12-A Nightmarish Fairytale

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I tried to focus on where he was taking me as we traversed the castle, but the twists and turns quickly became confusing. The letter from my father in my backpack made it even harder to concentrate.

Ira turned the knob on an oversized wooden door and pushed it open, stepping aside instead of entering.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked nervously.

"I will wait for you out here. The queen has asked for the two of you to be alone."

I slid my sweaty palms down the front of my leggings and stepped over the threshold. My eyes immediately traveled up to the high ceiling adorned with murals, possibly depicting a war.

The room was naturally lit, thanks to the many wall-to-wall windows. From where I stood, it seemed like the view outside might be a garden.

In the center of the room, a massive wooden table dominated the space. Capable of seating thirty people, it now held only two place settings. Walking towards the table, I dropped my bag beside one of the chairs. Feeling parched, I reached for the water bottle on the table, quickly checking the seal before drinking it down in four quick gulps.

I snatched the other bottle off the table and crammed it into my backpack.

"Calina Ekko Lyris Ariti." The soft, sure voice resonated through the large room. I jerked towards the sound like a guilty thief, my bag dropping to the floor with a loud thunk.

The voice belonged to a woman with silver hair and a warm smile. The surprise in my eyes turned to suspicion as I realized I knew this woman.

There was a picture of her hanging in the living room of my childhood home. She had been roughly forty years younger and had her arms wrapped around my father when he was a young boy. Confusion and questions flooded my mind. My father had told me his mother died before I was born. Why did he lie?

Clearing my throat as she got closer, I said, "It's Matthias, not Ariti."

She smiled, her soft hand stroking my cheek gently before cupping my face.

"Sweet girl, there is no mistaking the Ariti blood that courses through your veins. My name is Queen Ekko Lyris Ariti. I'm your grandmother."

Shock slammed into my chest. I knew that already. So why did hearing it out loud hit so differently? Swallowing hard, I quirked an eyebrow and stared directly into the eyes that were so similar to my father's. "Oh, so I got my unusual name from you?"

She smiled, her hands finally dropping from my face to rest on my shoulders. "It would seem so. I just learned your name mere weeks ago. After your birth, your parents couldn't agree on a name." Her smile widened, and a nostalgic gleam sparkled in her eyes. "For a month, we called you Sweet Pea. I hope this doesn't sound too strange, but may I hug you?" Her voice hitched on the last few words.

I barely nodded when she pulled me into her arms. The embrace was firm and gentle, filled with so much love it felt like she had genuinely missed me. It was the first time I had been hugged in weeks. Anytime anyone had tried to touch me like this, I'd recoil. Yet, the moment this stranger with my father's eyes offered comfort, I agreed. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I buried my face into the queen's shoulder. I breathed in her oddly comforting scent of lilies and chamomile. I had to grit my teeth to fight back the sobs that wanted to tear from my throat as she whispered soothing words I couldn't quite hear. I didn't think they were meant for me; I believed she was assuring herself that I was really there in her arms.

After a few more moments, I pulled back, swiping aggressively at the tears that had escaped with the backs of my hands. Ekko grabbed a cloth napkin from the table, dabbing at her cheeks. She pulled a chair out from the table. "Please, have a seat." Ekko took a seat at the end of the table.

A maid entered the room with food and more water. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" Ekko asked.

"I'm not really hungry. Just thirsty," I said, wrapping my hands around a bottle of water but not drinking it. My hands were still shaking. I had so many questions. "Where have you been my entire life? Why weren't you at my parents' funeral? I had to go through that alone." I picked at the warm bread on my plate, tearing it to pieces, irritation lashing through me.

"I really think you should eat something," she advised.
I looked up from my plate and frowned at her, ready to argue.

She shook her head softly. "I don't want to argue, Calina," her tone was gentle but firm. "You were unconscious for days. I'm not sure how you had the energy to walk out of this palace. Please eat, and I'll explain."

Days. I was unconscious for days! That made my blood boil with rage. "My parents were the king and queen of this country. I favor some relative that ruled centuries ago. My parents relinquished the throne because of some threat. I'm all caught up, Queen Ekko. Now I'm leaving." I snapped, sliding out of my seat. Her gentle hand on my wrist stopped me. I was irate and yelled at her. She didn't seem bothered by my reaction. Her guards, however, were concerned. They barged into the room the moment I rose from my seat.

