18-Unruly little Princess

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By midnight, my eyes burned with exhaustion from the ridiculously long day. I had woken up in Elysium and ended the day in United Greecia, sitting in a medical exam room, all to prove to the king of Elysium that I was not a clone.

"Did you see the way she was looking at me?" I asked Queen Ekko the moment she stepped into the hall with me. Grateful for the distraction that she provided from my wayward thoughts of a certain king.

We made our way through the grand hall, her attire, a deep emerald green gown with silver embroidery, rustled softly as we walked. Golden sconces were casting a warm, gentle glow that danced along the polished stone floors. Tall marble columns lined the corridor, their bases adorned with intricate carvings of ancient symbols.

"Who?" the queen replied, yawning delicately behind her hand. "Pardon me. I'm not used to being awake so late."

I nodded in understanding and continued, "The doctor who completed my exam. She was friendly enough, but her hands were shaking like she was nervous, and the look on her face was peculiar."

At this point, I was fairly certain that I knew my way back to my room, but the Queen insisted on guiding me, despite her barely being able to keep her eyes open.

As we turned a corner, the hallway opened into a gallery filled with marble statues and large, arched windows that allowed the moonlight to pour in. I tried not to pay attention to the glimpses of curious staff and guards, their eyes followed me as if I were some exotic creature.

"Oh, nothing to worry about. Dr. Dimitriou was thrilled and perhaps a bit nervous to be examining the reincarnation of Queen Ariadne."

"You're not serious. She thinks I'm a reincarnation of Ariadne? That is absurd." I laughed outright, my voice bouncing off the high vaulted ceilings. But the serious look on Ekko's face made me sober quickly. I tried to disguise my laugh with a fake cough and asked solemnly, "You think I'm a reincarnation, don't you?"

We reached the grand staircase with wide marble steps. The rich red carpet runner muffled our footsteps as we ascended. The climb was leisurely, my pace matching the queen's. She seemed almost weary as she glided her fingers along the dark bannister.

"Reincarnation is part of Greecian history, including the metempsychosis of Ariadne's soul. The violet-eyed child will be deemed the Legitimate Cardinal Heir to the throne. That is written in our law books. Books that are centuries old. Our culture has always believed that the heir with the violet eyes always had an essence of Ariadne. Yes, I believe you are the reincarnation of her because you have more than the violet eyes."

At the top of the stairs, we turned into a long corridor, the hallway leading to what I now recognized as my wing of the palace. Each small alcove along the top of the wall had a sculpture or an ornate vase filled with fresh flowers, the scent of which lingered delicately in the air.

Ekko's hand covered the oversized, golden knob of my bedroom door, preventing me from entering. Maybe she was afraid I'd run inside out of fear, from the insanity spilling from her mouth.

"Maybe Queen Ariadne just has strong genes. Yes, I'm identical to her, but I thought reincarnation was just the transmigration of the soul into a new body. Not the same body plus the soul. Also, if I were Ariadne, wouldn't I remember?"

Ekko exhaled softly. "That is out of my realm of knowledge. I know how all of this sounds. Sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. You were born on October thirty-first, the same day our last Cardinal heir died one hundred and seventy years ago. There are simply too many coincidences."

"How long do I have? Before I'm crowned as queen? I'm not expected to take the throne anytime soon, right?"

"By law, I have to relinquish the throne immediately for the Cardinal heir. After we make the announcement of your return, your coronation as queen will be a few months after."

Dread sank into my stomach like a heavy stone. "What? I just learned I was a princess. My entire world has been knocked off its axis, and you expect me to reign over a country barely five weeks after burying my parents. I'm not ready. I am only asking for more time to grieve them properly." My voice hitched with the panic setting in. I inhaled deeply, trying to gain control over myself before I spiraled. Though, it might be too late for that.

She nodded in understanding. "I'll speak with Henry and ask for his discretion. I believe I can get you a few months before we have to share the news."

