Chapter 28

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Rahul's POV

Me (upset) - Mum, dad! Let me go to the office today... even Pari went...

Dad (upset) - Oh come on Rikara... we haven't talked for 20 years... I think it will be good if we catch up...

Mum (upset and being dramatic) - Oh god! Please don't tell me you have found a girlfriend or something at work and that's why you don't want to miss out on work.

How can I tell you, mum? I want to go to work only for Myra... what's wrong with me? Why can't I convince my heart to let me stay home? I soon get up ignoring the pleas and I get ready to leave when I get a call. I pick up the call in a hurry not even checking the caller id.


Me - Hello!

Caller - Hello sir, it's me, Myra... I am actually not feeling well... I think I had something that was bad from the party and that's why I can't come...

Me (worried) - Okay, you can take a day of... text me your address...

Myra - Why?

Me (worried) - So... soo... so ... mum and dad want it...

Myra - What uncle and aunty... they already know (coughs)...

Call Ends

The call ends while I stared at the phone in worry, hope Myra is ok. I should stay back now since she isn't going. I turn back to my parents who are looking at me with those scary eyes.

Me (smirking) - I am staying...

Dad (smirking) - Of course you are... tell me who was that girl?

Me (worried) - What... girl?

Mum (dramatic) - Did you see Omkara... our son has changed... he is keeping secrets from his own mother ... he is lying to me...

Dad (annoyed) - Stop being dramatic Gauri... he is keeping secrets from me as well...

Mum (annoyed) - You aren't important... right now... (turning towards me and rushing to me) Rikara! what happened bacha? Who is the girl?

Me (annoyed) - What girl... (dad eyes me to tell him)... My...Myra...

Mum (shocked) - Myra... as in Pari's friend...

Me (smiling and blushing) - yes...

Mum (excited) - Oh my god, I love that girl... she will be a perfect daughter-in-law... I will talk to her grandparents right now...

Mum is about to go call her grandparents when I hold her back. I swear, mums are so dramatic.

Me (annoyed) - no mum... I want to get to know her first...

Dad (laughing) - Gauri... he wants to ask her out first... stop being dramatic...

Mum gets angry at dad and leaves the room with a huff while dad goes running behind her worried. I watch the scene amused, I hope my wife won't be this dramatic.


I pick up the call, sensing it was from Myra. I wonder how.


Me - Hello...

Myra (scared or worried) - Sir... please help me... th...they are trying to get me married ...t...

Me (concerned) - What? Where are you?

Myra - man...

Man (angry) - Myra! Get ready to go to xyz temple...otherwise...

Call Ends

Before he could finish his statement, the phone ended, which means he figured out that she was on the call with someone. Oh god! I have to act fast. I rushed outside while calling the police to go to the temple and also messaging mum and dad that I am going to save Myra.

Pari's POV

I head into the office feeling lonely. Even Myra isn't here today as her grandparents wanted to spend time with her and even my brother isn't. No one knows that I am the sister of the Rahul Oberoi as we have decided to say it next week in public. No one even knows about mum and dad's return either. I am thinking all this when Yash comes towards me and my sadness immediately turns into a smile. As he comes closer, I see a girl coming behind him and I could feel my smile vanishing... why? I don't even know the girl then why does it affect me if Yash hangs out with a girl or not?

Me (fake smiling) - Yash! You and here...

Yash (smiling) - Yes... why can't I visit my best friend at her work?

I feel some kind of a pain in me when I hear the word best friend. Why am I getting these feelings?

Me (fake smiling) - Of course you can... who is she?

Girl (smiling) - Hi... my name is Chrystal...I am Yash's childhood friend...

Me (fake smiling) - Wow, umm... so why are you here?

Yash (smiling) - I was taking Chrystal to the movies... (I get shocked) ... but then I thought how bored you must be at your work ... since Myra nor Rahul aren't here... so thought to invite you...

Wow, he was going to take this Chrystal to the movies. I have to beg him so many times to come movies with me but he automatically decided to go with Chrystal.

