Chapter 20

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Rumya's POV

I stare at Karan Mehra as he makes an entry inside the office. What the hell? Why him? There are over 1.339 billion people in India, and half of the people have some kind of mental illness... then why does he have to be my client?

Karan Mehra (smirking) - Hello to my psychologist...

Kiara (smiling) - Hello Karan... please take a sit...

Karan Mehra nods and goes to take a seat. Kiara goes to sit across from him while I follow her.

Kiara (smiling) - So Karan, I have already discussed with you in our last meeting about the rules and regulations when working with you understand them?

Karan Mehra (smiling) - Yes...

Kiara (smiling) - Ok then... let's get started... Rumya sits on the sofa beside me (I nod and sit beside her)... so if you don't mind Karan, can you please tell Rumya about your life...

Karan Mehra (smiling) - Of course, so let me tell you... I have 2 siblings, one girl and the other one boy... and I have a mother... (Kiara eyes Karan making his smile vanish)... fine, I will tell the truth... I have got 2 step-siblings... one girl as I said and the other boy... my step-mother...she loves both of them very much. My dad married my step-mother when I was 2 years old as my mum died in an accident.... My step-mother used to be nice to me... she used to take care of me as mum did... she was a perfect mother... but after a year and a half... everything changed...she gave birth to my younger step-siblings... who are twins... and after a few months dad died... she started looking after my younger siblings more... I wanted to help her but she wouldn't let me near them... and would always say one thing to me, 'I don't want my kids to die... you killed your own mother... and now you want to kill my kids... no way.' I had no idea why she told me that, all her care started to vanish as my siblings started getting older... she wouldn't give a damn about me... she would make me clean the house... made me cook for her... I was only 3 when this started to happen... I wouldn't cook but she would make me clean... she would sometimes not even give me food... my education was until year 8... after that she made me quit school so that I can earn money... you see I loved learning... it was my passion... I was a shy student and therefore, I didn't have friends and the friends that I had, I wasn't very close with but I was a brilliant student... after quitting school, I went on the wrong path because no one was there to guide tell me what is wrong and what is right... and that's when the trouble started rising... I use...used to smoke with those people and even sell drugs... some were younger and some were older than me. Using the money I earned from selling drugs, I started to give it to mum... she was really happy to get so much money and that made me want to sell more drugs as her happiness meant the world to me... but a year later... police found out about us... not about me but about some of my friends... and arrested them... not wanting to get arrested and fearing my life... I quit... I tried to find work but no one wants to hire a 15-year-old who has no experience... I tried day and night... but to no use... and since I stopped earning money... mum...mum... kicked me out... I slept on the streets...for god knows how many days... I didn't have food for so many days...

Kiara (upset) - Thank you so much, Karan... we will continue this in the next session... It takes someone a lot of strength to tell this story to a stranger... and I would like to thank you for this bravery...

Karan Mehra wipes off his tears and leaves the room. I still have tears in my eyes listening to such a story, the way he was smiling and flirting with people could make anyone think that there is no pain in his heart.

Kiara (smiling) - So Rumya, I will let you process all this information... it's nearly 4:30 pm...

I smile and nod at Kiara and then leave the place. While I am in the car, I get a message from Dhruv in the group chat that the location has changed and we are meeting at our regular cafe.

Me (annoyed) - Driver, can you please change to go towards the cafe...

Driver - ok mam...

After 20 minutes

I walk into the cafe feeling a little uneasy, I have no idea why. I walk into seeing that everyone was there with bright smiles. As everyone notices me, they come to hug me, the only person that doesn't hug me is Shivika as neither I nor Shivika has ever gotten well together. I take a sit besides Aditi and the discussion starts.

Rahul (smiling) - So, who wants to first tell us how their day went?

Aditi (nervous) - Me...

All eyes turn towards Aditi and she gulps nervously and then starts her story

Aditi's POV


Suddenly, Ananya mam turns around and I get shocked to see her.... It''s
Ananya (shaking me) - Aditi...

I get out of my freezing zone and smile at Ananya... or should I say, mum.

Me (teary-eyed) - mu...

Ananya (confused) - are you ok?

Me (smiling through my tears) - Yep, never been better... I wanted to ask...if you know anyone called Pankhuri?

Ananya (smiling) - I thought I was going to do an interview... but I guess I am the one getting interviewed... no... I don't know her... why?

Me (upset) - Nevermind... I am ready for the interview...

Ananya/mum starts asking me questions while I answer them and after a few minutes, she smiles and gives me the internship.

Ananya (smiling) - I am surprised by your knowledge Aditi... you can join from...

Before Ananya could finish her talk, a guy walks in and hugs her.

Guy (smiling) - Ananya... I was thinking ... do you want to go to a restaurant date with me?

Ananya (smiling and blushing) - Arjun, I am in a meeting right now... but I can't say no to my handsome husband...

Arjun nods and is about to leave when Ananya asks him to meet me. No, she can't be my mum... my mum... loved dad a lot... I immediately rush outside the office but I could see that everyone's eyes were on me, including Ananya who was shocked to see me like this. I guess I lost my dream internship...

Flashback ends

Precap - Argument

Next Update: Monday

What do you guys think of Karan Mehra?

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