38-Trust Fall

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"Morning Callie." Alice's voice was too cheerful for my dour mood.

"Nope," I grumbled into my pillow, tugging the duvet over my head.

"Oh, come on. It's nine. Four hours later than your usual starting time," Alice persisted.

"That's only the usual since I've been here. Back home, noon was when my day started. I think it's time to implement that again," I grumbled, my discontent palpable.

"Okay, and now I'm dying for the details. What happened on your date?" She pulled the covers back, slipping under the duvet with me, her presence a comforting force.

"Knox is getting back with his ex girlfriend. Turns out that Henry was right. I was just the in-between girl. Like an an idiot, I went and caught actual feelings for Knox. I swear I tried to keep him at arm's-length. He burrowed himself under my skin like a disease and hijacked my icy immune system until I stopped fighting and resisting against his charm," I confessed bitterly, my emotions pouring out in a torrent.
"That attraction between us drowned out my senses and made me forget that I'm totally and completely empty inside. And It's possible that maybe I got a little addicted to how he made me feel. No, you know what. This is all my fault, I pushed him back into her arms because he wanted more and I kept denying him. I did this to myself."

Though my ranting was mostly muffled by the pillow, the sad look in Alice's eyes told me she caught every single word. Concern etched her features as she moved closer.

"Oh Callie, that can't be true. The way King Knox looks at you makes me blush. How is it that you get the full force of his intensity and second guess his feelings for you? Come on, get up. Get dressed and get the answers you deserve. If he is breaking up with you, then you are entitled to hear it from him, not some gossip websites."

"I never told you about the site."

She smiled softly. "I've been keeping tabs on them, helping the queen and Theo, to make sure you don't appear on any forums. I stumbled across it last night. Now, enough stalling. Get up, Princess," she urged, yanking the covers away and bouncing excitedly on the bed.

"Alice!" I screeched, laughter bubbling up within me. I threw a pillow at her playfully before rolling out of bed, not at all ready to face the challenges ahead.

· · ────── · ───── · ·

I lounged on the tufted chaise in my walk-in closet, observing as Alice sifted through the racks of clothes, sending sequins and satin dresses cascading onto the floor. Together, we engaged in lively debates about the merits and drawbacks of each ensemble, the room transformed into a magical wonderland of feathers, lace, and intricate beadwork.

As Alice continued her search, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, and I was transported back to a memory of Raine and me. We had discovered a hidden thrift store in a ritzy neighborhood, a treasure trove of vintage finds and quirky accessories. We spent hours sifting through racks of clothes, laughing and trying on the most outrageous outfits we could find.

"Have you heard from Raine?" I asked, my voice betraying the sadness I felt.

"No, Callie. Not a word."
I fell silent, considering. "Okay, I'm going to try one more time. After this it's a lost cause."

Taking a deep breath, I got up and went to the island in the middle of the closet. It held millions of dollars' worth of jewelry and only opened with my biometric palm print. I slid open a small drawer and retrieved my cell phone-mine from Freedom. The very device that had woken me from my sleep months ago and upended my life.

With a sense of urgency, I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for it to power on. My fingers drummed against the smooth surface of the counter top, each second feeling like an eternity as I stared at the blank screen, willing it to come to life. I hadn't spoken to Raine in months. I left her texts and holographic recordings, she never reached out to me. I didn't understand why. Maybe if I called her from my old phone, from a familiar number, she would remember that I was still me. Her best friend.

I dialed her number, the trilling tone echoed through the room like a haunting melody. But as the line rang and rang, with no answer on the other end, my heart sank even further.

I guess she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Numbly, I set the phone down on the countertop, then picked it back up, unable to let go of the hope that she might respond.

"Perhaps the queen will allow you to visit. You were taken rather abruptly from your old life, and some closure would be nice," Alice offered gently, her hand covering mine to stop the steady tapping rhythm of the phone against the glass top.

I had already asked my grandmother if I could go back to Freedom and say bye to my friends. She shut it down. Said the Roguelands were not safe.

"I think that's perfect," I said, nodding at the delicate fabric draped over her arm.

Alice squeezed my hand before letting go and held up the semi-sheer blush pink blouse with an asymmetrical neckline. I grabbed a pair of well-fitted high-waisted jeans and flats with delicate ankle straps and rounded toes.