Me (fake smiling) - No you guys go...

Yash looked at me with a confused look but decided to leave me and went with Chrystal. Why would he do that? He should have asked me why... I will kill this guy when I see him after his date. I stare at the employees who see him angry but I give them a death glare and all of them get back to work.

Dhruv's POV

I walk into the restaurant with an excited face, today I am going to ask Reyanna to the movies. I walk inside the kitchen but then I dragged outside by Ayesha.

Ayesha (annoyed) - Why did you come yesterday? I asked Rohit why he sent you... and he said he didn't.. Tell me why did you come yesterday?

Me (smirking) - I was invited to the wedding by the Oberois... since I am a close family member to them...

Ayesha (annoyed) - You should have told me... I wouldn't have made you work...

Me (smiling) - If I told you then I wouldn't have been able to help you...

And my identity would have been revealed. I like being a normal boy in front of this lady.

Ayesha stares at me and is about to go when her dupatta gets attached to my watch, pulling her closer to me and involuntarily her hand goes on my chest. This is such a filmy scene, I guess now I am supposed to stare at her, which I do, however, she pushes me away from staring at someone in shock and removes her dupatta from my watch. I turn to where she is staring at, and I am surprised to see some lady staring at Ayesha with anger.

Lady (angry) - What is happening here?

Ayesha (scared) - mu...mum... actually... my dupatta got stuck on ...

Lady (angry) - You better be careful Ayesha... I am watching you...

Why is she threatening Ayesha? We did nothing wrong.

Me (annoyed) - Excuse me, we did nothing wrong... why are you staring at Ayesha as if you would kill her with your looks?

Lady (angry) - It seems like you are new... let me tell you this... you don't get to talk to me like that... I am the co-owner of this restaurant... and also the mother-in-law of Ayesha... so mind your own business.

Oh no, she didn't. I will not let her talk to me like that. She may be the co-owner of this restaurant but my mum old most of the shares and this is no way to talk to her daughter-in-law.

Me (angry) - For your kind information, you can't talk to me like this... you don't know who I am... DHRUV SINGH OBEROI... or the 70 per cent owner of this restaurant technically my mum is... but still... and even if this conversation is between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, this is a restaurant, not your home...

The lady gets shocked and fumes but leaves the restaurant and I turn to Ayesha who is too shocked to react.

Me (upset) - I am sorry for lying Ayesha... I felt that by lying about my identity... I could find out more about the restaurant... and people will treat me as Dhruv and not Dhruv Singh Oberoi...

Ayesha (upset) - Sorry sir, for misbehaving with you before... but please be in your limits and don't talk to my mother-in-law like that...

Me (confused) - Call me Dhruv... I don't like people calling me sir... I sound so old... and can I ask a personal question Ayesha? How is it that on your job application, it says single... not married...

Ayesha (upset) - Sir (I eyed her)... I mean Dhruv... I married after I got this job... and at the time I was single... after my marriage... I was on my way to see Saumya mam... when I received a call stating that my husband died in a car accident... and it was only a day after our marriage... after a few days, I returned to tell them that I am a widow... but... I find out my mother-in-law was the 30% owner of this restaurant... and she said it didn't matter... as... I (cries)... I... killed... and... she...can't... (chocks on air and I pass her water)... have a murder's... widow...

Ayesha drinks the water and then rushes to the bathroom. Oh god, what did I do? I shouldn't have done that.

Ansh's POV

I sit in the car while Arushi comes rushing in. I am not going to lie, but she looks really pretty in that sari. If I wasn't mad at her then today, I would be making her smile and blush, but instead, I am not even looking at her. I start to drive the car, and Arushi tries to break the ice.

Arushi - So, do you have anything important today? At work...

Me (trying to keep it short and sharp) - No...

Arushi - I was thinking... I want to join the family business as well... I am already helping dad... (Arnav)... with AR... but I was hoping to also help papa... as his business is going in a loss...

