Chapter 1

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Region of Britannia
Kingdom of Liones
Near Cains Town.
Niko (POV)
I'm here at the Boar Hat helping my good friend Meliodas run the establishment.
Niko Ryuji
(The Horseman of War)

(The Dragon Sin)

Back and forth we go filling up mugs of ale for our patrons.
Customer- For such a small fella, he's one hard working waiter.
Meliodas- Oh I'm not the waiter buddy. I'm the owner of this place.
Customer- Huh? A young kid like that? And what of the other fella?
Niko- I kinda do everything around here. Makes the time go by fast and it's fun.
I see Meliodas serve some customers some food. They take a bite and immediately spit it out.
Niko- Awh come on dude! I told you to let me cook! Your cooking is shit!
Meliodas- Yeah, ain't that truth.
Niko- Hey Hawk, cleanup on aisle nine!
Hawk comes from around back.
(Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal)

Hawk- Oh come on. You call that a mess? Really, what do you need me for?
Some of the customers get freaked out.
Hawk- Yeah yeah I'm a talking pig. Man what a bunch of hillbillies.
Meliodas- Hawk, we gotta get this floor clean.
Hawk- Awh what a pain in the ham. (Starts eating the food) Scarps Disposal is a tough business.
Hawk finishes up quickly.
Hawk- Next time, there better be some decent sized scraps.
Meliodas- You know I got a family recipe for whole roasted hog if any of you guys are interested.
Niko- I better retract that statement if I were you, Hawk.
Hawk- Uh I mean, I am very full. Those were the best scraps I've ever tasted!
The bar fills with laughter until the door swings open a a distressed citizen comes in.
Guy- I saw it!
Niko- Grab a seat and have some ale friend. Tell us what happened.
Guy- I swear I say it. I swear by all things holy, it was the Wandering Rust Knight that I saw.
Customer 2- Yeah. Seems like it's been a n everyone's mind.
Customer- Come on. They're just made up stories parents told their kids to scare them into behaving. "If you don't behave one of the seven deadly sins or one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse will come for in blood rusted armor."
Meliodas- Seven Deadly Sins? Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Niko- Who are they?
Customer- You mean you haven't heard of them? Their wanted posters are hanging everywhere. Like those over there.

Customer- What was it, about ten years ago? Dozens of Holy Knights from all across the land were butchered so fast, they didn't even have time to defend themselves. The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were the ones responsible for it. From what I've been told, the way the Holy Knight's Grandmaster was murdered was too gruesome for anybody to even look at. It is sad that the Sin's Capitan, Meliodas is the scariest one of them all and don't even get me started with the Commander of the Horsemen, Niko. They say Meliodas has even brought down countries before but Niko, they say he's wiped out entire regions.
Customer 2- None of them have been caught have they?
Customer 1- Nope, not a single one.
Customer 3- I've heard rumors that they've all been dead for years now.
Customer 4- Of course they're dead. They have to be. The new Holy Knights would never let them live after what they've done.
Customer 2- Yeah you got a point there. Even now with the king sick in bed, you can bet that they still gonna make sure that the kingdom stays safe for all it's people.
Guy- But those notices on the board get updated every year. Doesn't that mean those eleven criminals are still out there?
I quit listening and go back to working. That is until the door opens again and the Rusted Knight comes stumbling in

Knight- Seven.....Deadly.....Sins........Four......Horsemen
Everyone- He's here!!!!
Everyone clears out and Meliodas and I confront the Knight.
Niko- Alright buddy, you gone and scared off all the customers. That's bad business. Now who in the fresh hell are you?
The Knight stumbles back and collapses. The helmet comes off to reveal a young fresh faced woman. I quickly take the armor off, scoop her up, and bring her to one of the beds upstairs.

