Chapter 29

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Aditi's POV

While doing the work, my mind goes into flashback thinking about Krish.

Flashback ~ 1 year ago

I walk into the principal's office after my class, I was having negative thoughts in my head.

What if the principal chooses my competitor?

What if the competitor is smarter than me?

What if I have to ask Anika chachi and Shivay chacha for money?

Brushing these bad thoughts, I walk inside the office after knocking and there I see the guy I saw this morning.

Principal (smiling) - Welcome Ms Aditi... this is Krish... and as you may know, you have a competitor for the competition... ( I nod)... well, instead of having two students compete against each other... we have decided to pair you both up for the competition... the competition will have three rounds... 1st round will contain maths or logical problems that you have to solve... the second would have a spelling competition... and the 3rd one, everyone's favourite... drama competition... the competition is next week... so you have a week to prepare for it and you can't ditch any classes to prepare for this competition... it must be in your own time... do you understand? (both of us nod)... great, all information is in this file (passes a file to me and one to Krish)... good luck!

I thank the principal and then immediately leave the office... oh god! Where am I stuck? I hate socialising... since I am so shy, I can't talk to anyone, especially if I have to talk to a guy. I am about to leave to my dorm room, to avoid talking to him but I hear my name and I have to stop at my tracks.

Krish (coming up to me and holding his hand out to shake) - Hey Aditi...

Despite feeling uncomfortable, I shook hands with him and he gives me a smile in return.

Krish (smiling) - I guess we are partners for the competition... or maybe for life...

I ignore his last comment and give him a fake smile.

Krish (smiling) - you don't talk much do you?

Me (fake smiling) - Yes, I don't... I am an introvert...

Krish (smiling) - Well, I am an extrovert... I love making new friends... and hanging out with new people...

He goes on and on about how much he loves people, and despite knowing that I don't care. It was kind of obvious that I didn't care as I had that annoyed look but he kept blabbering. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing comes out... so I did what I thought was the best... walk away... I walked away from him and he seriously didn't even notice. What is wrong with this guy?

Flashback Ends

Someone shakes me out of my thoughts and I am surprised to see Ananya Mam. I smile at her and we both head to get our dinner. I already had the client's meeting with Ananya mam and I already told chachi about my absence for dinner today. I sit in the car beside her and we start talking about random things, trying to get to know each other. I figured out that Ananya mam is half like mum... and the other half is the opposite of it. For example, Ananya mam had the guts to run away from her own home just to marry Arjun... wow, mum wouldn't be able to do it... as I heard from chachis that mum was a shy girl. Anyway, while sitting at the table, I finally got the courage to tell her.

Me (upset) - You remind me of my late mother...

Ananya Mam (shocked) - What?

Me (upset) - My mother... Pankhuri... she looked like you...

Ananya Mam (smiling) - that's why you look familiar... you are Pankhuri and Aditya's daughter... why didn't you tell me your last name? I would have made you understand...

I stare at her confused and she laughs at my confused face.

Ananya Mam (smiling) - Pankhuri is obviously, as you may know, my twin sister... you see I ran away from home to marry Arjun... and at that time, Pankhuri was forced to not be in contact with me... however, I kept tap with her... with the help of Arjun... and soon, I found out that she married Aditya... I was really happy for her... she soon came in contact with me... and we talked about life... I was at the hospital when she gave birth to you... as Aditya told me about it, but something happened to Arjun... that day so I couldn't meet your family... nor Pankhuri... (upset) but I did get to know about her death... as I was in the same hospital and I saw Aditya's breakdown... however, I couldn't go to him as I was having a breakdown myself not just because Pankhuri was now no more but also because... Arjun was on the verge of going to coma... due to an accident...

Me (upset) - why didn't you come after he got well?

Ananya mam (upset) - Because... I was embarrassed to... I wasn't there when you guys were doing her last rituals? I had guilt running into me for not being there for Pankhuri when she needed me the most... I chose Arjun over her... after Arjun got well... he urged me to see your family but... I didn't have courage...

Me (upset) - Why didn't dad ever talk about mum having a twin sister?

Ananya mam (upset) - Aditya has only talked on the phone with me... that's why... he has never seen me nor Pankhuri has ever told him that she has a twin sister... but Pankhuri did send me photos of Aditya and I knew what he looked like...

Soon, Ananya mam changes the topic, to make the conversation less emotional, and we start talking about random things, laughing at some comments. She even tells me hers and Arjun's love story and why she had to leave her family... and in return, I tell her my love story.

Shivika's POV

Instead of going into my car, Shyam takes the rickshaw to his home, so middle class. I faked a smile and sat next to Pooja who was sitting between him and me. While the rickshaw was driving, I saw an ice cream place, I urged the driver to stop and left quickly to get Pooja the ice cream, despite Shyam's refusal. When I came back with 3 ice creams, I could see a happy Pooja and an upset Shyam. Who said money can't buy happiness? It bought Pooja's smile back. I gave her a chocolate ice cream, and I passed Shyam one but he threw it away.

Shyam (angry) - don't show any fake sympathy to me nor my daughter... just because we aren't rich doesn't mean u think of us as a charity and but stuff for me and my daughter... I can get my daughter the things she wants... but I don't want to spoil her... I don't want my daughter to be like you... next time, don't buy things for my child without my permission...

I look at him shocked, how can he accuse me of thinking of Pooja as a charity. I am not as heartless as I seem, yes, I act rude and I hate middle-class people but that doesn't mean that I would think of them as a charity. Pooja is a young girl, she reminds me of myself... when I was younger and I wouldn't dream to hurt her.

