Chapter 32

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Rahul's POV

While in the car, I see a temple nearby and immediately stop the car. Myra has no one right now, and knowing her, she will go back to her home after getting conscious. There is only one way to solve the issue, marriage! If she is bounded to me, then she won't go anywhere and will be safe. I am sorry Myra, I have to do this... but, I can't let you get hurt. I will bare your hatred, but this is for your own good. Walking into the temple, while holding Myra in my arms, is making me nervous, but I can't think of any other options right now. I walk up to the pandit and ask him to prepare for the marriage. He looks unsure at me, seeing Myra in my arms, but does what he is told.

After 30 minutes

Pandit - your marriage is complete...

I suddenly start to feel more nervous, I am about to lift up Myra when she gains consciousness. She looks around at the surroundings and then touches her forehead, where her sindoor is and then at her neck, where the mangalsutra is.

Myra (shocked) - marriage?

Me (worried) - let us talk about this after...

I drag, her away from the spot and start driving the car to the Oberoi mansion.

At Oberoi Mansion ~ No one's POV

Seeing Rahul at the door, with a Myra with mangalsutra and sindoor, both Anika and Gauri scream, causing all the ladies in the house and Rudra and Om to come rushing outside. The first person to come out of the shock is Gauri and she looks at her husband with anger.

Gauri (angry) - why can't we ever have a proper wedding in this house? All of our weddings were due to different circumstances... and now our children are following that path... my wish will never come true...

Anika (upset) - Yes, Gauri, you are so right... I wanted to have a jhakaas wedding... for our children... but they won't come true...

Saumya (smiling) - well, bhabhis... we are saving money... think about it that way... right now, we are currently financially unstable...

Omkara (smiling) - let us welcome the newlywed... and also, find out why there was a hurry...

All the members, well most of them go towards Rahul and Myra and stare at them with questions.

Rudra (annoyed) - O... why are we staring at them with a death glare? Wouldn't they be scared? I am getting scared just staring at them...

Om lightly hits him on the head, and Rahul finally starts talking.

Rahul (upset) - Actually, we were in a situation...

Rahul starts explaining the circumstances, purposely not talking about the part where Myra is tagged as a criminal's daughter.

All the ladies in the house, go towards Myra and cup her, sympathising with her as indirectly all the ladies in the house have dealt with issues similar to Myra, and have also faced a lot of torture in their lives.

Gauri (smiling) - let's welcome our new daughter in law...

Myra nervously stares at Gauri, while promising herself to fulfil all her duties equally.

Myra's POV

The circumstances of this marriage might not be good, and I may not accept the marriage, however, looking at all the love that the family is giving me... without even a look of pity, is urging me to give them the same love.


Myra (angry) - you felt pity for me? How can you? Did I ask you for your help? No! Then why did you do that? I wanted to be an independent woman... to show to the world that a criminal's daughter isn't bad... but you took that right away by marrying me... I am very much capable of looking after myself... and just because I didn't say a word to those bad mouthers today, doesn't mean I will keep shut every time... as sometimes silence is the best option. People in this society will always try to find your weakness and will try to point you down... and your weakness will be seen when you are angry... that's why I kept quiet... but you thought I wasn't strong enough.

Rahul (concerned) - I was just worried for you Myra... I know you are strong, but I thought to just help you... I can support you to be an independent woman... just because you are married to me, doesn't mean you won't be able to create your name as you don't have to adopt the Oberoi last name... you can still keep your last name.

Myra (annoyed) - No, Rahul! It won't be the same, people will recognise me as Myra Oberoi... not as something else... and they will treat me differently... I don't want this. I never wanted this.

Myra(upset) - Fine, I have a solution... how about we keep our marriage a secret? No media will know about it, only my family members... and yours... then... no one will treat you as Myra Oberoi.

Flashback Ends

Ansh's POV

I nervously walked into the Raizada mansion, to see an angry Arushi pushing a lady out of the house. I rush up to Arushi, to stop her from further hurting the woman.

Me (shocked) - What are you doing?

Arushi looks at me with tears in her eyes, she tearfully hugs me, while also glaring at the lady.

Arushi (upset) - Ansh, take me from here... this lady (angrily pointing at the lady) has come back after 20 years, asking for forgiveness... as she finally found the person that tried to harm her... and her child... and has also realised that her jealousy was pointless... and my parents... despite what this lady put them through, has decided to forgive her... (angry) tell me how many times do they have to forgive this lady? She is always causing issues for my parents... and what if she hurts them again?

Lady (upset) - Arus...

Arushi (angry) - Don't utter my name from your dirty tongue...

I drag Arushi from the scene, seeing papa and mum silently instructing me to take her away. I guess this is the Anjali bua, that Arushi hates so much. After sitting in the car, Arushi finally realises her surroundings and sees the flowers that I got.

Arushi (smiling) - Oh my god... thank you so much Ansh... I love these flowers...

I smile and then pass her the chocolates that I got her and to my surprise, her face lights up even more. Note to myself, give Arushi chocolates and flowers when she is mad, that way, I can be in the safe zone as well.

Dhruv's POV

As I am about to go back inside the kitchen, to do the work, when I notice Ayesha holding a photo frame and crying. The lady I met before, seemed so tough, I wonder what happened to her. I am about to go towards her when I get dragged by Reyanna.

Reyanna (smiling) - Dhruv! Check out this dish...

I stare at the ugly decorated dish, with a fake smile, not wanting to break the girl's heart. How did this girl get hired? She doesn't know the art, behind the dish...

Me (fake smiling) - it's wonderful Reyanna...

Reyanna (smiling) - can you taste it?

Oh god! No! The way it looks, makes me want to puke and if I eat it, I actually might. I really need a good excuse to survive.

Me (fake smiling) - I can't eat it... (Reyanna shocked and upset) as it looks too good... I don't feel like eating it...

Reyanna cuts that disgusting dish and is about to forcefully feed me when my knight in shining armour stops her.

Ayesha (angry) - get back to work! Stop distracting other workers... and Dhruv, follow me...

Ayesha drags me towards a quiet area and stares at me with anger, it doesn't even look like she has cried a few minutes ago.

Ayesha (angry) - Look Dhruv, I have talked to your mother... and she told me that you wish to work as an employee at the restaurant to gain experience, and if you are an employee here then you work under me, and therefore, I am your boss... if I see you messing around at work when you are supposed to work once more, then I will tell mam, that you aren't capable of working here...

Wow, here I thought I was the boss and I thought I could support her, but seems like this girl, only cares about work. I really need to teach this lady how to smile and laugh and if I can't make her like that, then even my name isn't Dhruv Singh Oberoi.

Me (smiling) - Okay mam...

I walk back to the kitchen, thinking of ways to get this lady to smile and laugh. I will have my way.

Precap - None

Thank you for the votes and comments in the previous update.

Happy New Year to everyone in advance, hope 2020 brings joy and happiness to everyone.

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