Chapter 24

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Arnav (worried) - I wish we could stop this wedding Khushi?

Khushi (upset) - We can't Arnavji... we promised Arushi that we will not try to stop her marriage again.


Khushi & Arnav were trying to prove to Arushi that Prem isn't the right guy for her and they even showed her some proof of Zara and Prem's relationship like a voice recording of their conversation, however Arushi showed full faith in Prem due to Prem's manipulation and she made Arnav and Khushi promise that they won't create any more trouble.

Flashback ends

The Oberois rush inside the mansion but while going in Ansh sees Prem and Zara in a room and instantly takes the chance to record their conversation while Dhruv sees Ayesha and rushes to hide but unfortunately he gets caught and has to talk to her. Rahul, on the other hand, sees Myra and rushes with a smile to talk to her as he always felt some connection with her. Meanwhile, Yash who is feeling a little out of place decides to stand there but to his surprise, he finds his childhood friend and starts talking to her.

Ansh's POV

I should go a little closer and hear their conversation and should turn my phone recording on.

Prem (annoyed) - What are you saying, Zara?

Zara (smiling) - I am saying the truth, Prem... it's a miracle... I am pregnant... I have been dying to tell you this for sooo long...

Prem (shocked) - How many months?

Zara (smiling) - Around 2 weeks now... I got to know this only yesterday... you don't have to get married anymore...

Prem (annoyed) - No Zara... I do... and you need to abort this child as soon as possible... I can't have it ruin my life...

Zara (shocked) - Why are you behaving like this Prem? This is our child... our love sign... and you are asking me to abort it... (sad)... did you choose money or that Arushi over me?

Prem (annoyed) - No... I wouldn't do that... just keep your mouth shut until I get married...

Prem leaves the room cursing his fate, while I hide but as I look inside I see a crying Zara. I got the opportunity.

Ansh's POV ends, Dhruv's POV

Oh god, help me from this woman. Out of all the places that have catering to do... why does she have to come to this one? I need to hide. I am about to hide behind some guy when she catches me and comes marching towards me. Oh god... please help me... she looks mad. I should apologise for my rude behaviour from this morning.

Me (nervous) - I am so...

Ayesha (angry) - Just be quiet... what are you doing this? (I open my mouth to talk) Wait, you must be here for the catering... make sure that all these food are warm... while I will check on the waiters...

Me (confused) - Wait... I didn't come...

Ayesha (annoyed) - Just be quiet and do the work... I told Rohit to get one of the workers to help me... but he bought you... just get back to work...

Ayesha leaves in a huff while I do the catering business only because I saw Reyanna.

Me (smiling) - Hey Reyanna... did you miss me?

Rahul's POV

I walk up to Myra and she nervously looks at me. Wonder what's wrong with her.

Me (smiling) - Hello Myra...

Myra (nervous) - Si...Sir... you here...

Me (smiling) - Yes, it's actually my family friend's about you?

Myra (nervous) - It's my friend who brought me here...

Me (smiling) - That's nice... why do you seem so nervous? I mean you are sweating and all...

Myra (wiping her sweat and smiling) - It's really hot..

Me (confused) - Are you serious? I should tell the management to make the air conditioner has a lower temperature.... I am not feeling cold but if you are then...

Myra (smiling) - No! It's fine... I have to go anyway... I am not feeling great...

Me (worried) - Let me drop you....

Myra (worried) - No sir...

Me (smiling) - I insist... and also if we ever meet outside of work you can call me Rahul...

Myra (worried) - No it's fine sir... I have to go...

She is about to go but slips due to the wet floor but I catch her.

I look into her beautiful brown eyes while she stares into mine. I feel as if the time has stopped and it's just me and her.

No one's POV

Soon it was time for the marriage ceremony, and all the guests were waiting for the bride to make an entrance well except for Dhruv who is busy flirting with Ayesha, Rahul busy talking to Myra and Yash busy with his childhood friend. Arushi feels a little difference while holding on to her mother and father's hand. Arnav and Khushi are actually happy and nervous right now as they have discovered that Ansh has got proof against that Prem and he will be exposed soon.

Arushi (smiling) - I am really happy to see the happiness on your faces after so long... mum... dad...

Arnav (upset) - The reason behind my sadness was you Arushi... and the reason behind my happiness is someone else...

Arushi (annoyed) - Seriously dad? You are still on about that... Prem is a nice guy and once you get to know him... I am sure you will love him...

