37-Tangled in a Web of Deception

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Everything in Plaka village was undeniably beautiful, but the restaurant nestled in the mountains took the crown. Perched at the peak was the majestic Athena castle, casting an enchanting shadow over the village. The Hillside kitchen had a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the crystal-clear blue ocean below. Very contemporary style with lots of brick and concrete architecture. The ambiance was further enhanced by fringed stalactite lamps, casting an ethereal glow that danced throughout the restaurant.

We were fortunate to find a table in the secluded back area, where the ocean stretched out before us like a mesmerizing painting. Taking our seats, we ordered our food through the tablets embedded in the stone table.

We effortlessly fell into an engaging conversation, savoring both the delicious meal and each other's company.

Being with Knox was unlike any experience I had ever had with other guys.
He challenged me but never pushed me so far that I was always looking for a way out. I had to admit that I was a total coward with all things romance. But when I was with Knox, he made me want to prove to him that his emotions and feelings weren't a one-way street. I'd usually freeze up in the heat of the moment when he'd whisper sweet things to me.

I tried to keep an emotional distance, protect my heart, but I was ready to share it with him. I realized while we were exploring the village that I was genuinely happy when we were together.

Lost in my thoughts, I leaned back in my chair, wrapping my arms around my chest like an emotional straight jacket trying to suppress the overwhelming emotions flowing through me when I looked into his green eyes. They were so gentle and warm and I was so... such a cynical mess.

"I've never done a serious relationship before. I've always found the effort at making one work exhausting. My life has been upended, most days I feel like the surrounding air is crushing me. Except, when I'm around you, you make me feel like I can breathe again. You're unexpectedly patient with me, and that is only one of the many things that makes me like you. I'm crazy about you." I whispered the words so faintly I was not entirely sure if he could hear me over the bustle of the restaurant, but I couldn't contain them any longer. Despite my usual need to self preserve.

The muffled ambience of the restaurant faded into the background, and all that mattered was the kind man sitting before me, who had effortlessly transformed an ordinary meal into a moment of pure magic. No one curtsied or bowed. No utterances of your highness. Just normal. I didn't realize normalcy could be taken for granted.

Knox propped his elbows on the table, leaning forward to close the distance, but he didn't make a sound, not a single word. My chest tightened as I held his gaze. The only feature on his face that still looked like him were those warm, soul searing, green eyes.

I had lost the mental battle against containing those words in my mind and I wasn't sure what was worse that he heard me or that he'd ignore what I said.

Knox moved slowly. Like he thought if he moved too fast, I'd bolt for the door. His big hands cupped my face so gently it was like he was afraid to touch me. Then his mouth captured mine in a hard conquering kiss, his fingers dug into my jawline. The world fell away until all that was left was him. This moment. My mouth opened, our tongues brushed and each stoke of his tongue against mine made my head spin and my heart hammer against my ribs. Minutes? Hours? Time slipped away while we kissed across the table. I resented it being between us.

With a groan, he tore his mouth away from mine. We were both breathing too hard and it took a long moment for my thoughts to return. I couldn't quite catch my breath while we stared at each other, gazes locked. An overwhelming sense of vulnerability coursed through me. I averted my eyes, shifting my gaze toward the window, afraid that if I looked at him for too long, I would say something stupid, like just how completely and effortlessly he owned my heart.

"What?" Knox's hard tone jolted me back from my wandering thoughts. My gaze snapped away from the clear blue ocean views to see he had been addressing Emilio.

Emilio braced his hand on the back of Knox's chair when he leaned forward, urgently speaking in Spanish.
The words too soft for me to comprehend, but Knox looked furious. In fact, it was an absolutely frightening look.

Despite his anger, Knox was gentle when he took my hand, leading me out of the restaurant and down the cobblestone sidewalk.

