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_____'s POV

I sat on the floor in front of Flowey in silence. He was just staring at me. I sighed at him before starting to talk again.

"So... do you think you could help me?" He hesitated before nodding.

"Sure. Sorry, I guess it's just a bit to take in." He reached two green vines out to me. I just stared at them. He sighed in annoyance. "You going to pull me out or not?" I nodded and quickly apologized before grabbing the vines. As soon as I did though something happened. My blue and pink sweater glitched before the blue turned to red and the pink turned to black. I felt a searing pain around my thought and neck. I let go of Flowey and he dropped to the ground. I fell to the ground on my ass as I grasped my neck. I felt something forming. As it grew solid, I realized it was a choker...with spikes? I heard a clinking noise and looked down to see a chain hanging from the thing around my neck. The end of the chain reached down to my waist. Looking down at my waist, I saw that I now had black trousers and...still no shoes or socks. Damn it. I was confused for a moment. Then it clicked.

"F-flowey?" I started as I slowly looked up at him. "Are.. are we in Underfell?" He looked at me with and nodded slowly. "Shit." I muttered.

"We have to get out of here." I quickly agreed.

"How do I-"

"You mean 'we'?" I frowned.

"No, I meant 'I'."

"For god's sake _____. This is Underfell! They're not just going to let you walk through!" I nodded.

"OK true, but how are you going to come with?"

"Like this." He reached out with his vines and grabbed onto my left arm before reeling himself in. He crawled onto my left shoulder and sat with a vine wrapped around my neck for support. I shrugged and stood up.

"Guess that's one way to do it." Up close, his head was just a little smaller then my head, with the petals making it big as mine.

"Come on. We have to go before Toriel can find us." I started walking into the ruins before stopping.

"Wait, can't you just use your vines to get us out of the hole in the first room?" I asked and he groaned.

"No, I can't. My vines are not long enough. Now can we PLEASE get a move on before Toriel comes and kills us?" I nodded and continued through the confusing maze that is the ruins.

Hank's POV

At the moment Conner Hank and I were all sitting behind Hank's desk. He was taking notes on my story and Conner was listening in. I finished my story yet again and Hank turned to me.

"Anything you can remember about them?" He asked. I thought a bit before shaking my head.

"Not really. Except... they all seemed the same height." Hank jotted that down and looked back to me.

" Give me a minute. I may be able to find something about this in another game." I watched as he turned to his computer and started messing around on it. Conner and I looked to each other and shrugged, before turning to look over Hank's shoulders. He was on some sort of mail thing. I watched as he pulled up a list of games. There was a picture of each game with the name of the game at the bottom. For some games with mods or whatever, the game folder showed multiple different games. Hank looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"You said this is your favorite game?" I nodded and he turned back to the computer momentarily. "Do your friends have favorite games?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm pretty sure... _____'s favorite is Undertale.. And Eclipse's is.." I paused. She had so many games she liked. I remembered her saying something about one game in particular though. A game she had watched five YouTubers play. "Eclipse's is DDLC" Hank noded and clicked on Undertale showing a list of all the Undertale-like games.

"Which one?" He asked. I shook my head slightly.

"All of them?" He nodded and got started on e-mailing all of them.

Eclipse's POV

The next school day had already passed and I was sitting in the clubroom reading a fanfiction on Wattpad. I assume you already know about that website so I'll spare you the explanation. And yes, i'm still breaking the fourth wall...s? How many fourth walls would be included? Two right? Yeah, that sounds about right. One for the game and the other for the story. My train of thought ended as someone tapped my shoulder. Looking up I noticed that the clubroom was full and everyone was doing their own thing. It registered who tapped me and I patted the spot next to me. They sat down and I smiled at them.

"Good afternoon Yuri."

"Good afternoon Eclipse."

"Whatcha need?"

"Just wondering what your reading." I looked down at my phone screen and scrolled up a little before saying the title of the story. She nodded.

"A fanfiction?" I nodded. "Of who?"

"A YouTuber's dark persona." She smiled and looked down, reading the name she saw.

"A-" My eyes widened and I reached over, covering her mouth.

"No." She looked at me, clearly confused. I removed my hand and answered her silent question. "They're listening." She looked a little confused for a moment before she realized who I was talking about and nodded.

"Who are they looking from?"

 "Me." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wouldn't they know already then?"

"I never let the thought of who it was make it to the writing." She nodded again before looking me dead in the eyes. I knew what she was doing, but i'm guessing you don't.

"Hello reader," She started. "I understand your listening. Look...i'm sorry for my actions in the game, but you do realize it's something I have to follow. It's not Monica's fault either, so don't go blaming her." She took a deep breath. "I'm glad you didn't turn away when we came up. The thing is though..we're not ready to have some secrets exposed yet, but we really do need to discuss them so if the writer could end the chapter?" Text appeared over Eclipse's head as the author...me...wrote in the answer.

"Yea, sure."



Hey guys! DeadEmberGirl here! I've finally been able to write another chapter! Yay! So.. I'm kinda happy because as of now, this story is #360 in DDLC. I know it doesn't seem like much.. but please take into consideration that it's #360 out of 923 stories. Anyway, thanks so much for voting me into this! And.. before I go...



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