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⚠️Undertale spoiler warning for the rest of the book⚠️

_____'s POV

My eyes snapped open as a headache pounded it's way into my senses. I gasped and sat up which only made it worse. Laying back down, I saw that there was a hole above me and frowned at it.

(Time skip brought to you by the best song in Undertale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0YDbhBNJfY )

I had laid on the ground for about five minutes before my headache died down enough to get up. Slowly and carefully, I sat up and looked around. My mouth fell open as I recognized the scenery. I-it's......Undertale? Looking down, I realized I was in Frisk's blue and pink sweater. I quickly stood up and ran through the hallway, then through the purple gate at the end. My eyes immediately saw the little yellow flower. He looked at me and put on that fake smile that we all know and-... well.. we all know anyway. I smiled at him, bouncing on my toes a little. I saw him shoot me a little look, but he soon went back into character. I jumped as a black box suddenly appeared in front of me. I watched in amazement as text started to appear. At the same time, Flowey started talking.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey." I sighed and brought my fist down on the text box, cracking it. Flowey stopped in the middle of his whole 'Flowey the flower' thing and just looked at me. I giggled at his expression. It got a little awkward, so I decided to talk.

"Hey, um... I'm _____. I was kidnapped from my house and blacked out after they gave me a shot." I kind of expected some reaction, but he just sat there gawking at me. I shifted a little. "Is.. is this Underta- The Underground?" I corrected myself. He seemed to snap out of it.

"You... you broke the text box." I slowly nodded.

"Um.. yes?" He looked from the box to me, then back to the box.

"_____?" I nodded again.


"How did you get inside the game?" He looked at me and narrowed his eyes a little. I shrugged.

"I just told you all I know." I replied quietly. He sat there for a bit.

"Yes, this is Undertale." Flowey finally responded. I nodded.

"I think we both have some explaining to do... Asriel."

Hank's POV

I awoke to someone shaking me. Looking over, I saw Hank was standing in the open car door and shaking me awake.

"Come on Hank, Conner's dying to see you again." I chuckled as I rubbed my eyes. Hank nearly pulled me out of the car out of impatience, but I was finally out and walking into the police station. We walked in silence until we got to the back room. It was full of desks, but no one was sitting at them. Wait, scratch that.. there was someone. He clearly heard us because he turned around. I watched as he looked at me, a grin falling onto his face. He walked over and pulled me into a hug, which I returned. He pulled away and looked at me with his hands on my shoulders. 

"It's nice to see you Hank." Chuckling a bit, I responded.

"Good to see you too, Conner."

Eclipse's POV

I finally finished my kidnapping story with all eyes on me. There was silence in the room for awhile. Natsuki was still sitting in my lap so I just played with her hair and stared at the floor. I ignored the sound of footsteps as they got closer. It was only when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist that I looked up to see purple hair. I instantly recognized it and snuggled a little closer to Yuri. The other two soon joined the hug, and even Natsuki turned around to hug me. After awhile We finally pulled back.

"Hey.. Eclipse?" I heard Yuri start. I looked at her and smiled, urging her to go on. She took a breath before asking. "Do you.. Could you sing please?" My eyes widened and I was about to try and back out when Natsuki started bouncing a little on my lap and smiling.

"Yes, please sing Eclipse!" She said excitedly. I looked to Monika and gave her a pleading look. She just smirked and shrugged.

"Well.. it would be nice to hear." I narrowed my eyes at her playfully before looking at the others.

"Why do you guys even want me to sing? My voice is garbage!" I tried to reason with them.

"Well, you've heard us sing.. and we've never heard you sing.." I smiled at Yuri to let her know I wasn't mad. She smiled gratefully at me.

"Yeah, I know i'm the only one here who hasn't sung yet.. but that's because I don't like to in front of people." They sighed and backed off my case after that. The rest of the meeting went smoothly with us just catching up with one another. After the meeting had ended, I walked home with Sayori. We said our goodbyes at my gate before I turned to the safety of my home. I shut the door quickly behind me before rushing to the bathroom to test something. It had been on my mind for awhile and I couldn't wait to test it out. When I finally got to the bathroom, I slammed the door shut and turned to the mirror across the room. I walked over to it quickly, excitement building with each step. I finally got to the mirror and stood there not quite sure what to do. I quickly made up my mind and stuck my finger out and poked the mirror. immediately a tinted blue frost came from my finger and climbed up the mirror until about a third of it was covered. I laughed in surprise and looked at my hands. I then turned on the tap and carefully poked the water, making it freeze in place with a blue tint. I laughed and jumped a bit before throwing my hand out to the left and watching tinted blue snow come from my hands and land just about everywhere. Throwing my had up, I made it snow with a blue tint. I crouched down and placed my hands on the floor. I watched as tinted ice covered the entire floor. I smiled and played in the bathroom for the rest of the day.

Hey guys!! Another chapter!! Eh.. sorry I couldn't get it out earlier but I was trying to figure out how to make my friends forget it was my birthday. This of course didn't work because they made a weird song for it. I didn't really mind though, it was pretty funny. Anyways.. got another chapter out.. so i'm gonna go to bed. See ya!

But please remember...



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