34-Poisoned Words

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Therapy was every bit the nightmare I thought it would be. The therapist was nice and didn't seem shocked by my appearance-resembling a past queen and all-so that was a pleasant change. Still, therapy was invasive. The doctor activated a small device that scanned me, providing real-time data like my heart rate, muscle tension, and brainwaves.

Whenever my brainwave activity spiked above a certain level, we paused for a guided relaxation exercise. Specifically after we entered an NVR session that simulated stressful scenarios in a controlled environment. Which meant confronting my deceased parents. Which sounded so messed up, but it helped in a way. It was still a living nightmare but I wouldn't hate going back tomorrow. Not that I'd admit that to Knox.

"You've been occupied with the king for a week. I'm glad to see you alone, finally."
I had two choices: pretend like I couldn't hear Henry and secretly turn up the music playing in my ears. Then pray he went away.

He wouldn't. It was Henry.
Choice Two: be nice to the little prince since I had just ended our engagement.

I'd try at playing nice.

I smiled up at Henry and took my earpods out. "Hiya Henry. How are you? Do you want to sit?" I pointed to the chair across from me. Of course, he sat in the one beside me.

"It's cloudy today. Think it's going to rain?"

"Weather conversations. My favorite." I rolled my eyes then instantly bit my bottom lip. I hadn't meant to be snarky out loud.

Henry laughed and shook his head. "I was kidding. I know you don't like meaningless conversations. Same for me. I don't like when you pretend as if you are overly happy to see me. You can tell me to F off if you want. It's not like you haven't before." He leaned back in his chair and stared up at the dark grey clouds obscuring the sky.

With a smile, I leaned into his personal space. "F off?" When he looked over at me I whispered, "Say fuck, Henry."

The tips of his ears turned pink, along with the blush on his cheeks. "I don't curse."

"Oh, come on. I've heard you curse before."

"When? That day I popped by your dorm room, and you elbowed me in the side of the face? That was painful, plus getting hit by a pretty girl took me by surprise. Trust me, I felt guilty for cursing in front of you."

"Why? Curse words are a great way to vocally release stress. They are feel-good words." I frowned at him playfully.

A winsome smile twitched on his lips. He nodded toward the cluttered table in front of us. "Do you have a moment to spare, Callie?"

There was a tablet, a nanocomputer, actual pen and paper, which was hard to come by in this country, apparently. Plus, the table was littered with snacks. All things necessary to help me study for this new royal life of mine.

I grabbed the glass bowl with rainbow fruit-flavored chewy candies. The hard sugar shells rattled against the bowl when I shook it at Henry.
"Sure. I'll have to remember that we're friends now. No more bull stuff between us."

Henry chuckled. Tossing a few tiny candies into his mouth, he stared at my mother's Hyacinth flowers, chewing thoughtfully.

"How did your father take the news about you no longer being engaged?" I asked, settling back into the cushion of my chair.

He scrubbed a hand down his face, blowing out a harsh breath.
"I haven't told him yet. I figured he could get the news when the rest of the world hears it. His head is going to explode." Henry's jaw was tense. I could hear his teeth grind together. His gaze was unfocused and a bit haunted, staring out at the surrounding flowers.

"Those are different." He pointed to the flowers in the garden and grabbed a mini cinnamon pretzel off the decorative tray in front of him.

"Knox had them brought in from my mother's garden."

Henry focused his intense gaze on me. His nostrils flared for a second before he looked back out at the flowers.

"He's not a good guy, Callie. He's just using you."

I didn't feel like he was, but if that was the case, I was okay with allowing him to use me as he pleased. The last week had been nothing but earth shattering, eye-opening fun. Knox handled my body better than I ever could.
I didn't know it was possible to have multiple orgasms during sex. I had his undivided attention for a week and food was the only disruption while we locked ourselves in my room.

Knox and I agreed on a laid-back relationship. That really may no longer be the case after the argument we had this morning but I'm hoping we didn't change the dynamic of our relationship anytime soon.

I lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug and flashed Henry an impish grin.

"You deserve better than how he is treating you," Henry huffed out resentfully.

"Knox has been nothing but nice. What are you so irate about?"

"You are what is considered the in-between. King Knox has a love interest. Princess Alivia of Ithraland. They have been a very on and off couple since he was 17. So for the last six years."

