26-Just For This Moment

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"I can't sleep," I grumbled to the dark room, tossing the duvet off and sitting up in bed. Heading into the walk-in closet, I slipped into the softest sweater I could find before pushing open the balcony doors. The cool night air wrapped around me as I stepped outside. Leaning against the balcony railing, I stared out at the palace grounds bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. Today marked the three-month anniversary of my parents' death. The pain still ached, raw and relentless. When would time dull the ache in my heart? I couldn't even visit their graves because I was trapped on another continent.

Every breath was visible in the crisp night air. My gaze kept drifting to the old oak tree that stood within leaping distance of my balcony. Its sturdy branches reached out like welcoming arms, swaying gently in the breeze. If I decided to leave, I could easily climb down its branches and slip away unnoticed. The thought was still so tempting.

I gripped the railing tighter, frustration boiling inside me. Two guards patrolled underneath my balcony, their eyes focused on the palace grounds, but I knew they were really there to dissuade me from escaping in the night.
Their steady, methodical steps were a reminder of the watchful eyes that constantly surrounded me. Perhaps they thought they were ensuring my safety, but in reality, they were my jailers.

I ran my fingers through my dark brown hair, trying to soothe my growing migraine. Little did they know, I enjoyed a good challenge. If I couldn't end this marriage contract with Henry, my nightmare, then I'd leave, and no one would be able to stop me.

A rhythmic knock on my bedroom door disrupted my temporary quietude as I stared numbly out at the palace grounds. With wind-chilled fingers, I dragged the bedroom door open and offered a slight smile toward Barbie, one of my night guards, as I stepped into the hall.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Princess," she said with a quick curtsy. "I heard you were still awake and wondered if you needed anything. I could send for tea or hot chocolate if you'd rather warm up with something sweet." She glanced down at my hands as I rubbed them together, trying to get the circulation back into my fingertips.

"No, thank you, Barbie," I replied, waving off her offer. "I think I'm just going to wander the palace grounds until I grow tired."

Barbie nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "Of course, Princess."

I slipped into the fuzziest house shoes I could find and made my way down the dimly lit corridors of the palace. The silence was both eerie and comforting as I wandered aimlessly. My footsteps echoed softly against the marble floors but Barbie's were non existent. I knew if I looked back, she'd be a few feet behind me. My new shadow for the night while Ira rested.

If I could visit their grave sites what would I even say? How angry I was at the universe for taking them both. That twenty years with them wasn't nearly long enough. Today was the day that my mother was supposed to participate in a bake off competition. The event was huge and it brought together all the best bakers around the country to SilverLake to create the most elaborately decorated cakes. She was always so modest about her baking, despite how legendary her cakes were amongst friends. It took me years to convince my mother to sign up, and the only way she had agreed was if I would be her assistant. Today would have been so much fun.

Eventually, I focused on my surroundings. I didn't even remember stepping outside of the palace. Ornate topiaries shaped into fantastical creatures loomed on either side of the seashell crushed path, their shadows dancing in the moonlight. The path led me deeper into the gardens, past rows of azalea bushes and carefully arranged flowerbeds.

The neatly trimmed hedges gave way to taller, wilder trees that formed a natural barrier, like a foliage fence guarding. The path became less defined, overgrown with soft moss and scattered leaves. I pushed through the dense vegetation, my curiosity driving me forward. Barbie didn't try to stop me as I emerged from the trees, so I couldn't have been doing anything too dangerous or wrong. I found myself at the furthest point on the palace grounds. Here, hidden from view by the towering trees, was a small cluster of buildings. They were modest compared to the grandeur of the palace, but they were still charming. The buildings were constructed from weathered stone, with ivy creeping up their walls and lanterns casting a warm, inviting glow.

I walked toward the largest building, drawn by the faint sound of music and laughter. The closer I got, the more distinct the sounds became. It was a lively, carefree atmosphere, so different from the formal and often stifling environment of the main palace.

Inside, the warmth of the room enveloped me, and the hum of conversation mingled with the upbeat music playing from the speakers in the ceiling. The guards filled the room with their laughter and camaraderie. It was a stark contrast to the stoic, disciplined personas they maintained while on duty.

I hesitated at the entrance, unsure if I should intrude on their space. But before I could turn to leave, Emilio spotted me. His eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and approached with a friendly smile.