"Calina, have a seat," Ekko said, releasing me and raising her hand to dismiss the guards, her gaze never leaving mine. "That's only part of the story."

I sat down, pushing the plate away and crossing my arms.

"When your parents married, it united two feuding countries into one thriving nation."

"I know," I snapped, unable to hide my anger.

"Your parents' matrimony angered the King of Romarvia. He was supposed to marry your mother in a prearranged marriage but declined because he fell in love with a woman who worked in his castle."

That caught my attention, and I turned my head towards her. She smiled gently, pulling my discarded plate in front of me. "I will tell you everything, Calina. There will be no secrets between us," she promised. "My only stipulation is that you eat while I talk."

I took a few sips of water, then picked up my utensil and stabbed at my plate, shoveling whatever the fork caught into my mouth.

"The woman he fell in love with had many wants and demanded that he shower her with gifts. The country wasn't well off to begin with, but his blind love for her depleted its resources. Desperate, the Romarvian king reached out to your parents, seeking assistance as his country teetered on the brink of collapse. In a bold move, your father struck a deal, agreeing to unite our lands through a marriage between his future daughter and the son of the Romarvian king, but with a crucial condition-the ultimate prize would be the incorporation of Romarvia into our realm. To our surprise, the King of Romarvia embraced the proposal with genuine enthusiasm."

"Wait, what? My father would never take my choice away like that." I pushed my plate away, having lost my appetite.

"Your parents met through a prearranged marriage, and they loved each other fiercely. Romarvia needed help, and he was doing what he thought was best. Most countries that have been united happen through marriage. There's nothing unusual about that."

So what! My teeth clamped down in an audible snap as I bit back my retort.

"When your mother was pregnant, we discovered she was having twins. Sadly, your brother died minutes after he was born."

I held my breath, listening intently as a tragic pang of sorrow and heartache for my mother flooded my system. She had another baby and lost him. My brother. Were my parents reunited with him now, in their death?

"Overwhelmed with grief, your father succumbed to a broken lapse of judgment, agreeing to a treaty where the King and Queen of Romarvia would take you under their care, raising you as their own." She stopped speaking, trying to gather herself, visibly distraught by the story.

Ekko's eyes focused on the far wall behind me, and she didn't speak for several long moments.

"The King of Romarvia took advantage of your father's sadness and somehow convinced him to sign over his little girl, the Princess of United Greecia. Your father had a change of heart, but there was no going back once everything was signed. Your father stalled for one month. I knew you and held you for one month. Then, your parents had no choice but to leave the country. They disappeared in the middle of the night, never to be seen again." She blotted the tears on her cheeks with a cloth napkin.

Shockwaves of betrayal reverberated through every fiber of my being. This whole situation felt so surreal. My father had signed over his parental rights? He had agreed to an arranged marriage? The person she spoke of didn't sound anything like the man I knew. My father was always so meticulous with his actions. I envied his wisdom and control, the way he navigated through life with unwavering precision.

"Wow. That...that's a lot to take in." I squinted up at the ceiling, hoping it could give me answers.

I dragged in a deep breath and pushed away from the table, exhaling once I was on my feet. She remained silent while I mulled over her story. "Let me make sure I understand this correctly," I stated, pacing behind the abandoned chair, trying to process it all. "My parents were king and queen of United Greecia. I'm a princess, and I'm betrothed to the prince of Romarvia?" I glanced over at Ekko, and she gave me a tight nod.

"My father was okay with an arranged marriage but not with giving up his parental rights, which is why he relinquished the throne?"

"That's correct, Calina."

Continuing to pace, I rubbed slow circles on my temples, attempting to ease the throbbing, unforgiving rhythm in my head.

"Well then, I respectfully decline becoming a princess. I'd like to go home. To my home in Freedom." My arms flopped down to my sides, slapping against my thighs.

I held no interest in this life. While it was true that after my parents' death, I had planned to live a dormant life, being kidnapped made me realize that life was unpredictable. I wanted to make my own choices, do something great, and make my parents proud. They left the throne for a reason-so I could have choices and make my own decisions.

"Please have a seat, Calina; there is more we need to discuss," Ekko implored in that gentle, commanding tone of hers.

"Of course, there's more. There are like twenty years of secrets that need to be unraveled! But you know what? I. Don't. Care. I don't want to know. I don't want any part of this. It is like a bad fairy tale. No thanks."

