§ Chapter One: Season Greetings §

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, only my oc's. Also: this book has been set to mature as it will contain cursing and other "mature" things. And: Total Drama never happened and pay attention to deal.

Saturday, June 12th

Zoey's POV
I was walking in my high heels towards the after party for graduation. I looked around for my parents and they were standing there happy. I hugged them both and they hugged me back.

Senior year is finally over! No more mean people, no more boring high school classes, no more high school relationship drama, no more high school! I ran almost tripping in my heels towards the area. As I walked in I saw Bridgette and Geoff making out as always, Courtney talking to her parents and two older brothers, and then Mike. My high school sweetheart you could say...then Anna-Maria ruined it, by making him cheat on me, break up with me, and then move on with her.

I saw him give me a small wave and he smiled back, as he started to wave back when Anna-Maria walked up to him and grabbed his arm. He looked at her a laughed a bit. I had no idea if Mike still liked me, but I still like-love him.

"Come with me toots....bye red." Anna-Maria said and kissed his cheek.

I scoffed and I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over and saw Bridgette said there. I sighed and she put her arm around me.

    "I'm fine, I got used to it. It's good that I now don't have to deal with it everyday." I said and she nodded.

         Soon Scott walked over with Courtney, who was talking with Heather, who was dragging Alejandro. I had no idea why Heather and Alejandro were here. They weren't my friends, Heather always mocked me and Alejandro tried to flirt with me, but I had Mike so I didn't fall for him.

     "Has anyone seen Gwen?" Courtney asked concerned for her.

     "Not since before graduation, ask Duncan he should know." Bridgette said and I looked at her.

"Yeah, but where's Duncan?" Geoff asked and we all looked around.

I then saw Duncan walking out of the forest, he looked pissed, but also very upset. I looked at everyone about to tell them, but they all already saw him.

"What's up with him?" Heather asked crossing her arms.

"Who cares...I'm looking for Gwen, she's leaving for New York tomorrow." Courtney said and I looked at her.

"Tomorrow...she's moving out of the country tomorrow?" Bridgette asked and Courtney nodded.

I sighed...Gwen and I were good friends, well I think we were good friends. I helped her with her claustrophobia one time on a field trip, but her Bridgette were closer. Then there was Courtney and Gwen...best friends, but that was just an understatement on how close those two were....then Gwen and Duncan....inseparable is an understatement on how close the two of them were.

"So...who wants to ask him?" Alejandro asked and we all looked at each other as Duncan's started walking over to us.

No one said a word and Courtney rolled her eyes and Duncan looked at up at us, and just crossed his arms. We all looked at him and no one said anything.

"Where's Gwen?" Courtney asked and he looked at her.

"Did Gwen tell you she was moving to New York or London?" He asked dodging her question.

"New York....why?" Courtney asked and Duncan laughed.

"Well she lied...she's moving to London, England to go to some fancy rich ass art college. Oh and get this...she's moving tonight instead of tomorrow." Duncan said and Courtney gasped.

We were all shocked actually. I looked over at the woods as Gwen was talking to her brothers Tristen, Valentine, and Jimmy. I couldn't believe she was leaving....today....to London.

Gwen's POV
I just spent my last twenty minutes arguing with Duncan over me moving to London, England over New York City, New York. I sighed as I saw him walk away from me pissed. My older brother, Tristen, who's 22 put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and then my other older brother Valentine who's 20 and then little brother Jimmy who's 10.

"Maybe you shouldn't move." Jimmy said and I gave him a look.

He nodded and looked forward. Tristen's one year old son, Henry, ran over and hugged my leg. I looked at Tristen to get his child off my leg and he shook his head.

"Karma's a bitch honey." Valen whispered and I flipped him off.

I looked down at Henry and he looked at me. I put my leg up and Tristen took him.

"I'm gonna go say bye to them, and then get ready." I said and walked away from my brothers.

Courtney's POV
I couldn't believe Gwen lied to us about this, yeah I was mad, but I can't have me being mad at her the last memory I'll have of her I'll have for a while. I saw her walking over and I took a deep breath and she walked over to me and hugged me.

    "I hate you for lying to me." I said and she sighed.

    "I'm sorry" she said and I soon let go of her so she could say her goodbyes to everyone else.

        Duncan was ignoring her as she rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek, and hugged him. She whispered something and he just didn't respond.

    "I hope to see you all soon." She said and then ran off.

    "That was your last memory of her for a while...and you ignored her." I said and he looked at me.

    "Don't got lawyer mode on me Courtney. I'm the one dropping her off...I'll get my memory." He said and walked away from us.

I rolled my eyes, why did I ever date that? We all soon left the graduation afterparty and made our ways home. I was happy for Gwen, she was going to maybe because a world famous artist, but I doubt that actually happen as it's very rare to even get noticed in the world we live in.

I was moving to Connecticut for Yale University...as I was becoming a lawyer. I knew Zoey was going to become a surgeon, Bridgette studying to become a marine...something, Geoff I had no idea, Heather was becoming a fashion designer, Alejandro was...I don't know about him either, Duncan was doing whatever he was doing, and then Scott was studying agriculture, at a college in Connecticut.