"I have to handle something in person. Feel free to explore the village. If you want to go home, just let any of the guards know and they will take you back to the Athena castle." His lips tilted in a crooked grin before he brushed them against mine in a quick kiss. Then he walked off, leaving me alone on what was supposed to be our day. But I understood, he was a king. It wouldn't be fair of me to expect him to drop all responsibilities.

Regardless, time alone or with the illusion of being alone-since I was within the sight of six bodyguards at all times-would be nice.

I wandered the village alone and completely at peace in my exploration, but as the fiery red sun began to sink below the waves, it became obvious that Knox wouldn't be returning to our date.

Ira was in the distance, seated on a stone bench so I made my way over to him.
"I'm ready to go back to my cage. I have a lot of work to catch up on," I expressed, a hint of resignation in my voice.

Ira nodded understandingly, taking the shopping bags from me as we made our way towards the waiting car. He looked at me with genuine concern. "Did you have a good time, Princess?" he asked, his eyes filled with sincerity.

A soft smile played on my lips as I recalled the day's adventures. "I had a great time. The kite surfing lessons were exhilarating, and I had a blast helping a confectioner make chocolate bites, even though they turned out ridiculously ugly. But trust me, they taste amazing."

Stopping in front of Ira, I rummaged through the chocoholic shopping bag and opened the box. Ira snagged a toffee and nougat square out with a wrinkled nose.

"You're right. These are atrocious." He chuckled and tossed the confectionery into the air, catching it in his mouth.

"Ira!" When I looked over my shoulder, I saw a woman around our age with light copper hair and big brown eyes walking towards us. She did not look thrilled.

"Damn," Ira muttered around the chocolate, gulping it down.

"Phoenix, my love, what a great surprise." Ira greeted her with a quick kiss on the lips before her gaze shifted back to me, now filled with a hard edge.

"I'm with mom, we're doing a cake tasting in fifteen minutes," she said glancing at Ira with a soft smile.

"Hi, I'm..." I began to introduce myself, but Ira cut in, taking charge of the situation.
"Magnolia. Duchess Magnolia of Queen's Gate," Ira interjected. I had no clue who that was, but his fiancé's glare turned soft and she dipped into a quick curtsy.

"Wow, it is nice to meet you, your highness. Ira has told me a little about you. You look a lot different from your pictures," Phoenix remarked, her words tinged with curiosity.

"Oh, I'm wearing a disguise. Didn't want anyone to recognize me. Ira speaks so highly of you. It's so nice to finally meet you. And, not that it's any of my business but I completely side with you, Phoenix. A honeymoon traveling the world sounds much more enticing than an over the top wedding ceremony,"  I replied with a warm smile.

"Yes, exactly. Now if only I could get my mom and fiancé to agree to fund something so extravagant." She giggled.

"Done. Consider it my wedding gift." I expressed, touching her arm.

Her mouth popped open and moved, but words failed her. Phoenix finally found her voice, though it wavered with disbelief. "Are you serious? I don't know what to say."

"Just say yes. It's the least I can do for all the headaches I give Ira," I said softly.
She looked at Ira, her eyes glistening with gratitude. "Thank you, Duchess Magnolia. This means the world to me."

"If you'll excuse us a moment, Pr-uh-Duchess," Ira said, guiding his fiancé away.

She glanced at me over her shoulder and said, "Thank you again, duchess!"
"Enjoy your cake tasting," I said, genuinely pleased to see her so happy.

I waved down Barbi, not too far off in the distance, and she led the way to the car. As soon as I settled in the backseat, I turned off the necklace, removing my hat and the eye contacts that had helped me maintain my disguise. The car pulled away, carrying me back to the castle at the top of the mountain. The smooth hum of the engine did little to soothe my restless thoughts. The journey back felt longer without Knox by my side to talk to.


"Callie?" Henry's voice sliced through the air, cutting off my hasty retreat to the safety of my room.

I turned around, my eyes widening in surprise when I see Knox a few paces behind Henry, his presence commanding my attention.