"I can do math, thank you," I said snidely, grabbing my water and drinking down the bile threatening to rise. "Please tell me they're not dating now. I will vomit if I'm his mistress."

Now it was Henry's turn to shrug. "Not sure. Usually when he is with other women, it's because he and Princess Alivia are taking a break. Hence the term, the in-between. In this case that woman is you."

"Again Henry, I'm following along in the conversation you don't need to point out the obvious."


"No, you're not." I slapped the cookie out of his hand, and he chuckled.

"Why are you mad at me? I'm just telling you the truth. You're only going to hold his interest for a little while before he runs back to the Ithra Princess. I don't want you to get hurt."

Henry snatched the tablet off the table and started typing. "This is her," he said, turning the device my way.

"She's beautiful," I stated the obvious,bringing the tablet closer for inspection. She was obviously older, early thirties. A slender face, prominent cheekbones, full lips, luscious auburn hair and stunning bright turquoise aqua eyes.

"Can I see pictures of them together?" I smiled, thrusting the thin tablet back at Henry. While I was curious of Knox's past romances, I didn't have the stomach to search his past myself. That was simply a dark hole I had no interest in falling down.

"Doesn't it bother you?" He typed into the search bar. Pictures of Knox and the Ithra Princess flooded the screen.

They looked really good together. That truth was a little bitter to swallow.
"Everyone has a history, Henry. It just seems like a non-issue. As long as they aren't together right now. I really don't care."

"We're not. And we haven't been for some time now."

Henry and I jumped apart, looking behind us. My thighs clenched together in anticipation at the sound of Knox's smooth commanding voice, despite the humiliation of getting caught gossiping.

Knox walked around the table, sitting in the chair across from me. My face burned with embarrassment. Henry scooped up the tablet he dropped on the ground with a deep frown carved on his face, his eyes darted between me and Knox.

"So, how long have you and Princess Alivia been broken up?" I asked.

"Almost a year."

I shot Henry an accusatory glare with a raised eyebrow. He was bringing me gossip that was a year old. That only made him seem jealous and petty.

"What's your deal with older women?" I pushed the junk food in front of me off to the side. Leaning my elbows on the table to prop my chin on my fists while looking at Knox. With a lopsided smile, he mirrored me. His face was inches from mine.

That hot as hell look he reserved for me set my body on fire without fail.
I squirmed in my seat trying to keep things causal. It'd be a little awkward for Henry if I jumped over this table, climbed on Knox's lap and rubbed against him like a cat in heat.

"Older women tend to be more emotionally stable. They have higher self-esteem and are confident in their own skin. I'm simply attracted to confident women. The women that I've dated, I've had a genuine connection with, it's been a mere coincidence that they've all been older. I don't have the tolerance for immature women. Which might be why I haven't dated anyone my age.

"Well, damn Knox, maybe we should end things before they really start. Do you know how old I am? I'm still stumbling my way through life. I'm also extremely impulsive, which sometimes appears immature but I can't always control my hasty behavior."

A strong breeze caused tendrils of hair to stick to my lips. Knox reached over, tucking the stray pieces behind my ear. My lips parted at the familiar heat of his skin against mine. "I know how old you are. You will be twenty one in seven weeks. My feelings for you differ from any I've ever had before. Deeper. If you'll have me, we can stumble together. I'm drawn to your confidence, your blunt honesty. Without a doubt in my mind, I like you."

He closed the gap between us, pressing his lips against mine in an insatiable kiss. I sighed against his lips. It felt like forever since his mouth claimed mine when really it'd only been hours. I threaded my fingers through his soft hair at the back of his neck and pulled him closer. His mouth worshipped mine with slow leisurely licks of tongue, grazing of teeth, and caressing lips.

"I should... probably go. I'll see you... around," Henry stammered, knocking his chair over in his haste to get away.

"Henry wait."
He seized his fallen chair, setting it right while I grabbed the bowl of chewy fruit candies.

"Here." I offered him the bowl of candy Hattie made for me.

"Tomorrow, Alice and I are going down to the beach. You're welcome to join." Henry's eyes flickered to Knox. I shook my head. "It's just us girls. Maybe Emilio."

