Chapter 33

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Aditi's POV

A car pulls up outside, Rumya's office, and soon my life saviour comes out and hugs me. I love his caring side, he doesn't question me nor lets go of me, instead, he lets me cry. How did I get so lucky? I silently let go of the hug, and sit down in the car, while he starts driving, without questioning me. I never like showing my weak side, to people as I hate to get sympathy from people, and I am glad that Krish isn't showing that. How could dad do that? He betrayed mum...

As the car pulls up at the park, I silently get out and stare at the view. The cool breeze makes me feel a little calmer and I finally decide to open up to Krish.

Me (upset) - my dad... It turns out he has been pretending to hate me... as he was blackmailed into doing so... but it's not fair Krish... I have been dealing with all this hatred for such a long time... I have been blaming myself for such a long time, only to find out that his hatred... for me... was fake... all the curses were fake... (crying)... I nearly killed myself... due to him... and he thinks... that, now he can have me back...

Flashback ~ During college days

No One's POV

A few days after talking to the principle

Krish (smiling) - I should go check on my new buddy...

Krish walks towards Aditi's apartment hoping to discuss about ways to start the project, and as he is about to knock on the door, he discovers that it is already open and therefore, he walks in which was one of the best decisions he has made in his life, as it saved Aditi's life, who was about to hurt herself using a knife. Krish immediately rushes towards her, and forcefully pulls the knife from her, and then slaps Aditi.

Krish (angry) - are you mad? Who does something like this?

Aditi immediately bursts into tears and hugs him while crying.

Krish hugged her back, and after she calms down, she sniffs and explains her situation to Krish. Despite not knowing him, for more than a few days, she feels the need to rely on someone for someone and the need to talk to him.

Aditi (upset) - I... my life is miserable Krish... my father hates me, I might make u lose the scholarship... and I am no use...I will lose the scholarship, making my chacha and chachi have to pay for my fees...

Krish (upset) - I know that's not good Aditi... but you can't hurt yourself... you need to show your father, what you are capable of... study hard with a scholarship and show him that you are an independent woman... I believe in you... and that scholarship... (lets go of the hug and lifts his imaginary collar)... you have me... trust me, we will win... and in order to do that... we need to study... are you going to leave your partner midway? Now, don't cry (wipes her tears)... we need to work hard... to show your father how lucky he is to have a daughter like you.

Flashback ends

Krish (upset) - I understand Aditi, but you finally got your father back... isn't it what you wanted? I understand that you are hurt... but look at the positive side... he doesn't hate... You... in fact he loves you... and he wants to be back with you... don't look at only the negative side, Aditi... also look at the positive side... as too much negativity is not good for our body...

I stare at Krish, with love. How did I get so lucky?

Me (upset) - but, he married again... I have stepmother...

Krish (upset) - So? Stepmothers aren't all bad... and he has the right to move on, Aditi... he has waited for your mother for a really long time... and if he gets a chance, to move on then he should... for how long will he dwell for someone who is no longer alive? He also has his own personal life... and Aditi, you should support him... get to know your step-mother... she can't be that bad if your father chooses her...

I stare at Krish, confused on what to say. Yes, my father has the right to move on, but how can he just do that without discussing with the family? How can he not tell me?

Me (upset) - but...

No one's POV

Dhruv's POV

I stare at everyone around me, not a single person is talking to each other, in fact, all are too focused on their work, except well Reyanna, who is staring at me. Why does this place all of a sudden feel like jail to me? Oh gosh, soon, Ayesha comes towards us and starts inspecting the work we are doing.

Ayesha (eyeing me) - this is not how the vegetables are to be cut...

She comes towards me, and holds my hand from the back and cuts the vegetables with me. I know, I am supposed to stare at the vegetables, but my eyes were on her. She looks at me, after cutting them, and as we are staring into each other, I hear a scream, making us lose our eye contact and also causing her to get a cut on hand due to the knife.

Reyanna (shocked) - what is happening here? Dhruv, you were supposed to focus on work...

I ignore that girl and stare at Ayesha who has tears and blood oozing out. I immediately do the first thing that comes into my mind, and put the finger in the water and using my other hand, I start to wipe the tears.

Me (worried) - are you okay? Does it hurt? I am so sorry...

Ayesha immediately starts to cry more and leaves the place. Did I say something wrong? I rush behind her, ignoring Reyanna's death glare at me. Finally, catching up to her, I tap on her shoulder and she immediately hugs me. Wow, I didn't expect this to happen so fast, I guess I am a charmer. I was trying for Reyanna but Ayesha fell for me. Not bad, well, she isn't that bad. She just needs to learn to laugh and smile. But, it will be so bad if I fall for her... she isn't the type of girl I want. I don't ever want to get married, and if I fall for her... I would have to marry her. No! Dhruv, you won't fall for her, she is just a friend... I hug her back, finding it weirdly amazing. A few minutes after, which felt like seconds to me, she lets go of me.

Ayesha (upset) - I am sorry... actually, I haven't had anyone care for me this much ever... that's why I got emotional...

Me (smiling) - Well, now you do... friends?

I really didn't want to question her past, as I could see she is clearly not comfortable about it. I offer my hands to shake and surprisingly with a smile, that she clearly tried to hide but failed, she shakes my hand.

Ayesha (smiling) - friends...

Wow, now this will be fun.

Pari's POV

I head into the mansion, feel tired and confused. As I am about to knock on the door, the door opens by itself, and out comes Chrystal. Wow, what is that girl doing at my home?

Chrystal (smiling) - Thank you Yash, for this wonderful time... let's go out again...

Yash for some reason smiles even more and hugs her, ignoring my presence. Gee! Thanks, Yash. I stomp away from the scene to see mum. However, there I see both my bhabhis, talking to each other. Oh, maybe they can help me. I walk towards them and I could hear them laughing around, but seeing my gloomy state, they look at me with sympathy.

Arushi bhabhi (worried) - what happened Pari?

Me (upset) - bhabhis... I don't know what is happening to me... why do I suddenly feel angry seeing Yash so close to Chrystal... why do I suddenly want to stab Crystal seeing her so close to Yash?

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - let me guess... you also don't like seeing Yash upset... And seeing him upset makes you upset...

Me (upset) - exactly...

Arushi bhabhi immediately smiles and starts jumping around.

Arushi bhabhi (smiling) - I am finally going to follow mum's footsteps... my ship will sail...

I look at bhabhi with a weird look, has she always been this weird. Myra bhabhi immediately starts laughing. Wow, if this house, wasn't already weird, this house is becoming more weirder...

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - I want to join...

Me (confused) - umm... bhabhis... it would be nice, to at least include me in this conversation... I am so lost...

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - I will explain... you, honey...

Both Myra bhabhi and Arushi bhabhi scream at the same time.

Myra bhabhi/Arushi bhabhi (screaming) - are in love...

I stare at my bhabhis looking at them as if they spoke something ridiculous.

Me (eying them) -That's a lie... there must be some logical explanation for it...

Arushi bhabhi (smirking) - take your time honey... (surprised) ... YASH! We were just talking...

I immediately turn to my back, hoping Yash didn't hear anything, but to my shock, there was no one behind me. As I turn around both the bhabhis smirk at me, while I look at them with disappointment. Why are they playing around with me?

Myra bhabhi comes towards me and cups me.

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - there is a logical explanation... it's just you spend so much time with Yash... that seeing him spend time and giving attention to someone else... made you feel a little jealous... it's fine... you will get over it and get used to it soon...

I smile at Myra's bhabhi's advice and then silently leave the place not before uttering a thank you to both of them.

Precap - None

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