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I groaned and sat up as a beeping sound filled my room yet again. Rubbing my eyes, I rolled over a bit and turned off my alarm, silence filling the room yet again. I groaned again and pushed the covers off me before swinging my bare legs off the mattress. Standing up, I carefully walked over to the shower and climbed inside.

(Time skip brought to you by alarm clocks that scare you out of bed because you think the smoke alarm is going off.)

I climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked towards my closet and chose a simple fitted grey short sleeved shirt that says 'Stay Wild Moon Child' and jeans. After getting dressed, I stretched yet again and walked downstairs. I closed my eyes as I turned on the lights and continued down the small hallway, turning into the second door on the right. Only when I had stepped into the kitchen did I dare to open my eyes again. I walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a box of cereal, then walked over to the fridge and grabbed some milk. After my cereal was made, I ate it standing at the counter and staring off into space. After a little while, I realized that It was about time for me to leave. I nearly choked on the cereal that I was eating as I ran out of the kitchen and threw on my trainers without getting any socks. I grabbed my backpack and literally ran out the door. The school wasn't too far from my house, but I still needed to leave fairly early because of traffic. I ran through the traffic, waving at people to thank them for not running me over. As I finally arrived at school I realized three things

1. I was early by five minutes

2. I forgot socks so my feet have blisters and are bleeding

3. It's the first day of school and I forgot my map

Fuck. I looked through the kids in the cafeteria seeing no one I knew.

"Need something?" I heard from beside me. I turned to my left and saw a good friend standing there. She was holding black socks, Band-Aids, and a map of the school. I grabbed them and smiled at her gratefully.

"Thanks Eclipse." She smiled and nodded back.  She was wearing her usual long-sleeved black turtleneck with black jeans and her black and white tennis shoes covering black socks.

"You're welcome!" I sat down and put the Band-Aids and socks on, then stood back up. She nodded, flicking some hair back over her shoulder and that's when I noticed it.

"Is that..." I stopped and put out a hand to gab her hair. She turned to the side so that my hand went right by her. I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around before going and grabbing some hair from next to her face on her left. It was a dark blue. "You dyed your hair?" I asked.

"Nope it's natural." She said sarcastically, grabbing her hair from my hand.

"You dyed your hair?" I said again.

"Um yea? It's only a strip of hair though, I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it." She tucked her hair behind her shoulder before gasping. She covered her mouth and looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Is it bad?" She questioned. I shook my head as she looked at the ground and pulled at some of her brown hair.

"No! It's not bad." I said, making her look back at me. "It's just....different. That's all." I smiled honestly at her. She looked me in the eyes, still tugging on her hair.

"You sure?" She asked. I nodded again.

"Yep. I promise that's all." She nodded to herself and stood back up straighter. I grabbed her hand and made her drop the strand of waist-long hair that she was still tugging on. "Stop tugging on that. You're going to go bald."

"Sorry." She muttered. "It's a habit." The bell then rang, telling us that we were now late. We both looked around the cafeteria to see it completely empty, though I never heard the kids go out. We looked at each other with matching expressions. "Shit." She said, then we both took off running. I ran over to my locker and waved as she went down a different hallway. Throwing open my locker, I grabbed some pencils, unloaded my backpack, and slammed my locker closed again as I took off down the hall. I saw Eclipse running down the same hallway. We coincidentally stopped at the same door and stood there for a second to catch our breaths before she opened the door. I stepped through the doorway, hearing Eclipse do the same. The teacher as well as everyone else in the class looked at us.

"You're late." She announced like we didn't already know. I nodded at her as not to get in trouble. "But I guess I'll let it slide for the first day. You may choose your seat." I looked back up and nodded, smiling thankfully. Noticing another familiar face I grabbed Eclipse's arm and dragged her over, sitting down whilst Eclipse did the same.

"Lucky."  He muttered after I settled down.

"Nice to see you too Hank." I muttered back. He smiled a little, but kept his eyes on the front of the classroom.

"And you. Eclipse?"