Me (annoyed) - What help will you give to my business? You can't even trust your parents... nor can listen to them... what makes you think I will let you help in my business? (calming down seeing her tears)

My hands involuntary go towards her face to wipe her tears. I really want to just hug her... and tell her that I truly love her ... and that I have forgiven her... But I haven't forgotten the way she refused to trust her parents... how can someone be so blind in their love? Hearing a honk, I break the eye contact and I continue to drive. Soon, we arrive at RM and she leaves the car crying, not even turning back.

Heart - what did you do? How can you hurt her like this?

Brain - She deserves it...

Heart - She is already broken finding out the truth about her ex-fiance... and you hurt her more... you should apologise... she has learnt her mistake...

After a lot of hesitation, I ran behind her... my love for her won. I enter the house, to see Arnav uncle sorry papa, with a worried expression. I nervously go towards him and tap him on his shoulder.

Papa (tensed) - what happened to Arushi, Ansh beta? Why did she look so tense?

Me (upset) - I said something to her... which... I shouldn't have...

Papa looks at me with concern and invites me to sit with him, despite my tension for Arushi, I sit with him as I knew maa is with her.

Papa (upset) - I understand why you are mad at her... Ansh... as she refused to trust you and me... but you have to understand that she was in love... not just love but blind love... she didn't want to make the mistake I did... and that's why she chose to trust her fraud fiance... just... (teary-eyed)... like...di...Arushi has learnt about mine and Khushi's love story... and she has learnt how trust is really important in a relationship... and therefore, not to make the same mistake as me... she did that.... Please forgive her... Ansh... and move on with her...

Me (upset) - Papa, I have already forgiven her... can I ask something? (papa nods)... what happened between you and Anjali aunty that caused her to kick you out ...

Papa (upset) - Actually, a misunderstanding happened.... She believed that Khushi was behind the death of her child... as she found out that someone put abortion pills in her food... and the food was given to di by Khushi... causing di... to believe that Khushi... murdered her child... which wasn't true... I tried to make di understand... but di being my sister... asked me to choose between her or Khushi... she told me that if I chose her... then I would have to divorce Khushi... and I can even have Arushi... but for the first time... I decided that I will choose Khushi... I always... put my di... my brothers... my family... over Khushi. I have seen how many sacrifices Khushi has done for me and my family... I won't let it go to waste... I choose her and the next day... di kicked me out from AR... as well... as Raizada Mansion... Arushi was only two when this happened... she was young... but when she grew up... she got to know of the past... and she vowed never to be like di...

Me (upset) - I am sorry... for making you remember the past... one more question papa... how was Anjali aunty pregnant? As far as I know, Shyam uncle murdered her child... and do you know what happened to RM after you left...

Papa (upset) - actually, she became independent... after she divorced Shyam... and married a businessman... Raj... he really was a nice guy... and was rich as well... anyway, di started feeling a little jealous and insecure... after Khushi got pregnant... I could feel it... as Khushi was given more attention by my family... I thought everything will be fine after di... sees Arushi... and I was right... but after she got pregnant... she felt scared and insecure... with Khushi... we tried to calm di... down but ... when she was 3 months pregnant... the thing happened... causing me to lose ties with all the family members... and no... I am not in contact with any of them... nor want to be... as they broke my heart... they not only tried to harm Khushi... but also tried to hurt Arushi... I left the house and I don't regret my choice...

Papa has tears in his eyes recalling the incident, but he somehow tries to stop them and as if on cue maa comes.

Maa (upset) - I will talk to Arnavji...

I apologise to papa and leave to find Arushi. As soon as I enter the room, I get surprised seeing Salman Khan pictures on her walls, still the same... I see Arushi weeping on the bed and I go to her silently.

Me (upset) - I am sorry Arushi...

Arushi (shocked) - What are you doing here?

Which couple is your favourite? Why?

Note: This story has two love stories that are true love stories but it is a little edited

Precap - Aditi, Shivika & Karan's POV

Thank you for your votes and comments in the previous update.

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