Chapter 2

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Niko (POV)
Timeskip a few days
With Boar Hat residing on top of Hawk's gigantic mother, we're roaming the countryside looking for the next town to set up shop and hopefully grab information. I'm currently in the kitchen getting the tavern ready for the day when I see Meliodas and come downstairs followed by Elizabeth in a skimpy outfit.

My face deadpans, facepalms, and I immediately look to Meliodas.

Meliodas- What? It's the tavern uniform.
Hawk- Way to put your pervy thoughts on display there dude.
Meliodas proceeds to inspect Elizabeth.
Elizabeth- While I'm waiting tables, you want me to keep track of rumors and collect information about the whereabouts of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse right?
Meliodas- Some intel on the Holy Knights would help too.
Elizabeth- Excuse me. Sir Meliodas, Sir Niko. There's something I've been wanting to ask you.
Niko- What's up?
Elizabeth- The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Are you really that wicked? Are you all terrible criminals like the rest of the world says? And if you are, what awful crimes did you commit?
Meliodas- crime huh?
Elizabeth- It seems to me, they don't understand what kind of people you are. After all, the two of you made the effort to save me even though you had no idea who I was.
Meliodas- Well the truth is, ten years ago I traveled through Liones stealing every pair of panties I could get my hands on.
Elizabeth- You've got to be kidding.
Niko- Knowing him, that wouldn't be so far from the truth. He would do that given the chance.
Elizabeth- What about you Sir Niko?
Niko- Well Uh-
Mama Hawk comes to a halt and we've reached our destination. Vanya Village.

After we set up shop, we head down to the village.
Meliodas- I usually buy all my liquor from wherever I find it but Vanya's stuff is special. The best water you can find is here in this village. And with the groot growing down by the river, it's used to brew Vanya Ale. It's got fans far and wide.
Hawk- Well it used to. Now the famous water of theirs is bone dry.
Niko: Much like Indigo's love life.
Indigo: Really? You're really going to put me on blast like that? Now that's fucked up.
As we head further into the village, we notice a people crowded around the village square.
Meliodas- Hey guys. What's the festival for?
Villager- This look like a damn festival to you? We're trying to pull out a sword a Holy Knight jabbed into the ground.
Niko- Stuck it in the ground, why'd he do that?
The village elder told us that the Knight fused the sword with his mana and stabbed the ground, locking away the the water underneath the village in the process.
Elizabeth- A Holy Knight. Think it could've been the man you defeated the other day?
Niko- You mean the weird dude with the mustache. Went by Twiggo or something? Nah, not a chance. He wasn't a Holy Knight. The reals ones are a whole lot worse. They make him look like babies.
Elder- Only a Holy Knight has the power necessary to draw a sword belonging to another. Breaking the news won't be easy but I'm afraid this village is done for.
A kid comes into play claiming he's friends with the Seven Deadly Sins.

The village people get angry at the kid and start throwing rocks. One nails Meliodas in the face. Meliodas rushes off with the kid back to the Boar Hat.
Hawk- Sure looks like we picked a lousy time to come down here and hangout.
We go back to Boar Hat not too long after.
Meliodas- Oh you three made it back.
Hawk- It's so good to be home.
Elizabeth approaches the kid who's name is mead.
Elizabeth- So Mead, I heard you're quiet the prankster with a bad sense of humor. The elder in your village told me so.
Mead- What's it to you? Who do you think you are, my mother?
Elizabeth tells the boy a story of back when she was a child. The story makes Mead open up about his past. About how his parents got sick and died here in the village. About how the village took him in and raised him as their own. About how he got jealous that'll he'll never feel the feeling of a parents love. He then proceeds to tell that he put a bug in the drink of the Holy Knights that came a few days prior because they treated the villagers like shit. There's a commotion coming from the village and Mead takes off. We follow him out to the village and see two lowly scum for guards watch on as Mead as the rest of the men of the village try with all of their might to yank the sword out. They fail but Meliodas and I approach the sword.
Niko- You wanna do this one or me?
Meliodas- I got this.
Meliodas takes out the sword with ease much to the surprise of the villagers and the two guards. Meliodas tosses the sword to me I catch and make the sword look like it weighed nothing.
Guard- Impossible. Only Holy Knights are capable of pulling out that sword. Let alone hold one.
Water comes gushing out of the crack and out of the well. The river is restored and the two guards go fleeing from the village. The villagers celebrate.
Timeskip to that night
7 miles northwest of Vanya Village
Holy Knight Outpost
Gilthunder (POV)
Knight- Only moments ago, we received reports from our soldiers in Vanya Village. They say that two unidentified boys pulled your sword from the ground Sir Gilthunder
Sir Gilthunder

Knight- It must've been some random fluke.
Gilthunder- So a fluke made it possible to pull out a sword placed by a Holy Knight?
I look to my right and see my fellow Holy Knight and friend Sir Drake Nyx.
Drake Nyx

Gilthunder- What do you think of this Drake?
Drake- What I think? I think they've finally decided to show their faces once more. Both the Sins and the Horsemen. But we have to know for sure.
Gilthunder- My thoughts exactly.
I head up the stairs to the tower followed by Drake and a grunt.
Gilthunder- What's the range and heading to the village?
Drake- The fort's four o'clock. 7.3 miles from here.
I turn to the grunt.
Gilthunder- Would you mind terribly if I use your spear?
Grunt- Uh no sir. Please do.
I take the spear and Drake and I head to the opening of the tower. Drake takes out a dagger from his belt.
Gilthunder- Ready?
Drake- Don't have to wait on me.
I infuse my thunder magic into the spear while Drake does the same to the dagger with his magic. With great strength and skill, we launch our weapons in the direction of Vanya Village.
Drake- And now we wait.
Niko (POV)
Meliodas had gone out of the tavern with Elizabeth and I was manning the kitchen when I sensed it. Two projectiles were heading this way and fast.
Niko- Hawk, watch the tavern. I gotta take a wizz.
Hawk- Leave it to me.
I exit the tavern and spot Meliodas. He gives the look of confirmation that he sensed it too. I look to the stars of the night and get prepared. Two of the stars twinkle in the sky and a spear coated in lightning and a dagger coated in a dark cloud comes barreling to us from the sky. Meliodas sidesteps the spear and grabs hold of it while do the same for the dagger. Both weapons take us both off the hillside and into the village. We crash into the ground leaving a crater but still keeping a firm grip on the weapons. We smash through building after building still skid to a stop at the village square. Using the force and momentum of both weapons, we throw the weapons right back in the same direction where they came from.
Niko *mind*- Holy Knights. I recognize both power coming from those weapons. So, you've finally found us after all this time eh guys?
Drake (POV)
Gilthunder was sitting in a chair facing the opening while I was standing next to him with my arms folded. Just waiting for anything. Any sign that my hunch was true. I get my answer as within the second, both dagger and spear come soaring through the opening. They hit and destroys the tower we're currently in. Everyone is safe for the most part. The spear lodged itself mere millimeters from Gilthunder's face leaving a cut while my dagger stabbed me in my right forearm. My blood drips down my wound and I can't help but smile.
Gilthunder- So you are alive.....Meliodas.
Drake-...........For year's I knew you weren't dead. Now I've finally found you........Niko.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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