Chapter 14 - Perseverance

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POV America

Here goes nothing, I think having a staring contest with the black machine as if it was mocking me. Well no one mocks me and gets away with it! To prove myself to the phone I must make the phone call. My honour is now at stake.

Shoving my nervousness away to where I can't find it I grab the phone, spin in the number and when I hear him pick up I say "hey Iggy" into the phone before I loose my nerve.

"Do not call me that name ever again." A familiar, icy voice growls coldly into the machine before hanging up.

Admittedly I probably should have been sad from that interaction but just being able to hear Iggy's voice again calmed me down more than anything else in the world could.

I decide that if my approach here is to annoy him back into loving me then that means invading his house without warning and forcing myself into his privacy.

I pack my case and head off to England.

POV England

Everything reminds me of America, I see someone smiling or laughing I think of America and how he's always so happy. I read Shakespeare and I remember how much he hates it. I have a bath, I remember America's love of bubbles. I start eating and I remember how America was the only other person who liked my food and also how he would be eating five times the amount I would. see a woodlouse indoors and I think of how America would pick it up and carry it outside to safety claiming it was the act of a hero.

You name it everything revolves around him. In a literal sense too, he's becoming the world's most powerful country, he practically pulverised me during the revolution. Well with some help that is, I'd be proud of him if it didn't make me so damn depressed.

And then he called me on the phone, and had the nerve to called me Iggy. The amount of painful memories that nickname brought up were too much, I almost started crying when I heard his voice say that name.

Why was he even calling me anyway he hates me. Is he trying to rub it in my face that he's left and I'm all alone? Mock me? Rub his victory in my face?

No he's not that kind of person, he's so kind he was probably trying to make sure I'm okay, I did start crying. He's taking pity on me and being nice even though he hates me I think sadly.

Still I feel proud to have raised such a kind and caring child even being helpful to those he despises.

Just then there is a loud almost obnoxious knock on the door. I immediately know it's America, no one else can make a knock obnoxious.

I want nothing more than to pretend I'm not home but my inner gentleman forces me to open the door.

"Hey England." He says brightly and cheerfully like normal. Like nothing had changed.

"What do you want America? Why are you here?" I spit in the most threatening, cold voice I could muster. Using a glare famous for bringing fully grown men to their knees, making them trembling messes.

America however doesn't seem even remotely fazed.

"I'm just passing through the area and couldn't be bothered to book a hotel so I'm just gonna steal your couch, that cool with you? Great!" He says not waiting for an answer.

That obnoxiously adorable git, I swear  I'm going to kiss-I mean punch!-His cute-irritating!-Face! Get a grip brain, he hates you! And more importantly if he hurt you once he'll do it again. Force these obscene thoughts out of your head.

He has some nerve barging in here. I thought I taught him better manners. I'm about to give him a piece of my mind when He just barges past me into the house, jumps onto the sofa and pretends to fall asleep as soon as his head touches the cushion. Stupid git I always know when he's pretending.

What on earth is he doing here? He made it clear he wants nothing more to do with me!

He must be trying to play the hero. He's worried about me that must be it. I wish he'd just leave me alone, he's just making everything worse.

When he eventually gets up-he actually ended up falling asleep after pretending-he looks up at me with those big baby blue eyes of his, sat up and turned to face me then said solemnly: "Look Iggy" he saw my warning glare."I-I mean England, I just want a chance to explain, give me five minutes to just-"

"No you listen here America," I said my voice icy cold. "As soon as you mention that event I will disappear." I didn't want to hear all the reasons he hated me or who he had replaced me with. I told myself I was just being a British gentleman by letting him stay in my house, but I had no problem kicking out troublesome frogs, spaniards and Prussians.

I honestly wasn't sure why I didn't just kick him out my house but just seeing his face I couldn't bring myself to, just seeing those big baby blue eyes, I could never turn them away.