"Callie, what brings you here?" he asked, taking my hand and looping it through his arm as he led me to one of the empty tables near the back of the room. "Nice shoes," he teased, glancing down at my neon green fuzzy slippers with an arched brow.

"I could get you some in your size, if you'd like," I retorted. He rolled his eyes playfully and snorted a soft laugh, as he pulled a chair out from the table for me.

"I couldn't sleep," I admitted, swiveling around in my seat to take in my surroundings. "I was just wandering and ended up here. I hope my presence doesn't put a dampener on anyone's fun. They look so relaxed."

Emilio shrugged. "Doesn't bother me. The Hideaway Lounge is where the off duty Queens Guardsmen like to hang out after a long day. You're welcome to join us. Can I get you something to drink? Maybe something warm. Your hands are like icicles."

"Some tea would be nice," I replied with a gentle smile.
As Emilio went to retrieve my drink, I looked around, taking in the informal, welcoming atmosphere. The guards were so at ease, engaging in animated conversations and hearty laughter. It was a side of palace life I had never seen before-casual, unguarded, and real.

This was the most comfortable I'd felt since entering my gilded cage, yet somehow, I still felt a bit out of place. It probably had to do with the quick glances I kept receiving. Their gazes seemed to say that I didn't belong here.

When Emilio returned with my tea, I thanked him, wrapping my hands around the ceramic mug. The heat seeped through my chilled fingers and into my bones. I inhaled the delicious aroma, a sweet blend of citrus and spices, before savoring the warmth of the first sip. Emilio took a seat across from me, leaning his elbows on the table as he sipped his beer.

We didn't speak for a few minutes, content in the comfortable silence. I found myself people-watching, letting the tea spread its magic through me, easing some of the tension that had coiled in my chest. The murmur of conversation and bursts of laughter from the guards created a soothing backdrop, a reminder of a world that existed beyond my personal turmoil. I wished I could find my footing in this new word of mine, without them. To be as happy and carefree as before. I've found moments of distraction where life doesn't hurt as much but nights were the hardest.

Emilio's holographic phone cast a soft glow as he texted, the light reflecting off his thoughtful expression.
"So, what's keeping you up tonight? There is so much sadness in your too lovely eyes," Emilio finally asked, his tone gentle.

I hesitated, my fingers tightening around the mug. "Today marks three months since my parents died. I guess I'm just feeling...lost. And on top of that, I'm still trying to figure out how to get out of this marriage contract with Henry."

That was what I wanted to say. I couldn't, though. I didn't want his pity, and I didn't want to open up to anyone. Talking wouldn't bring them back. Talking wouldn't allow me to leave United Greecia and visit their graves.

I sighed, my gaze drifting around the room and landing on a dartboard. An idea sparked to mind, a way to distract myself from the heavy thoughts.

"How about a game of darts?" I suggested, nodding toward the dartboard.

Emilio chuckled, setting down his beer. "You're on. But I must warn you, I don't know how to play and I'm only a decent shot when I'm plastered."

"Ah, in that case, dear Emilio, chug this," I said, offering him his discarded beer. "And I shall teach you the ways of the Rogues. You will be like me in no time."

Emilio chuckled, leading me over to the dartboard, and I grabbed a set of darts. I explained the rules and demonstrated the proper technique, my movements fluid and precise.

Emilio watched intently, absorbing my instructions with keen interest. He mimicked my stance, his first throw sailing wide of the mark. "Shit, you made that look easy. I'm good at throwing knives, but these tiny needles do not go where I tell them to."

I laughed, playfully nudging my shoulder against Emilio's, but before I could speak, a shift in the air caught my attention. Low murmurs rippled through the music, and I glanced over my shoulder. An almost palpable energy crackled when my gaze collided with Knox's guarded mint green irises.

"Mind if I join you?" The deep timbre of his voice awakened those addictive, drunken butterflies in my belly.

"Knox, what are you doing here?" I asked, surprise evident in my voice as I walked over to him.

He smirked, his eyes full of humor, and he held his hand to his heart in mock pain. "I'm wounded, Trouble. I haven't seen you in a few days. Haven't you missed me?"

I snorted a laugh, all propriety forgotten. "I don't know you well enough to miss you."

His smirk widened, but before he could retort, my fingers gently slid across the neckline of his shirt. "I didn't realize you even owned casual clothing." The simplicity of his outfit only added to his devastatingly good looks-he wore a well-worn pair of jeans and a dark blue T-shirt that clung to his muscular torso.

