Chapter 35

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One Month Later

The workers in the mansion are running around trying to set everything right, while the people in the mansion are buzzing to make sure everything is perfect.

Saumya (annoyed) - Not now Rudra... I am busy... I will make your milkshake after...

Rudra (pouting and making an upset face) - Come on Sumo... the workers can do the work... you just... Come with me... to the kitchen... (smirking) ... we can make milkshakes... and...

Saumya (annoyed) - have some shame Rudra... you have two children.... Who are at marriage age... and all you can think about is romance... Aditya bhaiya... and Kaira bhabhi must be coming...

Rudra (annoyed) - fine, I will help you with the decorations...

Both Rudra and Saumya get to work, while on the other side, a couple are being extremely romantic...

Gauri and Omkara are seen cuddling each other and as they are about to kiss, a knock breaks their trance. Cursing the knocker, Omkara goes to open the door to be surprised to see both Shivay and Anika there.

Shivay (angry) - Om... this panika wants to make the colours of the room red... don't you think blue or black is better?

Anika (annoyed) - Billuji... You are wrong... red is the colour of love and it would look awesome in the room... Chutki you tell him...

Both Gauri and Omkara look at each other with an annoyed expression. If they support one, then the other one will get upset.

Rudra (laughing) - O... why is there a lipstick mark on your t-shirt?

Embarrassed Omkara tries to get it off while an equally embarrassed Gauri helps him.

Saumya (annoyed) - duffer... they are husband and wife, give them some alone time... and bhai and bhabhi... why are you so embarrassed? (smirking)... it's not the first time we have caught you... you should get habitual to this...

Anika (smirking) - Come on... guys... let's leave them...

Rudra (upset) - at least someone is having romance in their life... my wife... is too busy decorating the house...

Saumya gives a light punch to Rudra on the stomach and drags him out, while Anika and Shivay also leave not before giving some teasing comments to Omkara and Gauri. Meanwhile, Aditi is on the phone with Krish upset, while Krish is trying to calm her down.


Aditi (upset) - What.. if she is bad Krish?

Krish - doll... I am sure your father's choice won't be bad... now stop being so worried and get ready for their entry...

Aditi (worried) - what if those people that troubled my dad come back?

Krish - doll, the police caught them... don't worry... (smiling)... I know how to stop your worries... I have sent someone to the mansion... they should be here in two minutes... go get ready and stand out the door...

The call ends and Aditi rushes outside after changing into some comfortable clothes... and is shocked... to see her boss and her masi... Ananya. She immediately rushes to her and hugs her, feeling the warm hug that she has been dying to get. In just one month, Ananya has become a mother figure for Ananya, she shares everything with her when they are together... However, at work, it's a professional relationship. The Oberois except Om and Gauri was first shocked to see Ananya.

Flashback ~ 2 weeks ago...

Anika who was preparing a pooja thali immediately drops it, seeing the person at the door. Soon, Rudra comes out hearing the loud noise and also gets shocked. He slowly goes towards Anika and whispers.

Rudra (upset) - Bhabhi... I think Pankhuri bhabhi's atma (soul) is back... she might want some revenge... but bhabhi... how can I die so early? I am still so young...

Anika (shocked) - Rudy, you are a father of two adult children... you aren't young... but about this ghost... what should we do?

As Ananya starts taking slow steps towards Anika and Rudra, while both the bhabhi devar start screaming and running back, not allowing poor Avanya to talk. Soon, everyone comes into the hall hearing the commotion. Rudra immediately runs behind his brothers seeking their protection from the 'ghost' while the girls stick together with the kids. Aditi immediately rushes to Ananya, shocking the rest of the members.

Flashback ends

Aditi (smiling) - I am nervous... What if she is bad? I don't want to give mum's place to anyone?

Ananya (smiling and cupping her) - I am sure Kaira doesn't want to take your mum's place... all she wants is to give her some space in your heart... I am sure she isn't bad... I have done some background check on her...without anyone's knowledge... and she has no criminal record at all... I have asked her old neighbours from her old house... and they said she is a sweet lady... (cupping her)... trust me Aditi, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you... you are my niece...

Aditi hugs Ananya, feeling like her lost mother is in Ananya.

I wish you were my mum, masi... but sadly you aren't... my mother is with God and the lady that my dad married seems nice. But I was scared... What if she is bad? What if she takes my dad away from me? After I got him back. But after listening to you, I want to give Kaira a chance... I won't call her my mum until she earns that right. Thank you, god, for everything. For the past 20 years, I had a father who hated me to the core, but now, when he is back, I not only got a father but Ananya masi in the form of my mother and Krish, as the best boyfriend. Thank you for everything god. ~ Aditi's POV

Soon, they part away as Anika comes running with a thalli plate towards the duo.

Anika (smiling) - Ananya... where is Arjun?

Before Ananya could answer, Arjun peaks in and starts singing

Arjun (smiling) - aapne pukara aur hum chale aaye (You called me and I am here)

Ananya lightly slaps him hearing his song.

Ananya (upset) - don't ruin one of my favourite songs... hearing it from you... makes me regret liking it...

Arjun (shocked) - So mean Ananya, it's my favourite song as well...

Ananya (upset) - I know but you can't sing... and every time you sing a song... I start to regret knowing the song...

Arjun is about to answer back when Aditi jumps in the middle and tries to change the topic.

Aditi (smiling) - So masa, I know Ananya masi is Punjabi... but what about you? You don't seem Punjabi....

