Chapter 36

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Shivika's POV

Finally, the day this drama comes to an end. One month is finally over, and finally, the day of their wedding is here. I stare at the decorations for the wedding, with a smile. Of course, it's perfect after all, it's done by me. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I smile to see little, Pooja tugging me. This one month, Pooja and I have bonded a lot and this isn't some weak bond, no way, it's strong. Whenever something happens to Pooja or if there is any good news, Pooja would tell me first. Despite being Pooja's father, Shyam doesn't even know half the information that I know from Pooja.

Pooja (smiling) - Shivika... how do I look?

She swirls around to show me the red dress I bought her recently.

She looks so pretty, I immediately pick her up and kiss her on her cheeks.

Pooja (smiling) - now we are matching matching...

(Shivika's look)

Me (smiling) - Of course, princess... Now let's double-check everything before your dad comes...

Pooja smiles and both of us start walking, to check everything. As we are walking, I bump into an old lady, probably a guest in the wedding, who looks at me with a weird look...

Aunty - Are you married?

I really want to tell her it's none of her business, and just walk off because I know exactly where it would lead to, however, due to Pooja I politely smile at her and deny.

Aunty (disgusted) - and you already have a child before marriage... disgusting... your parents have taught you nothing about dignity...

She is about to go on when I stare at her with anger. No one can just insult my parents. I knew she was going to confuse me as Pooja's mother but I didn't think she would insult my parents for that...

Me (angry) - Excuse me, aunty... but what my parents have taught me, is none of your business... we aren't even related... we don't even know each other, then who are you to point figures at me? Or my parent's upbringing? Let me introduce myself, aunty, I am not some normal average girl, who will cry and feel insecure about herself, hearing insults... I am Shivika Singh Oberoi... you hear me! And let me tell you about my parents, their names are Shivay Singh Oberoi or SSO ... and my mother's name is Anika Singh Oberoi...Since you questioned my upbringing let me tell you what my parents have told me... they have taught me, how to mind my own business ... and it would be nice, if you could learn that as well, now another thing they taught me is not to judge someone without even knowing them, just because I am walking around with a young girl who is wearing similar clothes to me, doesn't automatically mean, I am her mother... we could have other relationships, so don't come to conclusions... now, thirdly, Whether I am married or not, is none of your business, because it's my parents... if they are fine with me not being married, and walking with a young girl... then I don't think your opinion matters to me nor to my family. Let me give you one, piece of advice, not being married is NOT A CRIME, no one here goes to jail for not being married, it's okay to not be married, so next time, don't make that disgusting expression when you find out a girl isn't married. Also, please don't show me your face again, because I will ruin your life, you shouldn't have pointed fingers at my parent's upbringing... take this as Shivika Singh Oberoi's warning to you.

I flip my hair on her face like my mum does when she wins an argument and then I walk off.

Pooja (smiling) - That was amazing ... but (sad)... I am sorry that she insulted your parents because of me...

Shyam (angry) - Pooja!

Shyam storms towards us, and drags Pooja away from me and then bends down to her level.

Shyam (angry) - Why did you come here?

I immediately come to Pooja's rescue by pulling Pooja towards me and then hugging her.

Me (annoyed) - I bought her...

Shyam (angry) - with whose permission did you bring MY daughter?

Me (annoyed) - Your mother... actually aunty... told me to take her since she hasn't ever seen a wedding... also, she wasn't feeling so well... so I took Pooja with me, after giving her the medicines... don't worry, I asked the doctor already, and they told me after I give aunty the medicine, she will be fine... but she will require lots of rest... Pooja didn't ask me to take her... I took her with me, to company me and I already told the host of the wedding, and they are fine with it...

Shyam (annoyed) - fine, now come with me, we need to check the caterings... and (smiling) Pooja, papa is sorry for being angry with you... I didn't know... will you forgive me?

Pooja looks at him with a smile and Shyam immediately carries her, and then looks at me, as if waiting for me to come closer and walk with him. What's wrong with him? Since a few weeks, I have seen him like this. He has so many mood swings... sometimes, they make me so mad. Sometimes, he is smiling and flirting with me, while I laugh and blush...but then the next minute he would get angry at the littlest things. Once one of the caterers for the wedding, was setting the menu with Shyam and me for the wedding, however, instead of focusing on the catering, the guy was flirting with me, while I was trying to ignore it, but Shyam got mad and immediately cancelled our contract with the company. I was so shocked, why would he do that? However, I felt a little happy inside me, seeing his protective side... as I am walking with Shyam, my phone suddenly vibrates, and I am surprised to see the caller. I quickly stop on my tracks.

Me (smiling) - Shyam... Pooja... can you both check the caterings without me, I have to attend this phone call.

Both Shyam and Pooja smile and head off while I stare at my phone with worry.


Me (worried) - Are you okay aunty? Does it hurt? Should I come back?

Shyam's mother (smiling) - Calm down beta, I am fine, both you and Shyam worry too much... I am calling you to tell you that you have to come for dinner today... it has been so long since there was a family dinner...

