Chapter 19

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Dhruv's POV

The smell of yummy food makes me sooo hungry. I rushed inside mum's restaurant and I see a lady serving food to the customers. I rush towards the lady to help her serve the food but I guess she didn't see me as we bumped into each other and fell. I am on top of her and staring into her eyes, while she...she is trying to get up.

Girl (annoyed) - Excuse me...

Immediately I feel some kind of pinch on my hand and I move away feeling hurt. She gets up and orders the staff to clean up the mess. I also get out of my dreamland and get up. The girl stares at me with anger, and I look around to see the customers staring at us with an annoyed expression.

Girl (annoyed) - Excuse me, who are you?

(She isn't smiling)

Me (smiling) - Dhruv... I am the new... worker...

She looks at me with disbelief but then drags me inside. This girl is wearing a green dress with minimal jewellery and has a ring on her finger. She has her head tied up and put into a bun. She looks older than me, maybe by 2 or 3 years. I have seen and met a lot of girls... and even been around a lot of them... but this girl... she seems special.

Girl (annoyed) - Stop staring at me... now listen to me... Dhruv... I have to contact my boss to ask her about you...

NO! If mum gets to know that I am acting as a worker then I am doomed. I need to think about a way to stop her from calling mum...

Me (fake smiling) - Actually, I have got permission from the boss's son... you can call him and ask him if you want...

She stares at me as if she is checking if I am lying but then breaks the ice.

Girl (frowning) - I have his number... I will check...

She goes through her phone to find my number, while I silently leave the place, lying that I need to go to the toilet. As soon as I arrive outside, I get a call from the girl.


Girl - Hello, is this Dhruv Singh Oberoi?

Me - Yes, may I know who you are?

Girl - I am Ayesha... I am calling in because an employee has just turned up just now and is claiming to have been hired by you. Is that correct?

Me - Yes, is his name, Dhruv?

Ayesha - Yes... thank you so much for your time, sir...

Call Ends

She cuts the call and I rushed inside to see her talking to some lady and instructing her.

Ayesha - Make sure to apologise to the customers for the mess that I created and also give them 5% off on behalf of me...

The lady nods and leaves, while Ayesha turns around and stares at me.

Ayesha (annoyed) - Due to the mistake you made... half of your salary will be cut off for this week... and also you will be undergoing training... as a chef...

I nod and then follow her towards the kitchen. There I see a guy cooking some meals. This is making me so hungry.

Ayesha - This is Rohit... you will be working with him... right now, he is cooking a special meal for our customer and you need to know how to cook that as it's ordered frequently.

I nod and Ayesha leaves me to be with Rohit. Rohit starts instructing me on how to make a meal and I nod at him when he explains something. This has got to be one of the most boring lectures I went to. Soon, I see a beautiful girl working on the opposite side of me. Her hair is so long, and her figure. Oh god, so good.

Rohit (shaking me) - Do you understand?

All I do is a nod and he continues to explain something to me. My eyes are where that girl and therefore, I have no idea what he is talking about. Suddenly, she turns around and I am not that surprised to see her. She is that girl in my class... what's her name? Ugh... oh yeah, Reyanna... but what is she doing here? My legs immediately take me towards her. She is actually one of the hottest girls in my school. I tap her shoulder as her back was again turned to me and she turns around while doing that her hair flip.

Reyanna (surprised and shouting) - OMG, Dhruv Sing...

I close her mouth immediately fearing she may reveal my identity.

Me (smiling) - Hey R...

Before I could finish my sentence I get a surprise hug from her, eventually, I hugged her back.

Me (smiling) - Reyanna? Right...

Reyanna (smiling) - OMG, you know me ... this so amazing...

Me (smiling) - Of course, it is... but you are so pretty...

Suddenly I feel someone tapping me on the back, but I ignore the tap and continue to praise Reyanna. However, the tapping doesn't stop and after being irritated, I turn towards the tap to see an angry Ayesha.

Ayesha (angry) - What are you doing?

Me (smiling) - She was teaching me how to...

I start to look around to see if Ayesha was cooking something, but due to that girl being in my way, I can't say anything.

Me (smiling) - make a dish...

Ayesha (annoyed) - Which dish?

Me (smiling) - A dish made with lots of love... you wouldn't understand...

Ayesha glares at me but then leaves me.

Reyanna (upset) - You shouldn't have said that...

Me (curious) - Why?

Reyanna (upset) - It's not my place to tell...

I wave bye to Reyanna and go to that stupid Rohit, to listen to his lecture. I don't want to make that lady angrier. I wonder if she knows how to smile.

Precap - Rumya and Aditi's POV

What do you guys think of Ayesha?

Next Update: Monday

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