Chapter 30

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Shivika's POV

As soon as we arrive in the hospital, Shyam's mother is put into ICU, while I go to call mum to inform her that we won't be able to do the planning today.


Me (upset) - sorry mum... Shyam's mother is in the ICU... I think it's best if I work on this alone as his mother needs him right now... I am not at all trying to take over his position or anything... don't get me wrong

Mum (worried) - I will have to discuss this with Shyam as the date is coming near... and if you guys can't manage it then I will have to give it to someone else as this is a two people's job and I thought you and Shyam will make a good team...

I cut the phone seeing the doctors come out from the ICU and I go near them to listen to the advice.

Doctor (worried) - she hasn't had a proper diet for 3 days now... which has caused her to be weak... please make sure she has regular meals... you may see her after we transport her to the new room... and also here are some medications she will need...

The doctor passes the prescription to me and then leaves.

Shyam (worried) - you can go now Shivika... I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you... if you want, I can compensate for it to you (gives me money) and as for the project... we can leave in about 15 minutes...

Me (angry) - don't show me money... I don't need it (gives it back to him)... this is no trouble for me... helping someone in need shouldn't be trouble for anyone... I can wait and look after Pooja until you get the medicines... and I am not being fake... I am being generous... I am not as spoilt...

Shyam nods and rushes to get his mother the medicine while I stare at Pooja who is crying seeing her Nani's state. I silently go towards her and give her a hug.

Me (smiling) - you don't look good while crying... (wipes her tears) wanna see your nani? (nods) Let's go in...

I walk in with Pooja inside the room. The room isn't as big as my room, however, I could see that aunty is happy with it as she is giving a weak smile, seeing us.

Aunty (smiling) - Pooja!

Pooja runs up to her nani and gives her a hug while I smile seeing that... wish my dadi... was here but... she died in jail.... I am about to leave to give them some privacy when aunty stops me.

Aunty (smiling) - come sit...

I go to her, feeling a little scared. Wonder why... I am never scared of anything. What is happening to me?

Aunty (cupping me) - what's your name beta?

Me (smiling) - Shivika...

Pooja (smiling) - you know nani... she is the best... she got me ice cream... and even scolded papa for not getting me one...

Aunty (smiling) - thank you so much Shvika... you are the reason behind Pooja's smile as she hasn't smiled for so many days...

Soon, Shyam runs in, and therefore I leave to give them some privacy. Walking through the hospital corridor, I remember a flashback of when I was in the hospital.

Flashback ~ Shivika was 5 in the hospital

Shivika (crying) - papa... mumma...

Shivay (worried) - Beta, mumma is sick... she won't be able to meet you... but (smiling and cupping her)... papa is here... he will always be here for you... now like a good girl... drink this juice... and then you will be able to go to school...

Shivika (upset) - I don't want to go to that school papa... everyone is mean... you know... they keep secrets from me... and...

Shivay (shocked and annoyed) - I knew that this school isn't good for you... I told Anika that schools for middle-class children aren't good for my kids... middle-class people will always be jealous of rich people... I will move you to another school... my baby... (pecks her and then leaves)

Flashback ends, Shivika's POV starts

After what dad told me in the hospital, I started thinking that middle-class people are jealous of me... they are jealous of my money and my fame... and from that day onwards, I started to hate middle-class people... just like dad... no one taught me that everyone is equal... and that at the end of the day money or status doesn't matter... it is the friendship I gain from it.

I silently sit in the cafeteria waiting for Shyam and recalling my childhood.

Rahul's POV

I reach the temple but I am shocked to see no one near the temple... I hope Myra is ok. I walk inside the temple after taking off my shoes and I am shocked to see a guy about to throw a stone on Myra. Despite, the police trying to control the crowd. I rush and stand in front of Myra trying to protect her.

One guy (angry) - look, here comes her boyfriend...

Me (annoyed) - I am not her boyfriend...

The second guy (angry) - then stay away from her... you don't know what she is doing...

Lady (annoyed) - I am disgusted by this act... how can she agree to marry a guy 20 years older than her... just for money...

Me (shocked) - that's not true....

Myra (upset and clinging on to me) - it's ok Rahul... you don't need to explain it to them... they won't understand... why is it that a girl is always at fault for something? Why can't it be a guy?

Guy (angry) - shut up... you are the one at fault... if you stopped wearing these short clothes to lure guys... then, you wouldn't be in this situation... I feel sorry for the guy that will marry you... look at this cheap girl...

Me (angry) - Just shut up...this is the 21st century... and girls are equal to boys... if guys can wear shorts... then so can girls... there is nothing wrong with it...and they aren't wearing it to lure guys but they are wearing it for themselves... this is why a lot of people look down on our country... because of this disgusting thinking...

Guy (annoyed) - Say what you want, this girl... doesn't deserve to live... she is the daughter of a criminal... (Myra is shocked)... she is the daughter of Bha...

