Chapter 26

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Arushi's POV continues

All the rituals were nearly done, except for the ring finding one. I am feeling very tired, but looking at the happy faces on everyone's faces, I try to smile.

Gauri aunty (smiling) - Now, it's time for my favourite ritual... the ring finding ritual... I am going to put this ring inside the bowl containing milk and whoever finds the rings first will have the upper hand in the marriage for life... and if the ring is found by both at the same time, it is believed that there will be a sense of balance, understanding, companionship, and decision-making capability will always be there in between the relationship of husband and wife as a couple... so guys choose your teams...

Shivika, Dhruv, Yash and Aditi on Ansh's side while Pari, Rahul and Rumya on my side.

Saumya chachi (excited) - 3... 2...1... Go!

I start looking for the ring and so does Ansh after a few seconds, I feel something and I immediately lift it up but to my surprise, even Ansh is holding the ring but he immediately let go realising that I was holding it as well.

Rumya (smiling) - I knew Arushi bhabhi will win...

Rumya pokes her tongue out at the other team like a child and everyone laughs at the scene except Shivika.

Shivika (annoyed) - How can you lose bhai? This is not fair...

Ansh (smiling) - It's just a game... chill...

Anika aunty (smiling) - Now, for the last ritual... Ansh you must lift Arushi and take her to your room...

Me (shocked) - Aunty... why?

Gauri aunty (smiling) - It's a ritual Arushi... and please don't call Anika di or any of us uncles and aunties... you must address us like Ansh does as we are now family...

I nod and Ansh lifts me up to take me to his room which is upstairs. While I am in his arms, I stare at his eyes while he stares into mine... I could see the disappointment in his eyes for me... and I am not at all surprised. We finally arrive in the room, he puts me down and then stares at me.

Ansh (upset) - I will sleep on the sofa... you can sleep on the bed...

Me (upset) - No.... I will sleep on th...

Before I could finish my statement, we hear a knock while Ansh goes to answer.

Aditi (smiling) - If you want some alone time... then you must bribe us... otherwise, we are taking our bhabhi...

Aditi comes in and stands beside me with Pari and Rumya while Shivika and Yash stand outside. Dhruv and Rahul go towards Ansh and force him to give them money.

Ansh (smiling) - I have got a present for you in each of your bedrooms... go check it...

Everyone leaves the room with a big smile on their faces but the person that made them smile has sadness. Ansh goes to close the door and then takes a pillow and blanket to sleep on the sofa. I can't let him do this.

Me (upset) - I don't mind sharing the bed with you Ansh... we can...

Ansh (annoyed) - Look Arushi, you don't have to do any formalities on me... or feel guilty ... I am fine sleeping on the sofa... and please don't try to change my mind.

I leave to the bathroom feeling hurt... this is supposed to be my first night... and it is nothing like how I imagined it to be and it's all my fault... I choose the wrong guy to love and now I am living in a compromised marriage. I wash my face and change my clothes and then I calmly leave the bathroom. I look at Ansh who is sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa. I can't watch him like this... I don't deserve to sleep so peacefully when my husband isn't. I get a pillow and my blanket and I laid down on the floor beside Ansh.

The Next Day

I open my eyes due to the sun rays and I look around to realise what happened last night, my marriage... I start to realise that I am on the bed... but how is it possible? Suddenly, the bathroom door opens and Ansh comes out wearing a suit.

Ansh (upset) - I asked you to sleep on the bed... not on the floor...

Me (upset) - But how can I when you were sleeping on the sofa uncomfortably...

Ansh (annoyed) - please don't try to act smart Arushi... and sleep on the bed from now on... I told you that you don't have to be a good wife...or fulfil any of the duties... then why did you bother to do it?

Me (upset) - I will fulfil all my duties equally...

I head inside the bathroom not wanting to hear any more comments from Ansh.

Dhruv's POV

Today is a fresh day for me to impress Reyanna. Yesterday, I somehow got rid of that Ayesha and covered my identity but what about today?

Flashback ~ when Ansh was exposing Prem

Dhruv (nervous) - Ugh... Ayesha... I think you should go home... I will take care of everything here...

Ayesha (annoyed) - You are so lazy... but I won't be like you... I have a duty to do...

Dhruv (sweating) - I have talked to sir... and he said to make sure you go home right now... as it's getting late and you know how Delhi is...

Ayesha annoyingly leaves the place making Dhruv sigh in relief.

Flashback ends

Rahul's POV

Can't wait to meet Myra today, I don't know why I am feeling so excited to see her. We aren't even friends... then... what are these feelings I am getting hearing her name? Why do I get excited about hearing her name? We barely know each other... why do I feel so connected to her?

Rahul's POV ends, Arushi's POV starts

After putting the mangalsutra and sindoor on my neck and hairline, I head downstairs. Everyone is at the dining table but I could see that it was awkward for them... maybe because they are having their first meal together after so long as a family... I should do something to make it more special.

Me (smiling) - Good morning everyone...

Gauri chachi (smiling) - Good morning bacha...

Saumya chachi (smiling) - Have a seat...

Saumya chachi points to the seat beside Ansh, but I smile at chachi and move towards the kitchen.

Anika ma (coming in and smiling) - Is everything ok? What are you doing?

Me (smiling) - I want to make this more special... so I thought to cook something... I don't know how to cook a lot of food... but since young mum taught me how to make jalebi... so...

Anika ma (smiling) - I am sorry Arushi... But you can't cook today... we have a ritual that the newly wedded girl doesn't do any household duties... for a month...

Me (sad) - Oh... okay, let's go have breakfast then...

Anika ma walks with me towards the breakfast table and we sit quietly having breakfast. As soon as breakfast is done, everyone starts to head off to different places.

Anika ma (smiling) - Ansh, take Arushi with you to meet her parents... it's a ritual...

Ansh unwillingly agrees and we both head towards my house.

Precap - None

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