With a final touch of light makeup and effortlessly tousled waves, Alice offered me some stackable rings and a dainty necklace before stepping back as she appraised the outfit with a satisfied expression. "You look incredible, Calina," Alice praised. "Confident, approachable, and irresistible. The King won't stand a chance."

I smiled softly. "Thank you, Alice. Not just for making me look more put together than I feel. You're more than a friend; you're someone who consistently brings out the best in me. I would have quit this princess nonsense a long time ago if it weren't for you."

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Stop. You're going to make me cry. Now, it's time to go, princess. No more hesitating," Alice playfully nudged me towards the door.

· · ────── · ───── · ·

Dread washed over me the moment I stepped foot into the queen's tea room. Knox appeared so relaxed, engrossed in conversation with the queen at the breakfast table. His laughter filled the air. He seemed carefree and unaffected. Meanwhile, I struggled to hold my anger together. Those intense green eyes glanced up, it was a split second, nothing but a cursory glance, but the second our eyes met it made me feel like both fire and ice were in my veins. My body reacted before my rational mind could suppress it.

Anger flickered within me, lashing away at my chest. I was furious at my body for betraying my heart. I didn't want to feel anything towards him. I wanted him to return home and never come back here.

I lingered in the doorway, ready to bolt but my hesitation caught the attention of the queen. Her graceful head nod was the only acknowledgment that I should take a seat. With a conscious effort, I straightened my shoulders and located an empty chair at the far end of the table, opposite to where Knox and my grandmother were already seated. I purposely avoided glancing at Knox to gauge his reaction.

"These individuals are your potential assistants," Ekko announced, her gaze shifting to the three others seated at the end of the table with me.

They all wore identical expressions of shock on their faces, I gritted my teeth. I knew what they were thinking. I hated what they were thinking. That I was her, Ariadne.

"I thought we weren't letting in outsiders?" I accused, stealing a glance at my grandmother.

"They've all signed non-disclosure agreements. I thought meeting them would be more effective for your selection process than just reading their biographies."

My eyes rolled involuntarily, and I diverted my attention to the breakfast that had been set before me. The overt stares from each assistant grated on my nerves, making me feel like a freak.

Annoyed, I poked at the egg on my plate, the golden yolk slowly seeped out onto the porcelain. The resemblance I shared with Ariadne, something beyond my control, grated on me. This was to be my foreseeable future - a constant spectacle, all due to my uncanny likeness to her. My time here has felt like I've been in a protective bubble and had made me forget that I was a peculiar anomaly in Greecian history.

My gaze shifted to Knox, the crease on his forehead prominent. I neither needed nor desired his concern. Shooting him a glare, I pushed back from the table abruptly.

"I'm not her. So quit staring at me like that," I snapped, locking eyes with each assistant before pivoting on my heels and exiting the room.

My frustration wasn't solely directed at them; I simply couldn't tolerate being around Knox.
Alice had hyped me up, instilling confidence in me to confront him like an adult, but in that moment, all I wanted to do was scream in his face.

How could he pretend to care about me and yet go on a date with his ex-girlfriend?

"It kind of seems like you're avoiding me." Knox fell into step with me and I rolled my eyes. How was I so caught up in my head that I didn't hear him behind me?

"You know, Calina, you look amazing," he said, his voice filled with warmth.
A flicker of a smile ticked on my lips at his compliment. I quickly bit the inside of my cheek, choosing to hang onto my anger.
As we walked side by side through the palace corridors, Knox kept glancing at me, his concern evident. I could feel his eyes on me, but I refused to meet his gaze, determined not to let him see the effect he had on me.

"Trouble, please talk to me," he pleaded.

Don't yell. Don't get pissed. Stay emotionally detached.
As we entered the parlor, I chose a spot on the dark leather sofa and settled in, waiting for Knox to join me.

I twisted my ringers around my finger, trying to find a way to fortify myself. "I thought maybe I'd give myself a day to cool off, to be less hurt and...and, furious." Pressing a hand to my chest, kneading, it felt like my heart was being clenched by an unrelenting fist.

"When I agreed to this... whatever it is between us, I knew that your heart still belonged to someone else," I continued, my voice wavering slightly but I pushed on. "I believed I could keep my own feelings in check, but apparently, I like you way more than I intended or else I wouldn't be pissed. Look, it's been fun, the two of us, but it's time for you to go home."

I let out a slow breath, my words hanging in the air, creating a charged atmosphere. He remained silent, just sitting there in shocked silence before it turned into a blazing fire in his green eyes.

