we have to pay off the loan that your great-grandfather had when he bought the Oberoi mansion... we can't afford to pay for your cars...they are expensive... but I promise... that I will get your car back when your dad starts getting profit from his business...

Wow, mum, I like the way you tried to convince me but it isn't going to work.

Me (angry) - My great-grandfather had 4 grandsons... first is Aditya chacha...who has something wrong with him then is papa... who is paying back the loan... second is Omkara chacha... who is no more... and last is Rudra chacha... why can't Rudra chacha and Aditya chacha do that mum?

Mum (upset) - Your father has always been earning for his family... and therefore... everyone expects him to pay for it But your Rudra chacha is helping your dad as well... he is paying half of the loan... and your Aditya chacha... he isn't well ....

Me (angry) - Aditya chacha is so selfish... he lost Pankhuri chachi more than 20 years ago... and he is still upset about it... all he does is stay in his room and eat what you give him... why can't he do something as well? Why can't he start growing up and start working in the business with dad? Why can't he stop accusing Aditi of all his problems? All he can think about is himself... how can he forget that you lost your sisters... dad lost his brother and sister... and I lost my baby sister as well as my chachis and chacha? But we are all moving on... we are not sitting in one spot crying about it... then why can't he dammit?

Mum (angry) - Be quiet Shivika... he is your chacha show him some respect... you don't know the pain he is going through... your chacha... has been living with Pankhuri for a really long time... and it's not easy to forget someone that is so close to your heart... I still haven't got over their deaths (OmRiKh)...and the only reason that I am not doing what your chacha is doing is that the only way to keep me from feeling miserable about their death is to work. Work 24/7... so that I don't have to think about them continuously... yet every time I walk into Oberoi mansion... I feel guilty as I could have saved them...

I look at mum who stares at me with anger, I guess I shouldn't have said that.

Driver - We are here...

Mum gets off immediately and doesn't even wait for me. She rushes towards the building while trying to hide her tears. Whenever mum gets too angry... she cries... and today I am the reason behind her tears. If Aditi, was here then she would have been so disappointed and mad at me. I to get out of the car and leave for mum's office but as soon as I reach the door's entrance... the wind starts to blow fast... I wonder why... this is like those stupid television shows... I ignore the wind and I go towards mum's cabin... but as soon as I step in... my heels start to get wobbly and I am about to lose my balance but someone saves me from the embarrassment. I don't know who as my eyes are closed but I look up to see that guy... Shyam... ugh... middle-class people...

Me (angry) - Why did you catch me?

He immediately lets go of me and I fall hurting my bum. This idiot...

Shyam (smirking) - Fine then... I shouldn't have helped you...

He leaves not even helping me to get up. I will not spare you Shyam... you watch. I could see that everyone was staring at me... so I immediately get up and go towards mum's cabin. I knock on her cabin and then I enter in. I could see that she has cried a lot... she is still crying ... I may be upset with mum but the tears... they are making me want to cry.

Movie: Raja Aur Runk

Song - Tu Kitni Achhi Hai

Me (crying) - Tu Kitni Achhi Hai...Tu Kitni Bholi Hai ... Pyaari Pyaari Hai O Maa Aa Aa O Maa O Maa Aa Aa O Maa (goes towards mum)

Me (crying) - u Kitni Achhi Hai...Tu Kitni Bholi Hai ... Pyaari Pyaari Hai O Maa Aa Aa O Maa O Maa Aa Aa O Maa (wipes her tears)

Me (crying) - Ke Yeh Jo Duniya Hai, Yeh Ban Hai Kaanton Ka Tu Phulwaari Hai, O Maa O Maa O Maa, O Maa (Mum wipes my tears)

Me (hugging mum) - Dukhne Laagi Hai Maa Teri Aankhiyaan ... - Dukhne Laagi Hai Maa Teri Aankhiyaan... Mere Liye Jaagi Hai Tu Saari Saari Ratiyaan Meri Nindiyaan Pe Apni Nindiyaan Bhi Tune Maari Hai, O Maa O Maa O Maa, O Maa

Mum hugs me back and I stop singing while she starts to smile at me.