Hawk- It's a girl.
Niko- No shit Sherlock.
Meliodas- Now hold on dude, let's be sure first.
Hawk- Huh?!
Niko- Dude no! You know how much a perv you are!
Meliodas starts feeling her up and squeezing one of her titties.
Meliodas- Yep, she's a girl.
Niko- I put Meliodas in a headlock and drag him away from the girl. The girl comes to and sits up.
Girl- Where am I? Excuse me but what am I doing here?
Meliodas- Well you walked in my bar, then you passed out cold on the floor.
Meliodas- Yeah. The Boar Hat. It's my tavern.
Girl- Hold on, you're the owner? What about you?
Niko- I work here. Problem?
Girl- Well it's just that for one you two look very young and two, the sword on your friend's back. I naturally assumed.....
Meliodas- Oh this thing?
He reveals his broken sword.
Meliodas- If all you see is the handle then I guess it looks pretty intimidating doesn't it?
Niko- Makes our patrons think twice before skipping out on their tab.
Hawk- It's the patron's hard earned money they pay to eat your nasty cooking that I feel sorry for. Let Niko do his job and cook.
The girl runs up to Hawk and starts hugging him as she fawns over the fact the he talks.
Niko- You must be hungry. Come downstairs and I'll whip up something to eat.
Girl- Oh okay then.
Niko- So, what were you doing with that old armor?
Girl- I'm on a personal quest. I need to find the Seven Deadly Sins and hopefully the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Hawk- Why would you do that? No one has any idea if those are still alive or not. Plus they're serious villains.
There is banging on the door and it's the local Holy Knights. They're looking for the Wandering Rust Knight.
Meliodas- What's the matter with everyone today?
Girl- Holy Knights.....
Niko- Hold on, I'll talk to them. Hey, you hide somewhere okay?
Girl- Yes. Thank you.
I walk to the door and open it to the group of Holy Knights.
Niko- Wassup.
Knight 1- Who are you little kid?
Niko- Well, I'm the manager of this place. The owner is inside.
Knight 1- The Wandering Rust Knight is here. Send him out.
Niko- Okie dokie.
Hawk comes out with pieces of the armor.
Hawk- Who dares call me. I'm Sir Hawk, the Rusty Knight.
Knight 2- This pig is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
Knight 1- Of course it's not.
Hawk- Have a little respect. I am the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal.
Knight 1- There is no such order.
Niko- If the pig is what you're after, you can cook him up if you want.
Hawk- Give it a test will ya?!
Knight 1- You little punk. You have some nerve making fun of the Knights like this.
He grabs the collar of my shirt.
Niko- See what you won't do is get up all in my face with your stank ass breath. Now get your paws off of me.
Knight- And if I don't?
Niko- Then you and me are going to have a problem.
One of the Knights spots the girl running into the woods next to us. The Knight let go of me and the group of Knights take off into the woods after her.
Niko- Ah shit. Hey dude, they're going after her. Let's go.
Meliodas- Alrighty.
Hawk- I'm coming too.
We take off after after everyone and quickly gain on the group of Knights. Hawk takes point and starts ramming every Knight in his way. Meliodas grabs the girl and leaps to the safety of the trees. I follow suit.
Girl- I don't know how I can thank you people for saving me not once but twice. I uhhh......
Niko- (notices Meliodas being a perv again) Dude again?! Unhand the titty meat!
We drop down from the tree and observe the landscape by the cliff.
Meliodas- So why are you looking for the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Girl- I want to ask them for help in stopping the Holy Knights.
Hawk- Are you serious? Why would you want to do that? The Holy Knights are the King's men. They're the Knights who protect Liones. Real heroes.
Girl- But.........what if they were behind a plot to start a war in our country? The other day except for the king himself, the entire royal family was arrested and is being held captive by the Holy Knights.
Hawk- Does that mean the king isn't really sick in bed?
Girl- That's just a cover story the Holy Knights are using. I don't know what they think they can accomplish by bringing the nation to war. But now, they're trapping the people of the kingdom. They're taking men wherever they can get them. They're preparing for way everywhere you look. Soon, their reach will extend all the way out here.
Hawk- That's not good.
Meliodas- Yeah tough break.
Meliodas- So how does this tie in with the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Girl- If there even is the slightest amount of hope to prevent the Holy Knights from doing this,I know they are the only ones who can.
Niko- So you're trying to find these guys despite knowing what kind of people they are?
Girl- The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The most vile order of Knights the kingdom ever produced. Eleven vicious, bloodthirsty criminals. Seven marked with the mark of a beast. Four marked with a seal of the Apocalypse. Ten years ago when they were suspected of trying to overthrow the kingdom, the Knights of the realm launched a full force attack against them and scattered them all to the four winds.
Meliodas- Well if you believe the rumors, all of them died a long time ago.
Girl- Such amazing people wouldn't possibly let themselves get killed!
Meliodas- But they are criminals.
Girl- The Holy Knights are the ones who are causing the suffering of the people right now! Long ago when I was little, my father used to tell me stories about them. That's how I know that-
The ground shakes and the chunk of land that were on gives away. Meliodas catches the girl whereas I get the Knight Hawk rammed over the edge of the cliff and we leap back to the top to see a more powerful Holy Knight