"I dyed it." She muttered back, also keeping her eyes on the front. I never really did understand those two. They almost seemed to be able to read each other's minds.

"I'm a little surprised." Was the response she got before the teacher turned to us.

"Do I need to split you guys up?" She asked us, slightly glaring. I noticed Eclipse paled a bit; probably from all the attention we were getting. I opened my mouth to speak.

"No, we can handle it." Hank responded, one of his eyes sliding over to look at me whilst the other stayed looking at the teacher. I shut my mouth.

"Ok then, don't make me regret letting you guys sit together." She said, then went back to the lesson. We all nodded and paid a little more attention to the teacher.

A little more.

As we were muttering about our summers, the teacher turned to us again and full on glared.

"Can someone from that table tell me what I just said?" She asked. Hank looked at me again, clearly not knowing anything.

"Yo-you said 'This is for if you get any chemicals in your eyes. If you do, put your eyes over here and press this.' Then you looked over to us and asked 'What did I just say?'" We both looked to Eclipse who had just spoken. She looked pale as a ghost. The teacher clearly noticed this too.

"Hun, are you feeling ok?" She asked. Eclipse nodded.

"Yea i'm fine. Don't worry." She smiled.

"Ok then, because you look a little pale."

"I assure you, i'm fine." The teacher nodded.

"Ok then." And class resumed.

(Another time skip brought to you by the frustration of people continuously using the bathroom when they know you want to dye your hair.)

I sighed as another class finally ended, meaning it was lunch time. I walked down to my locker and opened it, grabbing my lunch and putting everything else away. I walked down to the cafeteria and immediately noticed Eclipse and Hank sitting alone at a table. I smiled and walked up to them.

"Hey guys." I greeted, plopping myself down on the bench. They looked to me.

"Hey ______" Eclipse said and smiled. Hank just nodded.

"What were you two talking about?" I asked.

"What we'd like to do when we get out of here." Hank responded for Eclipse, who shot a look his way.

"Like, graduate?" I said, confused. They nodded

"Yep." Eclipse  confirmed it.

"So...?" I questioned, asking them to tell.

"Well, you know how I always said I wanted to go back to England?" Eclipse nervously started. I nodded. "Well, I've changed my mind." She laughed a little whilst I stared wide eyed at her.

"What? Really? Oh my lord that's.... you've wanted to do that for ages!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know." She put her hands up in defense.

"But... so much has changed." She said, looking at the ground. I nodded sympathetically. She shook her head. "Anyway, I was reading in the paper and apparently there's a new planet they discovered. One that people could like on. Actually..." She laughed. "They already do." I gasped.

"Whoa really? That's awesome!!!"

"I know right? Anyway, they have some sort of 'naming day' thing there where the people actually get powers. Of course, you have to be sixteen so..." She trailed off.

"You're leaving early?" I asked and she nodded. I put my hands up on either side of my face. "Are you sure though?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It seems really cool, and you know I've always whished for something like that!" I sighed. It's true.

"Well, ok. Have fun." I muttered, then perked up a little.

"Well, you can still talk to me. They have mail and whatnot." She laughed at my expression.

"Well, at least tell me where you're going?"

"The planet?" She asked just to clarify. I nodded. "Well, it's name is Ultimate."

"That's a cool name for a planet!"

"I know!" Hank then coughed as he had been forgotten.

"Oh, heh... sorry Hank." I said. "What about you?"

"I'm heading off with Eclipse."

"So i'm going to lose both my friends?" I asked, shocked. They nodded.

"Sorry." Eclipse muttered. I shook my head. "It's fine." And then the bell rang again. We were once again, late for class.

Hey guys!! DeadEmberGirl here!! So, As i'm editing Moon Child, I found all these ideas for a new story. And here we are!! I think this story is going to be a little calmer then Moon Child. Moon Child was fun and everything... but it was really tense to write and whatnot. So... yea. Anyways... hope you like the story so far. (Updates are not going to happen every day) Also, I don't have a name idea for the main character so please leave suggestions. Otherwise I guess it could be a reader thing. But anyways, see ya!

Oh wait...



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