A low rumble escaped his throat as he stared down at my hand on him. He covered it with his own, pressing my palm more tightly against his firm chest. We stood there, less than a foot apart, and stared at each other. No pretenses or expectations. The unspoken words that flowed between us were so powerful and spellbinding, I was afraid to move, afraid to speak. I didn't want to ruin this moment. I wanted to explore more of this moment, this connection with him.

"Not trying to interrupt you guys, but you're kind of turning the night into a spectacle. Not long before the gawking, drunken guards start to chant, 'Kiss, kiss, kiss,'" Emilio said from behind me, his voice tinged with amusement.

"Mind if I walk you back to your room?" Knox asked, already heading toward the door.

I glanced at Emilio, who gave me an encouraging nod, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Go on, Callie," he said softly. "You can kick my ass in darts another time."

I guess it had gotten pretty late. I gave Emilio a quick hug before following Knox out the door.

"There's some unspoken rule that royals aren't supposed to enter that bar, huh?" I asked, breaking the silence as we navigated the moss covered path back to the castle.

Knox chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the quiet night air. "Not exactly a rule, more like an unspoken agreement. The guards like to have their own space to unwind without feeling like they're being watched."

I nodded my understanding. "Did Emilio ask you to come get me, kick me out?"
"No. Nothing like that. I've been meaning to talk to you for a few days but our schedules haven't aligned."

"Something is bothering you," I stated. "If it is me... no need for small talk, just give it to me straight."

"You hardly know me to know my moods. What makes you think I'm upset?" An irresistible smirk appeared, knocking my brain cells off kilter. There was a long pause. Awkward. I was making things awkward because all I wanted to do was kiss that stupid crooked smile off his face.

Knox cleared his throat, and it snapped me back to the moment.

"Right. Ummm... I don't have to know you. It's obvious in your tense shoulders, tight-lipped smile, and shuttered eyes. I've upset you?"

Good. That sounded normal and not like a girl in lust.

"No. I just need to clarify something with a question is all." Knox hesitated a moment.
His eyes regarded me carefully as we stepped into the entrance of the palace.

"When you told me you were attracted to me, were you being honest, or did you only say that to mess with my head? Hoping I would get you out of your marriage contract?"

My halt was so sudden it was like my shoes fused to the marble ground. My eyebrows arched into my hairline. "You can do that?"

Knox affirmed with one solemn nod.

"Seriously? How? I've been begging my grandmother for weeks now. She acts like it's out of her hands. Why would you be able to end that dumb contract, but she cannot?"

"I have my way-"

"Hold on," I interrupted him then gasped. "Why did you ask that? Do you think I'm trying to manipulate you? Where in the world did you get an idea like that?" My blood was simmering. "I've been nothing but honest with you from the moment we've met. I like to toy with men, sure."

Shrugging, I shifted in front of him, locking eyes with him so he could see my truth. "But not once have I been anything less than honest with you."

"I trust you. Just verifying is all," Knox stated.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. My father used to say the same thing. Trust, but verify.

"That is bullshit." Which was exactly what I would say to my father, too. You can imagine how much trouble I got in for spouting those beautiful words at him.

Knox had the opposite reaction at my outburst. His eyes danced with humor, and he tilted his head to the side just a bit.
Frowning, I continued on like I didn't find that action ridiculously cute.

"I know that trust has to be earned, but, you're accusing me of manipulating you? I had no clue you held that much power or else I would have flat out asked for a favor. Minus the flirting. I would never mix business with pleasure, that is just asking for destruction. You're pointlessly throwing accusations at me when no one is making you stay here, Knox."

He stepped so close our shoes were touching and then he angled his head closer to me, a condescending smirk tilting his lips. "Are you kicking me out of your castle, Princess?"

"Stay. Go. Makes no difference to me," I said walking backwards toward the steps, putting much needed space between. Hopefully, space would prevent me from doing something foolish like kissing that stupid ass smirk right of his smug lips.

"Just so you're aware, I could not care less that you're a king and I'm not being blasé when I say that. I really give zero fucks about your status."

"I believe that," Knox said with an arrogant chuckle, earning an eye roll from me.

He exhaled in disbelief. "You're mad at me for trying to clarify things between us?"

"There shouldn't have been any confusion," I interjected.

"I told you what I wanted. Sex. That's what I meant by having fun. I know my way back to the amethyst wing. Goodnight." Turning on my heel, I made my way up the stairs without sparing him a second glance.

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