Holy Knight- You there! How dare you survive without my say so! I'll have to revise my death tally conclusion! Tell me, which one of you is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins? None of you resemble any of the wanted posters......Wait a minute. Aha. Fate is smiling upon me today. The crest of that earring you're wearing ma'am. It's from the Royal family which means you conclusion are Elizabeth.
NM- You're a princess?
Hawk- Are you really Princess Elizabeth?
Holy Knight- A decree has been issued from the Royal Capital to determine your whereabouts. It is said to capture you alive and on healthy condition. But if you were to lose your life in an unfortunate accident.....
Meliodas- Run now!
We take off into the woods again.
Elizabeth- I must not let myself be captured!! I've come too far!
Holy Knight- Conclusion, accidental death!!
He yanks his sword out of its sheath and in one go, he slices all the trees in the woods in half.

We skid to a stop and take cover from all the raining debris. The Knight approaches us and Elizabeth gets up and starts walking to him.
Elizabeth- There's no escape.
Niko- Didn't you just say that you couldn't afford to get caught?
Elizabeth- Maybe if I go with him and surrender myself peacefully, he'll agree to take me back with him and your lives will be spared. That's not the case as he swings his sword again and a slash attack comes straight for Elizabeth. Meliodas tackles her out of the way and I sidestep the attack. It does clip the front of my shirt a little.
Elizabeth- Run while you still can!
Niko- He's not going to let any of us leave here alive.
Elizabeth- (starts to cry) Why? I was so happy when I met the two of you. I set out searching for the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was hard traveling by myself and I felt so scared. Walking around in that rusty armor hoping nobody would recognize me. But there wasn't anyone I could turn to for help. And now, the two of you have shone such kindness to someone who've never met before. I don't want to see either of you hurt. That's why I don't want to involve you in my problems anymore. Not when I don't even know your names!
Memories of back then flash through my head.
Memories of her. Memories of them. My past.
Meliodas- Meliodas if you really want to know.
Elizabeth- Huh?! I don't believe it
The Dragon Symbol on his upper left arm is exposed. Sin of Wrath. Elizabeth looks at me and I pull down on the neck of my shirt and expose my symbol at the base of my neck

Elizabeth- That's the War Symbol! The most powerful one out all the other symbols of the Apocalypse! That means-
The Holy Knight brings his sword on me and I block with the point of my index finger.
Holy Knight- What?!
I push him back and he gets pushed back to the edge of the cliff.
Niko- Yep. I'm him.
Holy Knight- How is this possible?! My technique was flawless! How were you able to stop my blade with just a finger?! Wait a minute! I'm starting to remember! How is it that you look exactly as you did ten years ago?!
Niko- Hey Elizabeth. You wanna know my name?
Elizabeth- Yes tell me please! Are you really him?!
Niko- .....My name........
The Knight raises his sweet once more and brings it down. I lock and load my right fist and drill it into stomach. The impact causes a shockwave explosion and the Knight goes blasting off into the sky and far far away.
Like these

Niko-.......Is Niko Ryuji. The Knight of War and the Commander of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Indigo: A new player has entered the Multiverse. Enter Niko Ryuji. The Knight of War and Leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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