I wanted nothing more than to just cuddle him forever, but I couldn't and that hurt more than anything I'd ever been through. "Don't talk to me, don't pester me. I'll make meals and treat you like a proper house guest. Please leave as soon as possible." I said in an emotionless cold voice.


"Thanks for the dinner Iggy it's great." He said happily, I just glared.

"Hows your day been?"


"How's the country?"


"The weather?"


"Okay now I know your lying about that." He said jokily. How can he just act like everything is the same as it was? Can he not see he's just hurting me more this way?

I just want to be left alone. If I isolate myself from everyone then I can't get hurt when they leave me alone. It's easier just to stay alone instead of seeking friendships where you will ultimately just end up alone anyway. What's the point, why even bother?

"America can you please just leave me alone." I say quietly staring at my plate, tears pricking my eyes despite my best attempts against them.

"Sure I'll be in the living room." He says brightly though he sounds hurt.

"No I mean can you please leave my house." Silently, looking as hurt and sad as I felt he picked up his bag and exited my house. I wanted to call him back, tell him to stay. But if I do I'll just get more attached to him. He doesn't want to be here he's just trying to be the hero, he doesn't want to be with me and when he realises I'm fine he'll just leave me on my own again.

Everything about him just brings back painful memories. Amazing memories of what I simply can't have.

But didn't I just make him leave? It just hurt so much to see him, it hurt so much not to see him. I couldn't get him off my mind.

It's as if he is some horrible drug only worse. I don't understand, he's declared his hate by leaving me yet he'd come to my house and seemed depressed when I told him to leave.

Does he still love me or something? Maybe he wanted independence not because he hated me, but just because he wanted freedom?

No of course not, he hates me, he left me just like everyone else and now fate is just dangling him in front of my face taunting me. The thing I want more than any else in the world so close and yet so far away.


Ever since that day he always calling me, making me come to an array of various crazy events. Various anniversaries of our nations, weird and wonderful festivals from his country and mine, continuing our halloween scaring contest. He would barge into my house or drag me to his.

Why did I go to these events? I honestly didn't want to answer that question. Didn't want to admit the amount of control the boy had over me. I couldn't turn him, I was physically unable to turn down those big, pleading, baby blue eyes and whining hopeful voice. It was pathetic. I need to get a grip. I'm the bloody United Kingdom for christ sake he should not have this level of control over me.

And it was always me he called. I was honestly really confused. If he hated me so much then why was he so eager to spend time with me? It must be some form of pity, maybe France was involved. Either way I just wished it would stop.

Each and every time I was with him I would almost break down, grab hold of him and never let him go. But I knew that wasn't what he wanted. Or at least his previous actions had pointed towards that. He'd left me, he didn't want to spend time with me.

I was stumped, baffled and extremely confused. Though I knew that if I caved and went back to the way things were I would end up getting left alone again.

It hurt, it hurt more than I ever thought anything could. Unimaginable pain, the very worst form of slow, gruelling torture. Each moment I spent with him I just seemed to fall further in love with him. He wouldn't leave me alone.

And what's worse was now he wasn't my sibling restraining said thoughts were way, way harder. Especially with that git's constant nuzzling and affection. I had to continually shove away his advances away when really I wanted to encourage him and pull him in closer.

I tried everything, criticising him, showing him nothing but a cold unbreakable exterior. But he just wouldn't leave me alone as if mocking me, determined to make me stay in eternal torment so close to what I wanted yet I could never have it. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone.

And it still hurt to criticise him, the hurt it caused still very evident on his beautiful face. Just leave me alone America please.

POV America

Every and any event I could think of I invited Iggy to. He never seemed happy. I wanted to see him smile again, hear his gorgeous laugh. But he was stone cold twenty-four seven.

His heart wrapped up in a barrier of frozen ice. Nothing worked. He came to all events full of hate, no sign of friendliness just pure hatred. As if he loathed every minute he had to spend with me.