I had no idea where this group was going....only that it would be a long time be any of us saw each other again.

/// Seven and a Half Years Later \\\

Wednesday, November 21st
34 Days Till Christmas.....

Bridgette's POV
          I finished work for today and started closing up the aquarium. I turned around and walked from the back door to my car. I work at a huge, very popular aquarium in California as a marine veterinarian. I just turned 26 and I live with Geoff, who's now my fiancé, in a small apartment. Geoff works as an events coordinator at the huge reck center in our town.

         I drove home and found Geoff sitting there on the couch with his computer in hand. I walked and he was looking at a very expensive ski lodge resort in Canada.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he looked at me and laughed.

"We haven't seen anyone from school since graduation. I want to do little Christmas get together." He said and I nodded.

     "Oh yes please." I said and sat down next to him.

            I knew Courtney's number and wrote it down for Geoff, I did with everyone else's...expect for Gwen. Well I knew her public number for fans, but not her personal one. I sighed and looked at Geoff. Yeah...Gwen's a very well known artist, the opposite of Courtney's predictions, well actually like everyone predictions. No

"Maybe Duncan knows it." I said and he nodded.

          It was like 6:20 PM here so it was 9:20 in Connecticut with Courtney and Scott, Canada with Zoey along with Duncan, and New York heather and Alejandro. As Geoff looked at one of the most expensive ski lodges in Canada I hit him.

   "I don't think anyone can afford that....we definitely can't." I said and he looked at me.

   "Babe calm down...Gwen's family owns it and they said we all get half off whenever we want to go." He said and showed me a paper from like seven year ago.

   "Okay...but just check with them first." I said and he nodded and kissed my cheek.

          He then showed me the computer and it was an email from the resort, saying yes of course...as many rooms as you need, everything's on us since we haven't seen you in seven years. I was shocked, but I just shrugged it off and leaned back....hopefully no one has plans. I then sent everyone an individual text explaining everything. I then saw went through some other chats, to see if anyone has Gwen's number.

Heather's POV
          I was sitting drinking wine in my New York apartment, when my phone vibrated. I grabbed it and looked it was a text from Bridgette. It was an invitation to a free cabin to a very expensive ski lodge for a Christmas reunion. I shocked that it free. There has to be a catch as I know that ski lodge doesn't just give out free cabins.

    "What happened?" Alejandro, my now husband, asked and I got up and looked at him.

"Bridgette...from high school invited us to a very expensive ski lodge for free...for Christmas." I said and he looked at me and I gave him my phone.

He started reading it and I looked at him.

"Let's do it." He said and I smiled.

Alejandro gave me back my phone and I replied to Bridgette and she then quickly replied.

We're planning to do it from December 18th to January 6th. -Bridgette

Courtney's POV
          I replied to Bridgette's date text and smiled as I finally going to see some of my old friends. Scott was sleeping next to me and I rubbed his head. It might be a month away, but I was very excited. I went back to reading the case I was on. I got another text and it was from a group chat.

         I smiled seeing all my old friends texting in the group chat and it made me ten times more excited. Scott woke up and looked at me. I smiled down at me and he smiled up at me.

   "What's going on?" Scott asked and I looked at him.

   "We're going to the Rousseau Ski Lodge." I said and he rose his eyebrow.

   "My papi always dreamed of going there. How are we going to afford it?" Scott asked and I showed my phone.

        He read it and then looked at me and nodded.

Duncan's POV
I was working on a car when my phone kept vibrating. I was ready for the ski lodge, as I haven't seen anyone in forever. Also it wouldn't be my first time being at that ski lodge as Gwen's family would always invite or family their and we would spend so many weeks there skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, just everything.

I finished on the car for the day and then walked to my office and saw old pictures of me and Gwen. I smiled and picked up the pictures and started flipping through them. I miss Gwen so much, we used to talk everyday and every night for hours until it turned into....nothing. The last time we had a real conversation through text was four years ago before her career kicked off.

Just then my phone started ringing and I looked as it was the same unknown number that calls me everyday at the same time 9:43 PM no matter what day it is. I've block the number, but it just comes back. It's been going on for four and half years now and not I just send it to voicemail or ignore it.

Zoey's POV
           I was texting in the group chat in the on call room in the hospital I work in. I was so pumped for the Christmas to see all my old friends. I wondered if Mike was going to be there, but at the same time knew he probably wasn't. I couldn't help it, but I privately texted Bridgette if he was invited.

No, but if you want him to come I can send him an invite -Bridgette

I replied sure and then sat back and waited for my pager to go off. I went online and saw something on Gwen opening anew art gallery in Oregon, and I sighed. I don't think she's going to be there, it's too bad because I really miss her. My phone vibrated and

I texted Mike, he says he might be able to go. -Bridgette

I did not expect her to get that answer so fast. I texted her back oh good and then went back to the article on my old friend.

Well there's chapter one. I hoped you guys like it and wait for more. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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