The creak of the wooden chair echoed in the tense room as I slumped back into it, my eyes still fixed on the ceiling.

I wanted to be angry at them but couldn't because they were no longer on this earth. All I could do was accept that they left me with more unanswered questions.

Ekko, undeterred by my resistance, proceeded cautiously. "Running away filled him with shame. He hoped you would never find out about any of this or about him running in fear." She touched my arm, and it took a lot of effort not to flinch away from her.

"How would you know? You haven't spoken to my father in twenty years." I didn't even try to hide the malice in my voice.

A dark theory sparked to life in my mind. What if my parents' death wasn't an accident? Some random drunk driver? The timing of their death and my capture was too perfect.

"Did you have my parents killed?" I demanded.

Anger painted the Queen's cheeks a splotchy red color.

"Of course not. That was my son and daughter who died in that crash. They were my whole heart. I understand you do not know me, but to accuse me of such a monstrous act..." Her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth in distaste as she pushed away from the table and walked over to the bay window opposite me.

"I was this close..." She spun around, holding her thumb and forefinger centimeters apart in a tight pinch. "...to having my son and daughter-in-law home again. I would have hidden them someplace safe, somewhere they could live their lives and still be part of ours. Their return home would have meant imprisonment. I wouldn't have let them go to prison. That... that is my only crime. I would have hidden them. Even admitting that is against the law, Calina. I'm devastated that after all these years, I was mere weeks too late to hold my son again. No parent should outlive their child."

She walked back to the table, grabbing the cloth napkin and wiping at the trail of tears on her face.

"I know you do not know me, Calina, but believe me when I say I'm not the bad guy. I'm on your side. The accident was just that, an unfortunate accident."

"Why weren't you at the funeral?" I asked, my voice edged with suspicion.

"I didn't learn about their deaths until after you had buried them."

"Your lackeys were at the funeral. If they knew, why didn't you?"

"Lackeys?" She tilted her head in confusion, brows furrowed.

"Henry and Silas," I stated in frustration.

"Oh." She sighed and sat back in the chair at the table. I clasped my fingers together, staring at her with scrutiny.

"A few months ago, there was DNA sequencing with genetic markers similar to the flagged terrorists Ana and Leo Ariti. It indicated a possible connection to their whereabouts. It turned out someone related to the criminals had gotten a passport."

My heart stalled in my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut, overwhelmed with guilt. The reason my parents were discovered was all my fault. My own stupid need to explore the world. Memories of the passport application process flooded my mind, where a small vial of blood and a swab of spit were taken. I did this.

"I always thought the blood samples were used to rule out infectious diseases and ensure healthy travels," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. I wasn't entirely sure if the queen heard me.

"Indeed, that's one purpose," Queen Ekko replied after several minutes. "But the samples also serve to identify criminals, terrorists, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases."

"When your passport photo was attached to the email, I knew you were my granddaughter. You looked exactly like Queen Ariadne. I knew I needed to warn my son. It took me a few weeks to find him and alert him that the Prince of Romarvia had located him. The prince was only interested in you. Your father asked the prince to give him time to explain everything to you. The prince allowed it and returned home. His guards heard about your parents' death first. The prince flew to Freedom to attend the funeral and comfort you, only to realize you didn't have a clue about who you were. I didn't learn these details until you were brought back home."

"This isn't my home," I snapped, standing from my chair so fast it wobbled on two feet before righting itself. "The prince of Romarvia is Henry, isn't it?" I asked as the pieces of the story slid into place.

The double doors to the dining hall opened, and Henry entered.

"Speak of the devil, and he doth appear," I mumbled, turning toward him.

"Princess Calina, how are you feeling?" Henry gently inquired, bowing at the waist.

"You drugged and kidnapped me, idiot. Don't ask how I'm feeling." I shoved his lean shoulders, causing him to stumble back.

Ekko touched my arm lightly and stepped in front of me. "Please, Calina, no more fighting."

"This moron kidnapped me! He deserves far more than a black eye and busted lip," I proclaimed.

"Be it as it may, he is still your future husband. You cannot treat him like the enemy," she disclosed when I flashed a heated glance her way.

"Ha! Yeah, right! Let me make something crystal clear: there is not a snowball's chance in hell that I'm marrying him. I am not marrying anyone I haven't chosen for myself. My one and only goal is to escape this wretched place."

With determination fueling my steps, I walked around her and the despicable individual who had callously snatched me away from my life.

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