"This is all a mistake, you know? You are making a colossal error in your judgment with... with this type of responsibility. I'm not that girl... that fearless queen like Ariadne. You're convinced I'm her. I can promise you I am not. Just remember this as your warning when I thoroughly screw everything up. If I decide to stay."

The queen pinned me with an indulgent look. "Calina, even people that have grown up knowing they will rule a kingdom feel the way you are right now. You have me. I will be by your side every step of the way."

Oddly enough, I believed her. I really didn't know this woman at all, but in my gut, I believed she genuinely wanted me to succeed in life. I let out a deep breath and counted to five in my head, willing myself to let my guard down a little. There was so much I wanted to say to her, like thanking her for being so kind upon my return. She didn't seem pissed at all, just relieved that I was back and unharmed. I wanted to admit that I was at fault for letting my fear get the best of me and running away, that I just needed time away to think and clear my head. In the pause between us, I said none of that, but there was a flicker of understanding in her cerulean eyes as she pulled me into her embrace with a soft-spoken goodnight.

The door closed behind me and I let out a long sigh, my shoulders slumping with exhaustion. The room was as luxurious as ever, with its silk drapes, grandiose bed, and the soothing scent of fresh flowers, but tonight it felt like a cage. I sank onto the edge of the bed, my mind racing with the fact that this morning I was living a life that was truly my own. I had escaped the palace. When I woke up today, I had planned on searching for a job so I could save enough to get back to Freedom. I had even applied for a job at that gorgeous restaurant on the orchard.

Four days away, and thoughts of returning had trickled in, especially as I saw my funds dwindling.
It had taken me forty-eight hours to reach the small countryside where it felt like that would be a safe enough distance from Greecia to be unnoticed as Ariadne. At least, temporarily.

When I stepped off the sleek, hovering transport bus and into Volaria, a small city nestled in a sprawling, verdant countryside, it was so different from the towering metropolises I had visited my first time in the kingdom Elysium.
There were lots of rolling hills and winding paths with bioluminescent trees that glowed softly in the daylight. Their leaves shimmered with embedded solar cells that powered the city.

I lay back on the bed, staring at the ornate ceiling. The quaint little hotel I was staying in had acres of land where crops grew in perfect geometric patterns. Drones buzzed quietly overhead, tending to the plants with precise care. I would sit on my balcony and watch as the drones delicately plucked ripe tomatoes and other vegetables, placing them into a hovering basket that followed along. Naively, I hadn't considered that the drones' cameras could see me as well.

When I first ventured into Elysium, I was marked as a criminal because impersonating a royal was a serious offense. On my next return, I was swiftly flagged and brought to the king's attention. I wasn't very tech-savvy and had been taught to avoid technology, not realizing that devices could still act as eyes and ears even when programmed for something else entirely. If it weren't for Ira riddling Knox with questions, I never would have known. I needed to improve my knowledge of technology. It would help me with my stealthiness because if I couldn't escape this dreaded prearranged marriage with Henry, I would leave again and never return.

I closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion take over. I was still wearing my clothes and shoes. I'd only take a small nap, then undress; for now, I was just too tired. The responsibility of becoming a future queen felt overwhelming, a weight pressing down on my chest. Yet, Queen Ekko's words lingered: "You have me. I will be by your side every step of the way." With Queen Ekko's support, perhaps I could navigate this new reality without losing myself entirely.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, I allowed myself to rest, gathering strength for the battles ahead.


A soft gasp, followed by a warm hand on my forehead, roused me from my groggy state. My eyes burned as I peeled them open to see Alice leaning over me.

"Are you feeling alright, Princess? Riker, what is Princess Calina's temperature?" A holographic temperature of 98.7 floated above Alice's wristband when she pulled her hand away from my head.

"You don't have a fever," Alice noted, her voice calming. "Are you okay?"

"I'm totally fine. Why do you ask?" I replied, sitting up. My legs still dangled off the edge of the bed, and I realized I hadn't moved since collapsing there the night before.

Alice's bright blue eyes roamed over my fully clothed body, lingering on my boots. Her expression turned slightly horrified. "Oh. I was tired. I was just going to rest my eyes for a moment, then change into sleep attire," I explained, feeling a bit embarrassed.

