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⚠️Spoilers for Detroit Become Human for the rest of the story⚠️

_____'s POV

I laid awake and stared at the wall, remembering what had happened. The police had come to Eclipse's place and started looking for her as signs showed that she had been gone for a day; long enough for them to start searching. Hank though had not been gone long enough yet. At least one of my friends was being found....hopefully. The police had also put a camera in each room of my house as I was likely the next target. As my mind finally started to slow down, and sleep finally started to creep into my soul, I heard a white noise fill the room. Adrenaline kicked in and I jumped out of bed. I looked around my room and shrieked when I saw a person standing in the corner. I backed up to the wall, only to feel my back hit cloth. I realized what was happening just as a sharp pain pricked my wrist. I looked down to see someone's hands removing a needle from my wrist. I almost immedietly started feeling woozy. Stumbling forward,  my eyes flicked over to the camera in the corner of the room. I quickly looked away though, as I didn't want to give it away. I stumbled over to my dresser, but fell as I was reaching out to grab it. I felt my head smack it, and the world vanished just like that.

Eclipse's POV

'The school day is as ordinary as ever and it's over before I know it.' Well, it's not wrong. I look at the pink square as everyone else is exiting.

'After I pack up my things, I stare blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation.' I do as it says and wait for Sayori to come and get me.

"Clubs..." I repeat after reading the square.

'Sayori wants me to check out some clubs.' I roll my eyes. .

'I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club...' Or not. I honestly suck at everything that has to do with art so...

"Hellooo?" I smile as I hear Sayori's voice echo around the room.

"Sayori...?" I ask, though i'm pretty sure even an idiot could figure out who it was. She stands in front of me, blue eyes staring into my green ones.

'Sayori must have come into the room while I was spacing out.' You think?

'I look around and realize that i'm the only one left in the classroom.'

"I thought I'd catch you coming out of the classroom, but I saw you just sitting here and spacing out, so I came in."

"Honestly, you're even worse than me sometimes... I'm impressed!" I looked into her eyes and saw that she was clearly tired of repeating these lines. I feel really bad for her. Welp, time to break the game.

"You know, whilst I appreciate the effort and all, you really don't have to repeat these lines for me again." I say to her and watch her eyes grow huge. Then it hits her.

"Oh my gosh, Eclipse?" She squeals and wraps me in a huge hug. I nod and hug her back.

"The one and only!" I say as she pulls away. She smiles at me, and I smile back. Then she jumps a bit before grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I get a head rush, but smile nonetheless. She takes off down the hall, still grabbing onto my arm.

"Come on! We've got to tell the others!" She practically yells as she drags me up some stairs. I stumble after her, barely keeping myself from falling flat on my face. I start laughing though at her energy. She finally reaches the club door, but I catch her before she can burst in. I lean closer and whisper to her.

"Hey, why don't we act like i'm a normal player and see who guesses it's me first?" She nods, then straightens herself up and puts herself back into character.

"Let's do this." She whispers back.  We wait outside for about a minute before she opens the door and lets me walk in. She goes to stand in front of me.

"Everyone! The new member is here-!"

"I told you, don't call me a 'new member-'" I mutter back, remembering this part. I look around the room as the girls walk towards me.

"Welcome to the literature  club. It's a pleasure meeting you." Yuri says. I nod my head to her. I see confusion flash in her eyes for a second, but she shrugs it off and continues.

"Sayori always says nice things about you."

"Seriously? You brought her?" Natsuki asks, not being able to call me a boy.

"Way to kill the atmosphere." I nearly laugh. I see Monica look at me weirdly before closing her eyes momentarily to get the player's name. When she opens her eyes, I see them widen. I give her a look and she nods and smirks. Yuri and Natsuki look at her with confused expressions. Those quickly fade though when Monika, still smirking, says her next lines teasingly.

"Ah, Eclipse! What a nice surprise!" The other two look at me with wide eyes and I just burst out laughing.

"Eclipse?" I hear Natsuki say before I am hit by someone running. Arms wrap around me. Startled, I look up to see Natsuki clinging to me. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around her small frame. She was like a little sister to me. Yuri was smiling at me.

"It's good to see you."

"You too Yuri." I smiled back at her.

"Hey Eclipse?" Monica asked. I looked over to her.

"Yeah?" She smiled a bit, but I could tell something was bothering her. I shot her a confused look. "What's wrong?"

"Well.. how did you get.. you know."

"In the game?" I finished for her. She nodded. I tapped Natsuki's arm and she let go of me. I sat on the floor and let her sit in my lap. She was really light really. The others followed my lead and sat down on the floor in front of me. I sighed, then started telling them the story of my kidnapping.

Hank's POV

I woke up with a headache, a churning stomach, and no memory. Looking around, I started to gain my memories. I quickly gave myself a small test as I was getting my brain back.