Me (confused) - I will tell Shyam and Pooja to come for dinner... but why me, aunty?

Shyam's mother (smiling) - for the past month, you have been taking care of not just me, but Shyam and Pooja, so how can I not consider you my family? Now don't be late... I am cooking yours and Pooja's favourite meal... bye, beta...

Me (smiling) - Bye...

Call ends

Who thought my life would take a 360 turn in one month? After seeing Shyam's mother in the hospital, I asked the doctors who told me, due to some infections and health issues, she has to stay in the hospital for one month... Even though it wasn't my job, I decided to help Shyam take care of his mother and Pooja... Shyam would drop Pooja off to school, and then come to work, while I would pick up Pooja, after her school, then head to the hospital to see aunty... it's not like Shyam couldn't pick up Pooja, but I thought I would get 30 minutes extra to spend some alone time with Pooja, while Shyam will also get the same time, to spend with his mother. I have no clue why I insisted that... maybe it was seeing him tired at work continuously... or maybe I desired to meet Pooja... whatever it was, I am glad that I decided to do that.

Ansh's POV

Thanks to Arushi, I am holding myself back, otherwise, this Krish is making me mad. I am glad that Aditi is smiling and happy with him, but I am scared he will hurt her. Aditi is the most sensitive person in the family and if he hurts her then the damage would be a lot.

Krish (smiling) - I hope to win all of your hearts soon...

I stare at Krish, and I could see that he isn't lying and he is serious about winning our hearts, but I won't just let him win over me, no... I will keep my guards on. I will do a background check to make sure this guy is perfect for her. I walk out of the room, feeling a little frustrated that everyone is slowly accepting him, even Rahul. I am walking towards my room when dad stops me.

Dad (worried) - have you found out the betrayer of our company? I would ask Khanna to help but he is on vacation for some time

Me (smiling) - I think I know who it is... all I need is some proof... and then I will be done...

Dad's frown immediately turns into a smile and then he says those magical words, that make me feel so good about myself.

Dad (smiling) - I am so proud of you...

He gives me a warm hug and then leaves to look for mum. These words mean so much to me because my life goal is to make my parents proud.

Arushi (smiling) - I am happy for you...

I turn around to see the person behind this feeling... if it weren't for her then I would have never found the person....

Me (smiling) - Thank you Arushi for the idea... if...

Arushi (smiling) - please don't continue your thank yous... you have told me that too many times... it's the least I could do for you... also, I am the daughter-in-law of the house, and as a daughter in law, I should help my father-in-law...

I am not going to lie, I did feel a little hurt, hearing that she did that to pay me back, but I am glad later she said it was part of her role. Arushi still thinks of me as a friend, and I will patiently wait for her to accept me, because I know how hard it is to move on for her, from the betrayal... I have seen and heard it from my mother. I will give her all the time in the world, and will patiently wait for her.

Arushi (clicking her fingers on my face) - where are you lost? Anyway, come with me....

She takes my hand and then drags me to our room and then closes the door. Wonder what she is going to do.

Arushi (smiling) - Do you trust Aditi?

Me (confused) - I do...

Arushi (smiling) - then trust her choice, Ansh... I know our family has a history of betrayers... but that doesn't mean that everyone is bad... some people are also good, Ansh... like Saumya chachi... she didn't come from a rich family nor did she fall for Rudra chacha for money... my mother didn't even have a connection with a rich family... she didn't even know English... however, she fell for my father... for her laad governor... not because he was rich... no!... it was because of his personality ... and his care for his sister... What I am trying to say is Ansh, you can't just do a background check on Krish, because in a way you are doubting your sister's choice... let them both be happy.... Let us get to know him without any background information, this way, it will be a learning experience for us... you can be cautious with him... I am not saying don't be... all I am saying is try to know him... bond with him, like Aditi, wishes you to... and that way you can learn more about him... and perhaps accept him...

Me (worried) - But what if he turns out like....

Arushi (upset) - Like Prem.... Not everyone is bad, Ansh... you can't classify everyone on the same boat... just trust this guy, this once... and if he hurts Aditi... or if he hurts anyone in this family, you can then act like the eldest son... and do a background check, and do everything in your power to kick him out of here... but for now, act like Aditi's brother... not the possessive one... but the sweet one, and try to bond with him...

I stare at Arushi with a proud look. She has gone through such a big turmoil... however, she is still standing strong. She is following the duties of my wife so well... she didn't tell me anything in front of my siblings... even though she could have... she told me to understand them, privately... she could have openly told dad that it was her idea to find the betrayer... but she didn't.... The least I could do is follow her advice and trust that Krish guy for once... and also, get Arushi to join her father's company once again... I know she really wants to join it, but due to her duties towards this house, she isn't... don't worry Arushi... I will help you fulfil your wishes.

Precap - Rahul and Pari's lives.

Next Update: Next Month

Hope you all are safe and healthy, thank you all so much for the votes and comments in my last update, do continue to comment and like. Stay safe and healthy

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