Chapter 8

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No one's POV

Shivika knocks on the door, and hearing the sound of the knock, Anika hides her tears and asks her to come in. As soon as she sees Shivika, she runs up and hugs her.

Anika (upset) - I have been a bad mother, Shivika. I am sorry... I will make it up to you... I will try to be the best mother from now on Shivika... I promise...

Shivika (upset) - No mum, I am sorry I haven't been the best daughter... I will try to be nice... mum... I am.. Sorry...for causing you so much trouble.

Shivika bends her head low while Anika hugs her teary-eyed.

Shivay (clapping) - Wow, my princess won't hug me?

Shivika (smiling through her tears) - Dad, we are having a moment here...

Shivay (smiling) - Well I feel jealous that I am not a part of it...

Ansh (coming behind Shivay) - Stop being Mr Jealous Singh Oberoi...

Shivay jumps hearing Ansh behind him and then stares at him with fake anger.

Shivay (fake anger) - Don't scare me like this Ansh...

Ansh (smirking) - Shivay Singh Oberoi knows how to be scared... that's amazing...

Shivika (laughing) - So true Ansh bhaiya...I didn't know that dad can get started...

Anika (laughing) - I..did... remember Shivay... how I scared you...when Malai...

Before Anika could finish her sentence, Shivay comes running towards her and covers her mouth.

Shivay (embarrassed) - Don't expose this in front of the kids...

Shivika (smirking) - Mum, tell us na... how did you scare dad?

Anika (smiling) - Maybe another time Shivika...

Shivay (smiling) - Thanks Ani... I mean Anika...

Anika (smiling) - You can call me Ani... if you want...

Shivay (smiling) - So everyone... I have got some good news...we aren't leaving this mansion... the bank has approved my loan request... and therefore, I am going to start to pay off my debts...

Ansh (worried) - How did you get the loan dad? Didn't the bank want to auction the mansion?

Shivay (upset) - Yes, they did... but someone convinced them to give us a chance... And they offered to give us a loan ... and a month's time to repay them...

Anika (upset) - How are you going to pay more than 10 crores within a month? Even if we use the money from my business... then it will only be around... 5 crores... I think we should cut down some expenses...

Shivika (upset) - What do you mean by expenses?

Anka (upset) - No more parlour trips once a week... and no more wasting money...

Shivika (annoyed) - NO! How will I live without my parlour? This isn't fair...

Before Shivika can continue her whining, Ansh gives her a death glare and she shuts her mouth. Both Shivay and Anika look at their children with worry, they are so used to a luxurious life that this poverty will not be easy for them.

Ansh (upset) - I will be back...

Ansh rushes out of the room, while Shivay follows him feeling worried for him. Dhruv and Rahul who saw him rushing like this followed him and as soon as they reached the room, Ansh broke down laughing.

Dhruv (whispering to Rahul) - I think he became a little psycho... hearing this...

Rahul (annoyed) - Shut up Dhruv...

Dhruv (annoyed) - Why are you telling me to shut up? Yes... I can say stupid things, however, this time I am telling you the truth. Look at him laughing like a psycho... the Oberoi mansion is about to be sold off... and him...

Before Rahul could say anything, Shivay says it.

Shivay (annoyed) - Shut up Rudra...

Shivay realises what he has said, and gets teary-eyed remembering his stupid brother.

Ansh (smiling) - Dad, stop crying... our plan is a success...

Rahul (confused) - What plan? (eying Ansh) What are you doing?

Ansh (smiling) - Should we tell them, dad?

Dhruv (confused) - I told you he is crazy... but no one listens to me... now he is trying to make chacha crazy... he thinks that the news of Oberoi's going broke... which is spread everywhere... is fake...

Shivay (upset) - Ansh... our plan backfired... the news is all over the state...

Ansh (smirking) - So what dad? We will tell them later that the Oberoi mansion isn't broke...

Shivay (upset) - But it is... I am sorry but the Oberoi mansion is about to get sold off...

Ansh (shocked) - NO! This can't happen, dad... no...

Rahul (confused) - Can someone explain this to me?

Ansh (upset) - I and dad decided that to change Shivika and to bring mum and Saumya chachi closer... we pretended that dad's company is going to a loss...and this would hurt everyone... and I know Saumya chachi... she would try to help mum... She would console her...and that's what happened... seeing mum so upset... she crossed the line and helped her, supported her... mending some of the physical and emotional distance that they had... meanwhile, for Shivika... we thought it's best if she learns to live a life without luxury ... and that's why ... the news was spread...this would help her learn to save money...but... now it turns out that dad's business is really in a loss...

Rahul (upset) - Why didn't you tell us about your plan? We could have helped you...

Ansh (upset) - It's our fault... that Shivika is so spoilt... And therefore, we decided to punish her ourselves... and as for the other part... I am sorry... I thought to keep it a secret... sorry...

Dhruv (upset) - It's fine Ansh bhaiya...

Ansh (annoyed) - Don't call me bhaiya... how many times do I have to tell you? It makes me sound old... and it's better when you call me Ansh...

Dhruv (smiling) - Ok, Mr Ansh Singh Oberoi... ASO...

Shivay (smiling) - Nice ...

Knock Knock

Ansh silently goes to open the door, and there they see a horrible looking Shivika.

Shivika (upset) - Dad... due to all this crying... my makeup has been washed... I need new ones...

Ansh (annoyed) - Go wash your face, (smiling) you don't need makeup (Shivika smiles)... you need plastic surgery...

Shivika (shocked) - How could you?

Shivika goes towards Ansh with her horrible looking face and then starts hitting him, while Shivay and Dhruv laugh looking at the scene.

Rahul (annoyed) - Guys, stop fighting...let's make a deal Shivika...

Shivika immediately lets go of Ansh and goes towards Rahul.

Shivika (smiling) - Will I get to buy my makeup?

Rahul (annoyed) - Yes... but in return... you have to work with Anika chachi in her business... and she will pay you for the work you do... and using that money... you can spend it or save it... it's your choice...and after you start working with chachi... you can't and I mean it... you cannot ask for money from no one... you have to use your own money for your private expenses...

Shivika (annoyed) - What will I get if I do that?

Rahul (smirking) - I will pay for your parlour trip... but only for today...

Shivika (smiling) - DEAL!

Shivika and Rahul shake hands to conceal the deal, while Shivay, Ansh and Dhruv smirk realising what Rahul did.

Precap - None

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