I didn't really get why he came to each event I invited him too as he clearly hated every moment he had to spend with me. In turn each moment I spent with him was a stab to the heart. I wanted to cuddle him, feel loved and special to him, yet all I was receiving were emotionless expressions and sad tired words.

His words hurt, and were harsh, I was back to feeling like I wasn't good enough.

But his words also made me all the more determined to get back to that Iggy from the past, the one that was always happy. Not sad and broken because of me. Didn't give me criticisms that he knew would hit home to get me to leave him alone.

However despite my best efforts the England I saw only gave me cold treatment and looks of pain were all I ever received, I never made any progress.

The laughing smiling ever so gentle guardian I once had seemed almost like a dream. I would only be reminded when I saw him with others that the man still exsisted.

At least he was happy around other people and not comstantly sad.

I would see him yelling at, but laughing with the BTT, or even in a cat fight with France, but he would be smiling all the while. I would half think I was dreaming, the sound of his laughter almost a fairytale to me, his smile like a forgotten dream. But as soon as I came into his line of sight the stone cold expression would return.

He would be smiling with Japan or talking happily with Norway and their 'mythical creatures' (the two of them hallucinate). However as soon as I made myself apparent he would either abruptly leave or become an emotionless robot.

One time I saw him hugging Canada, after he had declared his independence which had caused an argument between Canada and France even though he was England's colony, which didn't really make any sense to me but nevertheless he was getting hugged by England like he used to do with me in that comforting way only he could do. I almost broke down and cried. Nothing I did was working, why did I have to be such an idiot and leave him?

It was breaking me apart I was in constant torment although I had become good at hiding it.

When I came over or he stayed at mine we now slept in separate beds, often I would find myself crying silently. England in the bedroom next to mine yet I was no longer allowed to share with him. I always shared with him, I never missed a chance to. I missed his warmth, his breathing pattern the feeling of his arms around me, being able to nuzzle into his neck and cuddle him.

But more than anything I missed his laugh and his smile.

His laugh being the perfect pitch and a consistency that almost sparkles. It is the perfect melody to accompany the man's expression and his chest as rises up and down and up and down. His cheeks raised in a position of mirth. A glint in his emerald orbs, happiness seemed to radiate off him in these rare moments.

His smile seemed so rare and pure now that any glimpse of it was like a burst of sunshine and warmth. Much like the weather in Britain, a sighting of the sun was so rare that the spotting of it was sacred to the citizens of the United Kingdom. They had an appreciation of the sun that rivalled the rest of the Europeans. Much like how I marvelled at the rare spotting of his warm welcoming smile which the rest of the world just took for granted.

I don't think it's possible to become any more love sick or besotted than me. I'm pretty sure I put all teenage girls to shame, but I suppose that's a good thing because as a hero I need to be the best of the best at anything and everything I try.

I got so close sometimes, so very close he would be close to a smile or cracking a joke or even laughing. But he would always catch himself and the icy barrier would be up tenfold.

I continued with my plan regardless, I won't give up no matter how long this takes. No matter how much pain I have to go through. I refuse to believe it's pointless I refuse to give up.

I also can't give up. I need England, I can't live without him or I will actually go insane. I don't care how cruel or cold he's being, even seeing him soothes me more than any drug or riches could.

And that's why everything is so frustrating, why did I have to leave? Why? Why! As much as I love my freedom I would give it up in a heart beat to get back to the England who loves me.


World war one was a travesty. The second worst event that has happened in the history of the world so far.

The amount of death world wide was appalling, the horrors, the number of humans around the globe that were scarred for life, never to recover from shell shock. The horrible spiteful grudges it made people take to their graves after having experienced being bombed and having countless friends and family members dead at an enemies hand. A person's nationality became the only thing that mattered to such people.

A worrying number of people in my country would automatically hate anyone of german nationality. They wouldn't ask them a single question as soon as they were discovered to be german they were pure evil. Not giving them a single chance, but honestly can you blame them when others from their country inflicted such pain upon them? Still it was heart breaking to see my citizens behave in such a way.