Flashback ~ Shivika was 3

No one's POV

A young Shivika is sitting in the car talking about her picnic she went to, both Anika and Shivay were listening to her carefully while Ansh was on his phone. While talking, Shivika notices a pani puri stand and her face immediately lifts up. Anika noticing Shivika's smile turns to look at what she is staring at and also smiles.

Anika (smiling) - Driver, please stop the car...

Shivay looks at her confused and Anika eyes him to look outside. Shivay notices the pani puri stand and immediately gives a death glare to the mother, daughter but they royally ignore him and rush out the car to the pani puri stand.

Anika (smiling) - bhaiya, two plate pani puris... one spicy... the other one sweet...

The guy nods and starts to prepare the pani puris while Shivay comes running towards them and glares at Anika.

Shivay (glaring) - What is this Anika? This is so unhygienic.. And unhealthy...

Shivika (annoyed) - Papa, have... food... pa...pan...pani...puri... not...unhelal...unhealthy.... Try it

Anika (annoyed) - yes billuji... try it, you need to start living life more freely... have it (passes the pani puri to Shivay)

Shivay makes faces and then pushes the dish away from him.

Shivay (annoyed) - panika, this dish is so unhealthy for both of you... I will ask the chief to make it for you when we get home... let's just leave from you ...

He makes faces and is about to drag Anika and Shivika away but Shivika glares at her father and Anika also forcefully frees her hand. Shivay is about to open his mouth to argue back, but Anika who had a pani puri in her hand, puts it in his mouth while smirking.

Shivay - What th... (tasting the pani puri)... so tasty... get me one as well...

Both Shivika and Anika laugh at the scene.

Flashback Ends

Shivika has tears coming out while recalling the incident. How innocent was she? Why did she change? Why didn't she continue to be so carefree and kind like when she was younger? Well, the reason for this is, her childhood.

Shivika's POV

I wipe my tears from my eyes, I miss the old me.

Pooja (worried) - Shivika, why are you crying?

Shyam turns towards me and has concern for me but then his facial expression changes to what it was before and turns his face away.

Me (wiping my tears and cupping her) - you remind me of myself when I was younger... that's why I cried... recalling my past...

Pooja (smiling) - Really? Tell me... what were you like when you were little?

I smiled recalling my childhood when mum was close to me.

Me (smiling while having flashbacks) - I used to be a naughty girl... I used to play pranks on Ansh bhaiya and Rahul... with the help of Dhruv... and Rumya, I would annoy my brothers a lot... (starts getting flashbacks of myself when I was younger)...

Pooja smiles at me while licking her ice cream. Soon, her home comes, I am surprised to see that her home is nothing as I imagined. It is a small house where a lady is sitting outside, sweating and looking really sick. She is about to faint, when I rush up to her while holding onto Pooja's finger, to assist her.

Me (shocked) - Aunty...

Pooja (crying) - Nani...

Shyam (worried) - can you look after Pooja while I take ma to the hospital?

Me (worried) - I will come too...

I follow Shyam who is carrying his mother to the rickshaw while holding a crying Pooja.

Karan's POV

After putting Rumya on the couch, I am about to go out, when I see that she is holding on to me, I will stay until she is fine. Soon, the doctor comes in and Rumya also gains consciousness.

Doctor - She has skipped her meals and is also dehydrated... that's why this occurred... also, it seems she has stressed for something... (turns to Rumya), please eat something and also, stress less...

Rumya nods and the doctor leaves after prescribing some medication to her chacha. I am also about to leave, to get her some food when I see, she is still holding my hand.

Me (smirking) - I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me...

Rumya looks at me, with a questionable face and once she realises that she is holding my hand, she immediately let's go and I leave after telling Kiara that I will be back with some food.

Rumya's POV

I stare at chacha waiting for some response and finally, he opens his mouth after Karan leaves.

Chacha (upset) - After Pankhuri left... I was depressed... and traumatised... Shivay forced me after a few months to try some therapy to reduce pain... I tried, with another psychologist... but... instead of trying to reduce the pain... they freaking... made it worse... and they were the ones... that told me to separate myself from Aditi... and even convinced me that Aditi was the reason behind Pankhuri's death... I was traumatised... soon, Shivay got to know about the therapy and he got to know that someone bribed the psychologist into making me think the way I was thinking... the people got arrested... but my mind... started believing what that psychologist told me... I started believing Aditi was at fault... I would have continued to believe that... if it wasn't for this woman... (pulls Kaira closer)... then... I would have been worse...

Me (confused) - then why do you continue to blame her even now... and why do you seem so depressed at home?

Chacha (upset) - I have no choice... we have been married for 2 years now... however, I can't reveal anything to the family or to Aditi as someone is blackmailing me... since the time I married Kaira... they are using some fake evidence... and clips to prove that I murdered my wife... at first, I didn't care... but, it gets worse as they even have a confession of Pankhuri saying that I am abusing her... and hurting her... I tried to figure out who it was... but I am not SSO... I am Aditya... and that's why I failed... after a month or two... I decided to tell Shivay... I went to him... but seeing his troubles... I couldn't say anything... soon, I got a message from the blackmailer... that he is following my every step... this is the only place, that they can't trace me at... as we have made sure... that no cameras are put in this room... and that no one enters the room without permission... I tried to seek help from the police... but before, I could do that, I got a call from Kiara where she told me that her home... was destroyed... furniture was broken... I got worried and she even told me that there was a warning letter on the doorsteps... which told me not to do anything... I decided to keep quiet... for Kiara's safety... and I continued to pretend to hate Aditi... and pretended to be depressed as I got messages to do so...

Me (worried) - I think Aditi deserves to know... and I know how to tell her...

Precap - Rumya and Karan's Romance, Shivika's & Ansh's & Rahul's POV

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Next Update: No clue

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