She giggled softly, her demeanor lightening. "You're so normal. It's kind of strange," she said, a hint of wonder in her voice. "For a princess, I mean. I'm here to help you, Princess, with whatever you need. No matter the hour."

I sighed, leaning back on my hands. "There is no way, I will ever wake you from sleep to help me get ready for bed. Thank you though. What brings you by?"

Alice smiled warmly. "Prince Henry has asked for a meeting with you. I'm here to help you get ready and I've brought you some breakfast."

It took a lot of effort to refrain from rolling my eyes as I stood. Not at Alice, at Henry and whatever this dumb meeting was about.

"Okay. I think I'll shower first and then eat," I said, walking into the bathroom.

My shower was anything but quick. I lingered under the warm water, waiting for it to run cold. It never did. The only thing I accomplished was getting pruney fingers.

The dress Alice picked was made of soft, breathable cotton in a delicate shade of lavender. It had a modest, rounded neckline that framed my collarbones, and short sleeves. The bodice of the dress was gently fitted, accentuating my waist without being restrictive, and it featured a row of small, pearly buttons down the front. The skirt flowed gracefully from my waist to just above my ankles, swaying lightly with each step.

Alice led me into a room with multiple throw rugs covering the stone floor. Various sofas, in sets of two, divided the area into quadrants. Each section was furnished with ornately carved side tables and a coffee table between the sofas.

I slumped down onto the closest couch. Alice curtsied and left without a word. Moments later, Henry materialized into the room with Silas at his side, Ekko following a few steps behind them.

Henry's copper eyes regarded me carefully. "I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Prince Henry, the Prince of Romarvia. This is my bodyguard, Silas," he said, cradling his ribs in his arms as he gingerly sat on the sofa across from me.

He looked every bit the regal royal he claimed to be, dressed in a dark suit made of expensive-looking fabric. Silas shifted uneasily as he stood beside Henry's couch.

I smirked. "Relax, Silas. I'm not going to attack your Prince." I chuckled lightly at the thought of lunging myself off the sofa and pummeling Henry.

"You might when you hear what he has to say," Ekko remarked, taking the spot beside me.

"Calina, as you are aware, you are my future bride. I know your grandmother promised you that if you didn't like it here, she would take you back to Freedom. That wasn't her choice to make. Our marriage arrangement is documented. Therefore, Calina, you cannot leave this country," Henry announced.

"What... are you going to stop me? I'll take out Silas first, just for fun." I shifted on the couch and flashed him a menacing smile.

"Then this time, I'll make sure to break your ribs. Since clearly, I didn't do it right the first time." I growled, turning my head to glare at Henry.

There was still kindness in his eyes as I glared at him. He didn't even acknowledge my threat.

"You were promised to me as my wife. It was a contractual agreement," he explained gently.

Was he not going to acknowledge my threat?

"This marriage doesn't have to be the end of the world. It can be a beautiful union between us. I have been searching for you for a long time. I care about you," Henry declared, the weight of his emotions palpable in his words.

"You don't know a damn thing about me." I decided to burst that bubble before it even had a chance to expand.

"Well, I think you're beautiful. Truly exquisite." Henry smiled, and a dimple formed in each cheek.

My scowl at him deepened. Were those dimples supposed to charm me?

"Don't waste your breath. I'm not susceptible to flattery," I sneered.

"Okay," he began, his voice calm, almost pleading. "I genuinely believe that you possess remarkable qualities that would make you an extraordinary queen. Trust me when I say that I am fully aware of how fortunate I am to have you."

Every word he spoke, every inflection in his voice, grated against my nerves, making my eye twitch.

Leaning toward him, I placed my palm on the mahogany table in between the couches. "You don't have shit. You certainly have no hold on me, Henry! You forgot one more amazing quality..."

I jumped to my feet, causing Silas to shift his stance, ready to protect his prince if needed.

"I know how to fight." My voice was low and deadly. My muscles were coiled, ready to attack.

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