Myra (angry) - Shut up! I don't want to hear anything anymore ... I am not the daughter of a criminal... I am an orphan... and who are you to decide whether I deserve to live or not? You're Not god... you are feeling sorry for the guy that will marry me... right? (guy nods)... I feel sorry for your mother, she must be embarrassed to give birth to a man, with such disgusting thinking... if you had a daughter... then you will understand why girls like wearing short clothes... and why we are just as equal to men... now... leave... before I do something that I regret...

The guy looks at Myra with anger, and is about to hit her when the police, finally getting control of the crowd... drag him away. Soon, everyone disappears and I look at Myra who breaks down.

Myra (crying) - thank... you...

I give her a friendly hug, to stop her from crying. She eventually stops crying and then looks at me.

Myra (upset) - Thank you... Rahul... I was forced to marry the guy... he randomly came to my home and hurt my grandparents... and then kidnapped me... I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't come... thank you...

Me (worried) - it's fine... but Myra... what were they talking about? Your parents are...

Myra (upset) - My mother went to jail for a crime... and she was put into prison with a guy... apparently, they both knew each other and were very close... they both ran from jail... after a week together... they started living together... in a small town... where no one knew they were criminals... they were planning big... to get revenge... from the people that sent them to jail... however, a problem occurred... my mother found out she was pregnant... the thing was, the doctors had told my mum... she can never be a mother again and therefore, my father and mother weren't careful... they wanted abortion... but then they thought, that the child could finish their revenge... my mother died after giving birth to me... as her delivery was very complicated... as for my father... then... he is in prison... he got caught in the hospital... my dad's parents... or my grandparents found out about me... and took me under their wings... I have never met my parents... nor know what they look like as my grandparents believe that ... they don't deserve importance... I agree with him... I don't want to know anything about them nor... want anything to do with them.

I could see the disgusted look on her face while talking about her parents. However, she failed to hide that sad look, when she talks about how she has never met her parents. Every child would be curious to know who their parents are... she is just like me... I knew who my parents were, I met them... but for the past 20 years of my life... I thought .. they were dead... which isn't a good feeling... I don't know how I survived without mum, dad and Pari...

Me (worried) - let's go check on your grandparents...

Myra agrees and we head towards her house.

Ansh's POV

Me (upset) - I came to gain your forgiveness... I shouldn't have said that...

Arushi (upset) - No, Ansh... you were right... I didn't trust the people that gave birth to me... and trusted the one that gave me a short time of happiness... I regret it... Ansh... I am sorry... I want to ask if we can restart our relationship... from friendship... I don't want our marriage to be a, what say?

She is right, both of our parents have a history of forced and compromised marriage... I don't want that. We can be friends... I guess...

Me (smiling) - Of course, but first... go apologise to your parents... and I will come to pick you up later...

I wave bye to Arushi after wiping some of the tears coming out of her eyes and then after taking papa and mum's blessings... I leave. Thankfully. No one knows my identity yet, so I am still working undercover in the business.

Rumya's POV

I message Aditi to come to my office, as soon as she finishes work and within a second, she replies with an ok. After Kaira, and Aditya chacha leaves, I get up to do some work but I see the Karan Mehra eyeing me.

Me (curious) - Hello...

Karan Mehra (smiling) - hello, chasmish... let's have lunch together... since you had no food and I haven't had breakfast either...

Me (annoyed) - don't call me that... and as for lunch... I am sorry but we can't do that... we have only a professional relationship...

Karan Mehra (smirking) - Do you think I am asking you for a date, chasmish? (I gave him an annoyed look)... You are pretty... but you aren't my type ... I just thought we could have lunch here... and it will still hold a professional relationship... as by having lunch together... doesn't mean we are lovers or friends...

I glare at him but then I make room for us to sit together. He gets out the food from the bag, after sitting down and to my surprise... it's my favourite.... Vadapav... I immediately smile and stare at the food with dreamy eyes. Today will be a good day... I love you so much vada pav...I don't know what my life would have been without you. Suddenly, I hear a laughing sound, I look towards the source of the sound and glare at him.

Karan Mehra (smiling) - The way you are staring at vada pav... it is making me feel that the food is your boyfriend... how is it, that you are so skinny... yet you like junk food?

Me (smiling) - Vada pav... will be my number one choice and as for skinny then... I go to the gym...

Karan Mehra laughs and then we both start eating the food. While eating, I suddenly feel him coming closer... I don't know why but I don't tell him to stop... nor I moved... he is now so close to me, that I could feel his breath...

Kaira (shocked) - What's happening here?

Karan Mehra immediately pulls away from me and I start to blush. What just happened?

Karan Mehra (smiling) - I was just giving her a tissue... since there were some bread crumbs on her face...

Kaira doesn't look satisfied with the answer, but she gives me a look, that tells me I should be careful. She is right, I should be... he is a player and I hate players... I won't fall for a player. NEVER!

Precap - Aditi and Aditya's Reunion, Myra in Oberoi mansion & Shivika's lie

Next update: 15th December

Thank you for the comments and votes in the previous update

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