He had no right to be upset; I was the one who had been wronged.

Standing, I tried to leave the room, but I was stopped when Knox latched onto my hips, hands gripping the fabric of my shirt to anchor me against him. His mouth descended. The stubble on his jaw scratching against my soft skin was my undoing, and against my better judgment, I arched back into him, craning my neck to the side to give him better access.

"Don't go." Each word came out slow and deliberate like he wanted to etch them into my skin. Knox's teeth grazed against my neck and a shiver raced down my spine.
Spinning me with rough hands, concern and need warred in his eyes. I bit my bottom lip, reminding myself that I was furious. Sex wouldn't fix the problem between us. He trailed a gentle hand up and down my spine, oddly it was calming my trembling heart. I stepped back from his touch and crossed my arms. I didn't want to be soothed by him. Not when he was the source of my pain.

"Just leave me alone, Knox."

"That easy dismissal might've worked for your Rogue boyfriends, but we are adults. We need to discuss this like adults. I'm missing a ton of context... what did I do to piss you off? I know you're not the type to get pissed because we haven't celebrated our two weeks of dating anniversary or the first time we kissed."

I scowled at him with a don't be a smartass type of glare. Sinking back onto the couch, I attempted to appear nonchalant, but beneath the surface, a whirlwind of worry, anger, and hurt churned inside of me.

"You told me you weren't interested in your ex. And on our date yesterday, you left me to spend hours with her. . I didn't question you then, just trusted you. Clearly, it's true. I'm nothing more than the in-between girl."

Knox's demeanor softened as he settled beside me on the couch. "Well, you have definitely accepted a false perception about what happened yesterday. Let me make it clear: you were never, not for a moment, just some 'in-between girl'," he asserted firmly.

"Obviously, you felt guilty. Guilty enough to assume I'd be mad about something even before I knew about you and her," I shot back, my voice laced with skepticism

"The guilt was about leaving you alone for so long. What went down with Alivia was business. I was looking out for you. She saw you when I ripped that veil necklace from your neck, saw the real you. She had questions and wouldn't let up until I talked to her. There's nothing between her and me. The lunch was merely a formality, maybe a remnant of my own guilt for the way I ended things with her." Knox explained.

That made sense. I had an inkling of a feeling that she was suspicious. There was something about her sly little smirk that set me on edge.

"Why couldn't you just tell me all this yesterday before you left? You should have trusted me enough to explain why you were leaving. Now, it just sounds like excuses," I exclaimed, frustration lacing my words.

Knox's eyes narrowed, his own control slipping. "Excuses? Calina, I've been trying to make you understand what happened. But all I'm getting is your stubborn refusal to believe anything I say."

I scoffed, my arms crossing defiantly over my chest. "It's pretty hard to believe you when this whole argument could've been avoided if you'd bothered to keep the lines of communication open between us. It wouldn't have taken much effort to let me know where you were going. Instead, you left me alone on a day you pushed for-our day. I would've been perfectly fine staying secluded in my chambers." Shifting on the couch, I brought one leg up to face him. "And what happened between the two of you? You loved her once. Why did you end things?"

Knox's jaw tensed. "You're right. I should've been more open with you. I've never been in a relationship quite like ours, Calina. I'm not accustomed to explaining my actions or reasons. It's just not how I've operated." He let out a slow exhale, his thumb tapping a rhythm on his thigh.

"Alivia and I were never about love. It was a relationship of convenience, a way for me to focus on my kingdom while still having my needs met. I hadn't seen her since I ended things. I left her chateau in Ithraland a year ago, and never returned her calls. Her attempt to manipulate me with a fake pregnancy was the final straw. Years of mounting tension culminated in that moment. So, I left. I can assure you, Calina, I have no interest in her. You're the one who holds my heart. Can I say that without you getting skittish and running for the hills?" he asked, his hand reaching out to grasp mine, our fingers intertwining. The intensity of his gaze held me captive, his sincerity cutting through the tension in the room.

Rather than his declaration making me feel restless or igniting the impulse to flee, it only solidified the thoughts I had earlier. I could easily envision myself falling for him. It wasn't fair. The power this man had over me, but I was helpless against my hormones, and heart. Perhaps it was already too late-I had already fallen.

"I like you more than I have ever liked any guy," I admitted. "I'm not going to run from this. From us. I promise."

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