The scars were unmatched by anything before it's time.

But one tiny piece of good came out of the horrible ordeal. I went to Britain's aid, we were allies and for some reason England finally started treating me like a friend again. Through the horrors of the worse war of history at the time, this one thing kept me happy.

I remember the first time I saw him laugh again:

The war was something I desperately wanted to join, I wanted to help Iggy. Be the hero of the world, but more importantly Iggy's hero. I wanted to prove that I was a force to be reckoned and that invading my country would be the very last thing you would want to do.

But my boss said it was not my fight, and I needed to keep my people safe first and foremost. I also knew that Iggy would be very annoyed if I stepped in and fought his battles for him so I was trying to stay out of it. However that plan kinda ending up failing. Epically.

I had been going to England, uninvited as usual, hoping to cheer him up what with him being at war and all. The sight I ended up seeing I was not prepared for though.

Germany was viciously kicking England in a vicious rage even though the Brit was defenceless, lying on the dirty ground unmoving, unable to fight back, I saw blood on the ground, I heard a bone snap, such an act of cruelty I would never tolerate.

Germany had clearly defeated England, during this particular battle. He should have acknowledged this fact and left. Beating a defenceless person for no reason was inhumane. Not something a hero would do. Not something a hero would tolerate under any circumstances.

Especially when it was England getting attacked, that made my anger boil over ten fold.

I had never felt such pure white hot rage.

I picked up Germany by the collar and lifted him off the ground.

"If you ever touch or even look at England again, you are going to regret your very existence and wish you had never had to experience life on this earth you here me!" I said in a low, slow, dangerous voice. I was half aware that my eyes had glazed over with anger. I didn't wait for his response, I threw him with every ounce of my wrath and he flew for miles over many forests.

I snapped out of it as soon as I saw Iggy lying motionless on the ground. My over whelming hatred changed to worry and concern in the blink of an eye. I knelt down next to Iggy my eyes filled with concern.

Then I realised I had basically just declared war on Germany

Well so much for staying out of the war, oh well never mind.

"I did not need your bloody help I was doing just fine!" England yelled from the ground. He was obviously not able to stand, his face was covered with soot and blood and he looked half starved.

I couldn't help it, I just started laughing, England glared but then to my utter shook started laughing as well. A full hearty proper laugh. An unstoppable pure smile broke out onto my face. I didn't dare do anything to end the moment. Once he'd finished he looked up at me once more.

"I give up." He stated, I just cocked my head at him and looked at him confused.

"You win okay? I can't give you the cold shoulder any longer you stupid git, screw the consequences." I smiled a big wide proper smile, the first one I had since the revolution.

I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder.

"Put me down this instant!"

"No way Iggy, you're too beat up to walk."

"Put me down!" He yelled with more fury, I just laughed and ignored him.

"You're pretty stubborn you know that?"

"It's one of the properties I pride myself on." He said smugly.

"Yeah but I still won."

"What are you talking about you wanker."

"I beat your stubbornness, it took me almost 200 years but you have given up!"

"I have not given up, I simply changed my opinion!" He yelled indignantly.

"Dude you clearly stated 'I give up' and also 'you win' when you were lying on the ground or are you so senile that you forget." Iggy was so fun to rile up.

"Maybe I'll just change my opinion back the cold shoulder is seeming pretty inviting right now!" He threatened.

"Okay! Okay! You win alright! Please don't!" I say trying not to sound desperate. I heard a noise of satisfaction and I could tell that England had a triumphant smirk upon his pretty face, without looking. For once I wasn't going to argue back. There was no way I was messing this up.

POV England

I had been fighting against Germany in the war, he's usually finishes a fight and that's that. He doesn't like inflicting unnecessary pain.