A glimpse of happiness sparked on his face. "Thank you for the candy. I'll check my schedule and let you know." He bowed his head toward Knox, then walked off.

Pushing out of my chair, I walked around the table and straddled Knox's lap. His fingers skimmed up my arms, curling around my shoulders. He dipped his head, pressing damp kisses along my jaw and exposed collar bone. One hand slowly traveled down my chest and over the swell of my breast. Leaning into him, my eyes fluttered closed as his soft lips gently sucked on my neck. I sighed as his teeth nipped at my earlobe.
I was trembling at the feel of him. His hand sprawled my hip in ownership. His kiss was controlling, giving, and taking all at the same time. I couldn't get enough of the way his groans of desire emanated deep from within his throat in pure appreciation.

My hips shifted against his hard length, seeking relief. A whimper escaped my lips, the friction igniting a fire in me. Knox tilted my head down, kissing me so passionately he stole the air from my lungs. Each time we kissed it was so full of passion I felt the connection deep in my soul.

"Knox, we should probably talk about us," I whispered against his soft lips, my eyes closed. The conflict inside me was intense. I didn't want anything serious, but things felt too heavy between us.

"Alright," he murmured, his breath warm against my throat."Say yes to being my girlfriend."

I gently pushed at his chest, creating some space between us. "I'm serious. What is our next step?"

"You'd make me the happiest man in the world if you, Princess Calina Ekko Lyris Ariti, said yes to exploring a future together outside of just sex."

With a weighted sigh, I pushed off his lap, taking the seat next to him. I needed the space to think clearly.

"I don't have time to nurture a relationship, Knox. This can only be a physical relationship at the moment. Anything more would be impossible. I'm preparing to become the queen of a sizable country. The closer the announcement approaches, the more I'm freaking out. And worrying about a boyfriend holds zero appeal."

"Why would you need to worry about me?" Knox asked, his eyes searching mine.
"I'm not going to break up with you and run back to my ex. When I broke things off with Red, it was permanent."

"Red? Cute pet name. It suits her." I rolled my eyes, swallowing down the minuscule jealousy clawing up my throat. I liked Knox. There was no point in pretending otherwise, but what if 'his red' had her hooks in him deeper than he realized? Did I want to gamble with my heart? That was the real question.

"My ex labeled me a sarcastic ass who avoids genuine commitment. He might have been on to something. Maybe we shouldn't do anything other than have sex. Check our hearts at the door type of thing."

"This ex... What is his name? Surname too," Knox inquired, his jaw clenched slightly, revealing the tension he was trying to keep under control.

"Don't worry about him. My father handled my ex when I called crying." I grinned at the memory, then narrowed my eyes at Knox.

"You're controlling. Are you always so bossy in the bedroom?"

"Yes. Did you not like it?" Knox lifted my hand to his lips, pressing kisses to each finger while locking me in those pale green eyes lined by dark lashes.

"I enjoyed it."

"Is that what has you so apprehensive? I'm only dominant during sex. I'd never try to control you otherwise. I-"

"As if I'd let you," I pointed out, tugging my hand from his and crossing my arms.

That lopsided smile that set my soul ablaze tugged at his lips. "So what's the problem?" Knox leaned forward in his chair, gripped my hips, and pulled me into his lap.

"How about we remain exclusive to each but not throw labels on our relationship just yet? We're still getting to know each other. I just want someone to play with," I said with a suggestive smile turning up the corners of my mouth.

Sure, I was the one that wanted to label what was going on between us but after hearing where his head was at, shit got too serious too soon.

"Whatever you want, Mi Reina." A small thrill shivered down my spine as Knox's hands moved from the sides of my ribcage, slowly running down to my hips and then back up again. His incendiary touch was both gentle and possessive, igniting a delicious warmth through my body.

All conflicting thoughts disappeared with his touch. A soft sigh of a kiss anchored me to the moment as we slowly sank into it. When I parted my lips, his tongue slipped inside, stroking gently with mine. Unhurried, lazy strokes of tongue, his heady scent consumed me. I could kiss him like this forever. His touch was like a soothing balm that seeped into my chest and spread throughout the rest of my body-he was everything that made me feel alive, and whole, and beautiful.

A lighthearted, easy-to-walk-away-from relationship was all I wanted. But I could feel myself getting addicted to his touch, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

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