Arnav looks at his wife with an annoyed expression as they put her on mandap before the marriage could start Ansh stops the wedding.

Ansh (shouting) - STOP!

Everyone's eyes are on Ansh, some have faces of fear while some with annoyed expressions and some with smiles.

Ansh (smirking) - This guy is married already...

Arushi (angry) - What the... Ansh do you realise what you are saying? Panditji... don't listen to him...

Arnav (angry) - Shut up Arushi... continue Ansh...

Ansh goes up to Arushi and forcefully makes her stand up from mandap which makes Prem really angry and holds on to his collar but before he could do anything to Ansh, 3 boys stop him... Dhruv... Rahul and Yash.

Dhruv (angry) - Don't mess with us...

Rahul (angry) - Or we will ruin your life...

Yash (angry) - What they said...

Dhruv (turning to Yash and staring at him) - Really?

Yash (confused) - I wanted to contribute to this... as well...

Ansh (smirking) - Now boys... can you keep that dirty fellow away from me ...

Arushi (angry) - What the... don't you dare do that... who are you to stop this wedding... I am sure that you are doing this because you want to marry me... well, listen up Ansh Singh Oberoi... I don't like you ... and I never will... do you understand?

Ansh (smirking) - Here is the proof... (shows the marriage certificate)... I bet you won't believe this ... then maybe this will prove you wrong... (shows her the clip from Oberoi mansion)... if you look closely at this clip then you can see the way Prem is telling Zara to be quiet... if you don't believe this then... maybe she will be able to convince you...

Ansh moves out of the way so Arushi could see Zara who has tears in her eyes and is touching her belly. She is approaching Arushi really slowly while Prem is warning her through his eyes to stop but she ignores him and stands in front of Arushi and folds her hands.

Zara (crying) - He is saying the truth... this guy is only after your money...

Prem (angry) - What are you saying, Zara? STOP NOW!

Zara (crying) - No! Thanks to Ansh I understood that you loved me... but you love money more... our plan was to marry Arushi... then get her pregnant and then we would run away with the child and the money... and we did this because I couldn't become pregnant and we were poor... however, just yesterday I found out I was pregnant... I wanted... wanted to leave all this and start a fresh life... I tried to convince Prem to tell you the truth... but he told me to keep quiet and abort this child... how can I? We dreamt to have a child for so long... and now he wants me to abort it... just for your money... just so HE doesn't get caught... If you want more proof, Arushi then I have photos of us... and this child is a sign of our love.

Zara breaks down and starts to cry and so does Arushi. Arnav and Khushi immediately go to her to give her strength while Ansh watches the scene hiding his sympathy for Arushi.

Ansh (upset) - let's go... our job is done...

Dhruv (seeing Ayesha staring at him) - I will stay... you all can go...

Ansh is about to leave when he hears the whispers happening in the hall.

Reporter - This will be a great headline... Arushi Singh Raizada's fiance turns out to be a fraud...

Reporter 2 - Why do you think he did that?

Reporter - Obviously because he knew that Arushi is dumb... I mean come's so obvious... she was told by her parents... and other family friends to stop this marriage but she didn't listen... even when Ansh Singh Oberoi tried to stop it she accused him of liking her.. I mean come on... even Ansh Singh Oberoi has standards unlike her...

Reporter 2 - I am sure that now all those playboys have a chance with Arushi... I mean come on... she is hot... and a fool... and rich...

Ansh immediately goes to both the reporters and punches them which makes everyone shocked.

Ansh (angry) - uncle... if you don't mind then I want to marry Arushi right now...

Arnav (shocked) - What? Right now? Why?

Ansh (upset) - I feel I will keep her happy in the future and also uncle... I have always liked her... since young... and since the mandap is ready and Arushi is already ready... then why not?

Khushi (shocked) - I should call Anika....

Rahul (smiling) - Yes, aunty... but before that... I want to do something...

Rahul goes towards Arushi and stares at her.

Rahul (smirking) - Why don't you teach the guy that has ruined your life a lesson?

Arushi wiping her tears goes towards Prem and slaps him not once, not twice but three times and after that, the police take both Prem and Zara away from the scene.

Prem (shouting while leaving) - I will have my revenge...

Will Arushi agree to marry Ansh?

Will the Oberois agree to have Arushi as their daughter in law?

Will Ansh and Arushi marry?

Precap - None

Next Update: Monday or next Thursday

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