Chapter 25

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Arushi's POV

I stare at Ansh with shock, even though I hurt him so much... he wants to marry me... why? I have lost all the respect that I had in front of the media... people are calling me characterless and a slut... yet he wants to marry me... why? I stare at Prem with pure anger as he smirks in front of me... I will not spare him... I slap him a couple of times making his cheeks red and then I kick him in his balls.

Prem (shouting while leaving) - I will have my revenge...

Me (angry) - I am not afraid of you... let's see what you can do...

Soon, I see Ansh coming towards me and then drags me inside a room.

Ansh (annoyed) - You must be wondering why I want to marry you... right?

Me (upset) - Yes...

Ansh (upset) - I am doing this for uncle... my upbringing has taught me to always listen to my elders... similar to yours... however, there is a difference between mine and yours... which is that I decided to follow that upbringing while you... you failed to follow it... how can you not trust the people that gave birth to you... looked after you for 20 years of your life... if my parents told me to break up with the person I love... I would without even questioning them... but you... you claim to love them but then you decided to trust Prem... really? (I put my head down in shame)... there is no point feeling embarrassed or ashamed as what's done is done... I tried to help you... but what I got in return was hatred from you... if it weren't for Zara then you wouldn't have believed the proof I showed you... having trust in your partner is good but having too much... is bad... didn't you learn that from your Anjali bua? Anyway, it is your choice whether you want to marry me or not? I will fulfil all my duties... but I won't be able to love you... at least not now... but in return, you also have to fulfil your duties... of being a good daughter-in-law and sister-in-law... it's fine if you can't be the best wife... I will leave the decision up to you now...

He leaves the room while I have a breakdown

I remove my jewellery and cry at my fate. I have become Anjali bua... the person who I hate the most (Arushi was only 2 when Anjali threw Khushi and Arnav and her from the house due to a misunderstanding). Can't believe that the past could have nearly repeated itself. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I become so blind in my love? Suddenly, a knock breaks my thoughts and I get up and unwillingly I open the door. I see an upset Anika aunty and an emotional mum. I unwillingly let them in and soon, I start to cry harder.

Mum (crying) - It's ok Arushi... everyone makes mistakes... and I am glad you are learning from them...

Anika aunty (hugging me) - I have made plenty of mistakes in my life Arushi... and they are nothing compared to what you did... Khushi... can I talk to Arushi privately?

Mum nods and leaves after kissing me on my head.

Anika aunty (gives me water and makes me sit) - I want to tell you something Arushi... (wipes my tears) I did a grave mistake by separating two brothers... by insulting the woman who gave me shelter... I know you must be confused, so let me explain... when your Gauri aunty was thought to be dead... I started blaming Shivay for it as Gauri and Omkara both used Shivay's car... I even hurt Saumya by saying rude stuff to her which caused the Oberoi mansion to be separated... from the past 20 years... the Oberoi mansion had lost their happiness... as the family was separated and this was due to me... I finally realised my mistake today... and I even asked for forgiveness but I know it's not easy to get that... everything won't be the same in my house... I know you must be wondering why I am telling you all this? Well, the reason is ... what I did was even worse than what you did... I am older than you... yet I made that mistake... so don't cry at the past... move on... and Ansh is giving you a perfect opportunity Arushi... Ansh would never hurt you... trust me... I am not saying this because he is my son but I am saying this as I know him... he wouldn't cheat on you either... he would be a perfect husband... and our family is ready to accept you as our daughter in law... but the decision is up to you... I will be happy... we will be happy with any of the decisions you make...

Anika aunty leaves the room while I think of my childhood with Ansh.

Flashback - When Ansh was 8 and Arushi 6

Ansh - Will you marry me?

Arushi (smiling) - No... I love... Dhruv

Arushi forcefully drags Dhruv towards her but Dhruv pushes her and runs of making Arushi cry in pain while Ansh tends to her. 

Ansh - I will always be here for you Arushi... let me apply the bandage...

Ansh runs to get the bandage and then tries to apply it to her, however, seeing her wound he starts to get tensed for her, even though it's only a small cut. While trying to apply the bandage, he blows on the spot, while Arushi stares at him, with a smile

Arushi (smiling) - I am the one who is hurt, but, you are on the verge of crying.

Ansh (worried) - Shut up, Arushi... this is not something you should be smiling at... are you fine now? (helping her get up)

Arushi (smiling) - yes, my hero... tell me... Ansh, will you always be here for me?

Ansh ( - Always... and if anyone tries to hurt you... then I won't spare them...

Arushi (smiling) - You love me that much... what if I find a different prince for me?

Ansh - I will be happy for you...

Arushi - What if he turns out to be a mean guy and leaves me...

Ansh - then we will get married... I don't think anyone can handle you except me...

Arushi - Why?

Ansh - Because only a karella can handle his karelli...

Flashback ends

I smile recalling the flashback, we were so innocent back then... I was innocent... but now... I get up from the seat with a determined look. I will marry Ansh ... I will become Arushi Singh Oberoi... I will not only be the perfect daughter-in-law and sister-in-law but I will also become a perfect wife. Mum comes in soon after and sees me putting on the jewellery.

Mum (smiling) - You have made the right decision Arushi... go wash your face... I will get the lady to do makeup on you again and I will let the Oberois know your decision...

I smile and leave to wash my face while mum goes to inform the Oberois.

After 1 hour

I stare at my face with disbelief. This is why I hate makeup, it ruins the simplicity. Looking at the makeup on my face, no one would be able to guess that this girl has had a mental breakdown an hour before. I only did makeup due to Prem... who am I thinking about?

Mum (smiling) - My daughter is a princess... comes, let's get you outside ... your prince is waiting...

Mum and dad take me outside with real smiles on their faces. How could I not notice that they were faking their smiles last time? I was made to sit in the mandap and then the mantras started to happen. Ansh didn't look so bad, with the traditional look. I have never seen him wear traditional clothes.

Priest - Marriage is now done... you may take the elders blessings...

We both head towards the elders in the room and we take their blessings. Soon, it was time for my bidaai. I cry in my mum's arms while my dad holds back his tears. My favourite song dilbaro plays in the background. I always wondered how it would feel to leave your house to go to your husband's house? To go to an unknown person's house... I thought to myself that I would not cry on the day but look at me now. Soon, Ansh holds me by my shoulder and separates me from my parents.

Ansh (whispering to me) - I am sorry that I have to do this... but we have to go home... it's getting late...

I wave goodbye to my parents and we sit in the car. I am crying non-stop in the car as I have already started missing them. Ansh offers me tissues which I take while he starts messaging someone.

Precap - Arushi & Ansh's wedding night (Ship name suggestions for them pls)

Note: Guys, my exams are approaching soon and therefore, I won't be able to update nor reply to comments for some time. The book, therefore, will be on hold, until I finish my exams. I hope you guys will understand me. Sorry!

In the meantime, do read the shivika fanfictions made by  riddhip92

Next Update: Next Month or November

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