Arjun (lifting his imaginary collar) - Because I am not... I am a Gujarati...

Anika (smiling) - this is so exciting, can I learn some Gujarati... so I can use it on billuji and irritate him...

Everyone starts to laugh hearing the comment, soon Shivay comes rushing towards everyone and seeing everyone laughing more seeing him, he smirks.

Shivay (smirking) - Panika, if everyone is laughing at me due to you... I will not leave you tonight...

Anika blushes realising what he means, while the others stop laughing and smirk seeing the blush.

Shivay (smiling) - My laal balloon... let's go they are here.... (my red balloon)

Soon all the Oberois stand at the door and watch as Kaira and Aditya come out of the car along with Aditi's surprise, Krish. She is about to run to hug him but stops seeing him signalling her not to do anything. Once the aarti and the rituals of a newlywed are done, Kaira, Krish and Aditya step in the house at the same time.

Rumya (smiling) - Kaira chachi... who is this?

Kaira (smiling) - He is my friend's son... actually, he has recently moved to Delhi... so, his mother asked me to look after him...

Krish smirks and steals a glance, at the excited and blushing Aditi, which gets noticed by the youngsters except Shivika, who is not present. Soon, the youngsters leave the hall with Krish, while the elders do the ritual for Kaira.

Dhruv (smirking) - SPILL!

Dhruv looks at Aditi smirking, while Aditi blushes. Krish immediately holds Aditi's hands and declares...

Krish (smiling) - I am Krish Singhania... studying business management at xyz university and I met Aditi through university... she and I participated in a competition... and that's where I ... we.. became a couple...

Ansh and Rahul are about to pounce on him, feeling protective for their younger sister but their wives secretly hold their hand to stop them.

Ansh (annoyed) - Why are you so confident? Shouldn't you be nervous to meet your... I mean us...

Krish (smiling) - I have already heard a lot about you all from Aditi... and I know you guys adore her and love her to bits and you all are protective of her... trust me, I am not that kind of guy to hurt her and that's why I am not at all nervous to meet you... as I have confidence in me that I will win each of your hearts very soon...

Rahul (smiling) - I am starting to already be impressed by you... tell us a bit about yourself...

Krish (smiling) - A year older then Aditi... I live with my mum in Mumbai... and I don't have any siblings... just my mum and I...

Dhruv (curious) - Your dad...

Krish (upset) - He passed away... when I was three, I don't have many memories (smiling)... but I am fine, with my mum... she is like a father and a mother for me...

Arushi (smiling) - Yes, mothers can be both a father and mother (recalls times her mum was with her when her father was busy)...

Pari (smiling) - Now tell us how u fell in love...

Aditi (blushing) - Actually, during the competition... we had to leave college... and go to another town... however, to our dismay... this Krish came late... and that's why we missed the bus...

Krish (smirking) - don't pretend that you regret not being able to get to the place on time...

Dhruv (smirking) - wow, Aditi... you went on an adventure without us... what happened to the shy girl who used to stay away from guys?

Aditi (blushing) - actually, I was trying to stay away from him but he pulled me towards me... so, since he came late... we missed the bus... and the next bus was going to come in an hour... so instead of going back to campus... we decided to just look around and talk to each other...


Krish (smirking) - Looks like we have one hour to ourselves... what should we do?

He starts moving closer to Aditi, while Aditi looks at him with shock, but then quickly covers it with confidence.

Aditi (smirking) - How about we... (starts coming closer to Krish making Krish's smirk vanish)... have tea?

She runs to the tea stall and both drink the tea, and start talking about their lives...

Flashback ends

Aditi (smiling) - That mistake made us really close and even during the competition... we used to playfully flirt with each other and it wasn't until a few days after coming back to college... that he asked me out...


Krish is standing in front of Aditi's room waiting patiently for Aditi to open the door. As soon as the door opens, a nervous Krish stands on his knees with flowers and closes his eyes...

Krish (nervous) - Aditi, youaretheonlygirlwhoIlovewillyougoourwithme?

Krish looks up to see Aditi's roommate looking at him dumbstruck, behind him he hears a burst of soft laughter.

Roommate (smirking) - don't laugh, Aditi... he is here to propose to you...

Aditi blushes hearing it, while the roommate comes running towards her and drags her towards Krish.

Krish (smiling) - seeing you... all my nervousness goes away Aditi... no amount of words put together can describe how much I value you... when we first met, I fell for your simplicity... and your intelligence... as we met more frequently, I fell again seeing how tough you are... I got to know you more and I fell more for you... you are the only girl that made my heart flutter so much.... Will you go out with me, Aditi? Please, say yes quickly so I can stand up...

Aditi with tears in her eyes and a little laughter accepts her rose and makes him stand up.

Aditi (smiling) - the first time I met you, I thought of you as a playboy who played with girl's hearts... and I thought to myself, that I hope we never meet... however, destiny had other plans... we started meeting more frequently... and the day you saved my life... was the very day, I fell for you... I realised that you aren't a player at all... instead, an extrovert guy... and wants to make friends. During our trip, it was when I truly realised my feelings... you are the best thing that has happened in my life... no one has shown so much love as you did... I love you a lot, Krish...

Flashback Ends

Sorry, this chapter was mainly focused on Krish and Aditi's love story, the next chapter will focus on other characters and the changes that happened in their life for the past month. Please do tell me your favourite couple in the story. Do comment and vote for this chapter and stay safe and healthy.

Precap - None

Next Update: Next Month

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