Name.... Hank


Friends....Two..... _____ and Eclipse

Favorite color... Black


I paused and looked around, not yet knowing the answer to that. I was in a park on a bench. I carefully got up as my headache had subsided and my stomach was pleased again. I looked around and got a sense of déjà vu. As I was looking around, a memory came back... one that proved beyond anything that I was no longer at home. I put a hand on my forehead as one thought crossed my mind. 'Shit. I was kidnapped.' I looked around again and my mouth fell open as I realized where I was.

Favorite game: Detroit Become Human

I was in the park seen in Conner's point of view when he was with Hank. Realizing another thing, I laughed.

"Welp, this is going to be difficult. I have the same name as that ass." I laughed a bit.

"Who is 'that ass' then, huh?" I turned around to see him standing there with a bottle in his hand.

"Speak of the devil." I said, rubbing my forehead. He looked at me, a little confused. I sighed and walked towards him 'till I was in front of him. I then stuck my hand out.

"Hey Hank, I'm Hank." I said. He growled a little at first, but then stopped and looked at me.

"...Hank?" He asked. I nodded

"Good to see you again too buddy." He laughed and pulled me into a hug, throwing the beer bottle away.

"Oh god. I didn't think I'd ever hear your voice again." He commented, before pulling back. "Or see you in person." His eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down. "How'd you get here in the first place?" I sighed.

"Well, long story short.. I was kidnapped." I said. He grabbed my shoulder and guided me over to the bench where we sat down.

"Tell me about it kid." He half asked. I nodded.

"Well, I was woken up by my dog who was growling. I looked over to where he was looking, and I saw he was looking at a shadow next to my dresser."

"Ten bucks it wasn't a shadow." Hank said. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't have any money."


"Well, I told him to be quiet and tried to go to sleep, but I was pulled out of it by white noise. I looked over and saw that the screen of the alarm clock was full of static."

"That's impossible though." Hank interrupted. I nodded.

"So is a human coming inside a video game." He nodded. "I jumped back and of course Panda started going crazy."

"Your dog?"



"I decided to go and prove that everything was fine so I got out of bed and went to turn on the lights. Of course I had to turn my back on the shadow to do so. I turned on the lights and they grabbed me from behind. I tried to get away but someone else came in through my door and put a cloth over my mouth."


"Of course."


"I had to breathe in so I did without wanting to. I was let go so I stumbled around a bit. They picked me up and I told Panda to get _____."


"Yes. They had obviously heard me though as they put the same cloth over my mouth and nose again until I breathed in again and passed out. Then I ended up here."

"Did they say anything?" Hank asked. He had gotten out his pad of paper and a pen whilst I was talking. I thought back a bit.

"Yeah, they did."


"One of them had said 'The second one wasn't that hard.'" I turned  to him. "What do you think that means?" I asked.

"No idea. Does it not mean anything to you?" He asked. I started to shake my head before remembering something.

"Wait..." I looked at him a little alarmed. "Eclipse." He looked at me a little confused.

"Who?" I shook my head.

"Did anyone else new come here?" He shook his head.

"Nope. I would've known if someone strange turned up." I sighed, disappointed.

"Eclipse is a friend of mine. She didn't go to school the day before I got kidnapped. I'm sure she was the one they were talking about." He looked at me.

"I'm sorry that this happened Hank." He said. I shook my head.

"It's fine." I muttered. Hank stood up and held out a hand to help me up. I accepted and followed him over to his car. I watched as he got in.

"Coming?" He called out after awhile. I jumped a bit and nodded.

"Oh.. yeah, sorry." I muttered as I opened the door and climbed in. Buckling my seatbelt, I managed to reach out with my foot and close the door. Hank took off. "So.. where are we going?" I asked once I had gotten situated. He looked at me for a moment out of the corner of his eye before responding.

"To the police station. Where else?" I nodded and relaxed in his car, looking at the stars, and soon falling into a peaceful sleep.

Hey guys!! DeadEmberGirl here!! I am loving this story so far!! I'm sorry if there's a lot of spelling issues or punctuation errors, but I'm really tired. I'm also really confused. I'm only telling you people on Wattpad this, but I'm confused over a guy. I've been good friends with him for a while. (I'd even say best friends) Recently though, one of my other friends pushed me into him (at lunch) and he nearly fell out of his chair. The strangest thing happened though.. I FREAKING BLUSHED!! Ok, so many of you may not know why this is weird. Well.. I'll tell you why fellow readers.

1. I never (and I mean NEVER) blush. It's been physically impossible for me to blush for almost three years.

2. I have run up behind this friend and hugged him with other people around and not blushed.

3. I've done many things more embarrassing than being pushed into him with him and not blushed.

So.. yea.  It's weird. Then, after that every time I saw him I blushed. It's been like that for a freaking week. I blush at the thought and/or sight of him. About half of the time it doesn't look like i'm bushing.. but I am. My body is acting like I like him..(Nothing weird guys...) but I don't really think I do. It's possible but.. Agh! I'm so confused! Please halp me!! Thanks.. Anyway. See ya in the next chapter!

And before I go...



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