A rush of relief flooded over me, and I couldn't help but break into a smile. "Hey, I missed you!" I swiftly maneuvered around Henry and threw my arms around Knox, seeking his warmth and familiar scent.

There was a subtle furrow forming between Knox's eyebrows. His mouth was set in an implacable, firm line. "What's wrong?" I attempted to pull back, but Knox's hold remained unyielding, his gaze intense and searching.

"I thought you'd be upset," he admitted, his voice unusually vulnerable.

Confusion clouded my thoughts for a moment before I realized what he meant. "No, Knox. Why would I be upset? I'm okay on my own. I still had a great time, and I got you a gift." My words spilled out in a rush as shifted out of his hold just enough to allow me to step back. I glanced around, briefly thinking I had dropped the bags before remembering that Ira had taken them.  "I'll have to give it to you later. But umm... Henry wanted to talk, so I'll see you later tonight?"

Knox's expression softened slightly, though the tension in his eyes remained. He leaned in to press a lingering kiss against my temple. "Alright, see you tonight, Trouble."

As Knox left the amethyst wing, I turned my attention back to Henry, my apologies already forming on my lips. "Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just hadn't seen him in a few hours," I explained, closing the distance between us.

"No problem, Callie. I actually came to talk to you about your date," Henry replied, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"Umm... really? Why? I didn't think our friendship was at that level yet."

Henry lifted his wrist, pointing at the watch. "I have something to show you. Proof that you are wasting your time with the king. Your efforts should be spent with someone that cares about you."

"And let me guess... that someone is you," I snapped.

"Of course it is, but I don't just care about you. I love you. And anyone is better than the king of Elysium."

With a loud groan, I rubbed my temples, ready to wash my face and go to bed. I was exhausted, and this was sucking all of my mental energy. Henry typed something into his watch and a hologram of Knox and Alivia floated above his wrist.

"Some paparazzi took this today at Plaka village. Which I found surprising since he was supposed to be on a date with you." Henry tapped the hologram and the video started. The clip didn't have any sound, Knox and Alivia hugged. It was a quick embrace, innocent. But could two people that have shared history really be innocent?

Why was she standing so close to him with wide eyes and pouty lips. I only watched for a few minutes. Alivia was doing most of the talking. The entire exchange between them started looking less innocent by the second. Was I jealous? Should I be jealous? I clenched my trembling hands into fists, fighting to regain composure.

Could Knox be the type to date multiple women simultaneously? No, I had convinced myself otherwise, but now uncertainty crept in.

"Maybe they ran into each other coincidentally," I muttered, attempting to rationalize the situation, grasping at a feeble excuse. Anything seemed better than accepting the possibility of Knox rekindling his relationship with the Princess of Ithraland.

"According to the article, they sat and talked over lunch for hours." Henry's voice cut through my internal struggle, his words laced with concern.

"Shit," I hissed, squeezing my eyes shut. Tears burned the back of throat, but I refused to cry in front of Henry.
I would like to think  I wasn't the jealous type. Had my perception of Knox been way off this whole time? Was I blinded by my unyielding attraction for him?

When I opened my eyes again, they were masked with false determination. "It's fine. We're not even that serious. Just hanging out. Thanks for looking out for me. I'll see you around Henry."

I had entered into a relationship with Knox fully aware of its casual nature, or so I thought. I never expected to be blindsided by emotions that ran deeper than anything I had experienced before. I wanted casual, while Knox relentlessly pushed for something more substantial. Why, so he could stomp all over my hollowed out heart?

I slammed my bedroom door so hard it rattled the pictures on the wall. Still, that didn't make me feel any better. I wanted a punching bag. Unfortunately, I lacked the energy to get dressed and walk down to the dojo.

"I don't want any interruptions for the rest of the day," I instructed the guard stationed outside my door, my voice strained. "Please tell Knox to sleep in his own room tonight." He acknowledged my request with a single nod, transmitting the message to the other guards via his watch.

After changing into something to sleep in, I crawled into bed, numb, hoping for a dreamless sleep.


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