Me (upset) - Sorry mum...

Mum (upset) - Shivika... learn from your mistakes... you can't keep saying sorry and then not learn from them... from now on... you will not compare anyone in the Oberoi mansion... we are a family... Shivika... everyone is different and you need to know that...

Me (smiling) - I won't mum... can I ask you something now? (mum nods) ... Why is Shyam here...

Mum immediately smiles hearing Shyam's name making me feel a tiny bit jealous of Shyam as he can make my mum smile without even physically being here while I...

Mum (smiling) - He is doing an internship with me...

Me (confused) - but wasn't he doing it with dad?

Mum (smiling) - He is... but he is doing a double course... he wants to be a businessman like your dad... and do the type of business I am doing... so he goes to your dad's business... every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday while he comes to mine every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday...

Me (annoyed) - Wow, nice... anyway, please tell me what I am supposed to do?

Mum (smiling) - You will be working with Shyam to do the wedding planning for Mr and Mrs Sharma's 35th wedding anniversary... and this is a surprise wedding... so you will have to do it secretly when they aren't there... Mr Sharma's daughter will tell you when to come... to prepare for the wedding... the bride and groom don't know anything about this surprise wedding... their children want them to again make the promises they made 35 years ago...

Me (smiling) - I don't get why the children would want to do that... but I will try my best to impress our clients ...

I didn't make faces or react at the name of Shyam because mum would get annoyed with me and I want to be on her good side.

Mum (smiling) - You don't know what it would mean to Mr and Mrs Sharma when their children do something like this for them... anyway, go meet Shyam and discuss the plans with him... I don't want any complaints from my clients Shivika... they are very important... so please be mature...

I smile and promise mum to be mature and leave to find that Shyam. I look around the office to find that Shyam but I see him nowhere.

Guy (taping my back) - Are you looking for Shyam?

I nod and he tells me to go outside. I suspiciously go outside to see him playing with a little girl. She looks as if she is 5 years old. To be honest, I am not that good with kids even though I looked after Aditi, I still am not that good and I am not going to touch some random kid. I slowly go near Shyam and the girl and I hear bits of information from their conversation.

Shyam (smiling) - I will do anything for you princess... you name it...

Girl (smiling) - Really? You are the best... I want ice cream... please get me that...

Shyam (worried) - Now?

The girl nods, and Shyam looks at the girl with an upset face.

Shyam (worried) - Princess, you know I can't get you are already sick...

Girl (upset) - But papa...

What? That's his daughter... how is that possible? He is around the same age as me... then...

The girl turns towards me and starts to cry.

Girl (upset) - Aunty... can you please tell dad to get me ice cream?

I stare at the small girl who is crying, non-stop and Shyam who turned around stares at me with shock. Should I help her? Shyam comes towards the girl and tries to carry her but she runs away from him and holds on to my dress. I guess I should help her because Shyam could complain to mum if I don't...

Me (bending down and wiping her tears) - What's your name?

Girl (sniffing) - Pooja...and what's your name aunty?

Do I really look that old?

Me (smiling) - My name is Shivika... please don't call me aunty... you can call me Shivika...(Pooja nods)... do you want ice cream? (Pooja nods again with an innocent smile)... I will buy you ice cream... but only after you are well...

Pooja (upset) - But how will you know when I am well?

Me (smiling) - I will ask your dad...

Pooja immediately hugs me with a bright smile and after a few minutes, I hug her back. I can't believe that I just hugged someone that doesn't have a last name. Soon the hug ends and Shyam takes Pooja with him somewhere but as he is about to leave, I stop him.

Me (smiling) - We have a proje...

Shyam (worried) - I know... I will come back in 15 minutes...

What do you guys think of Shyam and Shivika's love story so far?

What do you guys think of Shivika?

Precap - Dhruv's POV

Happy Rakshabandhan & Happy Independence Day to Everyone

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