But I had gone into this battle with what I now realise was a terrible plan. I knew logically I could never win a fight against Germany, he was too powerful at the moment. I needed to play dirty or find some advantage.

I had noticed his affections for his Italian prisoner. He was besotted with the guy, though maybe his didn't realise it or was in denial. I proceed insulted Italy in the worst most spiteful ways I could. I then mentioned that I wanted to torture him until his voice no longer worked because of prolonged screaming, until he was completely broken, a shivering mess that would never functioning again.

Obviously I wasn't going to, I love Italy, but I could be a very convincing liar and Germany took my word for it. He completely lost it. The plan was that being plagued by rage would make him an easier target, however the opposite was true.

I had made something in Germany snap, he turned into a completely different person. He ruthlessly attacked me eyes shinning with blood lust.

He broke my legs and seemed to enjoy the snapping noise they made as they split. He then ruthlessly kicked me for what seemed like hours. His metal toed boot bruising my skin and cracking my bones, making me cough up blood.

Then for some reason it stopped. I looked up and saw America, who also had blood lust in his eyes and actions.

"If you ever touch or even look at England again, you are going to regret your very existence and wish you had never had to experience life on this earth you here me." I was shocked, completely and utterly dumbstruck. America was protecting me? Did he really care that much? He then threw Germany like he was a mere rag doll and he flew for miles. Then he looked down at me. The blood lust gone, now only filled with love and concern.

I probably should have been terrified by his outburst and Germany's for that matter but nothing fazes me to be honest. Pain is just pain, Germany hadn't been doing anything I hadn't felt before.

Plus I could never be scared of America, I knew he would never hurt me.

Not much scares me, except Russia and maybe marring France.

"I did not need your bloody help I was doing just fine!" I yelled from the ground, I had gone through much worse than this and I didn't need pity.

The obnoxious git then proceeded to laugh at me. And his laughter which had always been annoyingly contagious ended up infected me and once it had I just couldn't stop laughing.

I looked a right mess on the ground and I clearly needed medical attention but here I was yelling about being fine.

Looking up at my saviour, his big, baby blue eyes ecstatic although shocked, with a gorgeous smile on his face. I finally caved. It hurt me to give him the cold shoulder, constantly fighting against my urges and seeing his depressed expression because I was being so cold.

If he really was refusing to leave me alone I may as well be friendly to him. It was simply too tiring to keep up the barrier. Over a hundred years of fighting it. God I really am stubborn aren't I?

Plus I simply hated seeing him sad, so this was for the best.

I would be friendly to him, but act as we had before the revolution? No chance I was not going through that pain again.

"I give up." I stated America looked confused and I realised I had to clarify my statement.

"You win okay? I can't give you the cold shoulder any longer you stupid git, screw the consequences." I didn't know why he was determined to stay with me, did he hate me? Did he love me? I had no idea and I was starting to think I never would. But I couldn't hurt him like this any longer. It was hurting me and it was hurting him and it was stupid. It was a strain on my mind and something I couldn't keep up any longer. But more importantly I couldn't bare to see him hurt. Seeing him hurt, hurt more than any pain I've been through therefore it was illogical to keep this barrier. As long we don't go back to that relationship of love my heart will be fine. So I would at least let his friendship into my heart.

His love was an entirely different story. We were never going back into a relationship of love. If he broke our friendship it would hurt but I would be fine. If I had to go through the revolution again I would not be.

He smiled his huge, true smile. The beautiful smile that only he could create. The special smile he only showed when he was truly happy. I was starting to think I would never it again. I could stare at it for hours and still not be satisfied, the smile filled me with such an overwhelming joy. I felt happier than I had in a long time.

He then proceeded to sling me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down this instant!" I may have two broken legs but was not going to be carried around like some invalid old senile person!

"No way Iggy, you're too beat up to walk."

Ignoring his sound argument I yelled: "put me down!" The annoy git only laughed and carried me back to my base having an amusing argument on the way which I won.

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