Chapter 15 - Boxers

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POV America

Seemingly as soon as world war one had ended world was two started up, this time I tried really hard to stay out of it. Honest I did, I wanted to keep my people safe so that's what I did, though I sent the allies supplies, determined to be the hero and show them who's side I was on.

I definitely did not play favourites, and I most definitely did not send the UK almost three times the amount I gave to the USSR and over ten times the amount I gave to France not to mention over twenty fives the amount I gave to China.

Oh who am I kidding? Of course I was going to help England the most! I have self declared myself his personal hero for life after all!

I really, really wanted to help Iggy and the allies out, although he would deny it he was doing terribly, I desperately wanted to help and be his hero but I had to put my people's safety first, after all thats what he had taught me.

I ended up being given a reason to join the war by none other than Japan. It honestly hurt a lot. It really, really hurt. I thought he was my friend. In fact I had considered him my best friend, a bro. But he attacked me unprovoked. And acted like he didn't even care, it was politics to him, just politics.

He didn't care, did he ever care for me in the first place? Such an uptight emotionless man. The whole friendship probably meant nothing to him. It riled me up to level of anger I hadn't felt in a while. I was furious and I would definitely get revenge.

I immediately joined the allies, and made it my mission to protect Iggy as much as possible. I was going to be his hero. I was once again going to be the hero of the world! I was also determined to show England up at every possible moment.

I knock loudly and confidently at Iggy's front door.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Says a very grumpy and dishevelled but also very cute Iggy who has clearly just been woken up by none other than yours truly.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, and you probably didn't cause you're so stupid, we are allies in the current war and the next conference is in England, so I figured I'd stay with you mainly because I couldn't be bothered to book a hotel." I grin at his pissed of expression as he invites me into his house his gentlemen instincts taking over as I knew they would. According to proper British manners he has to house me whether he wants to or not I think happily. Haha score!

I sit down in the living room and he brings through tea and scones.

I take a cup of tea begrudgingly, what's the point of drinking this? It serves no purpose. It has practically no caffeine and it's made from leaves. I am drinking leaves! I'm not an insect I shouldn't have to drink this!

"Scone?" Iggy offers.

"No thanks I plan on living just a while longer."

"My scones are perfectly delicious I'll have you know, you're missing out." He says taking a bite from a black lump that looks like it should crumble into ash. I swear his stomach is lined with lead or something, how does he eat those things. His cooking is fine if not burnt, but those scones you do not want to touch if you value your life.

For some reason though I pick one up and pretend to happily munch on it. It always makes him so happy that I like his food that I can't help but eat it. I swear I'm some kind of masochist, I even manage to tell him that they taste great.

England smiles at me happily, a big wide smile, that smile made it all worth while. And because of that smile I know I'll eat the scones of death each and every time he offers them, just to make him happy.

England says he needs to wash up the dishes from our afternoon tea and I head to the kitchen to help. Once that's done England returns to the living room and sits down on his large leather sofa. I sit down next to him a little closer than I would if we were just friends.

England quickly shuffles away so there is a proper gap between us and then casually starts a conversation on as if nothing has happened.

I almost want to start crying, it's horribly to have your heart full of unrequited love. What's worse is I know I'll never be able to admit my feelings, he'd be disgusted and probably think that our whole friendship was just a rouse set up by me to get into his pants, he'd end up hating me, he'd never talk to me again, the icy barrier would be up stronger than ever before! I can't go through that again. I need to be part of some kind a relationship with England even if it's just friends, I realise that now. Even just being friends brings me more happiness than all the hamburgers in the world ever could.

If I was given the choice to stop loving England right now I would turn it down. As much as it hurts having my love unaccepted I love being in love with England. I love being able to see just how beautiful he really is. Being able to marvel at his personality and grace. I would never give it up. Being in love, even when your rejected by your love is an amazing feeling, he always makes me feel so warm and happy.

I desperately want to confess my feelings for him, tell him just how much I love him.

I could say it right this second, right now. A simple 'England I love you.' That's all I need to do, it's simple, it's easy.

But it's not that simple, and it is most definitely not easy, it never is. As a kid I thought it was easy. Just tell people exactly how you feel, 'it's easy!' That's what I always said as a kid, but nothing is ever that easy. Well some things are, I strongly believe that a lot of the countries over complicate everything. Just do it the simple way, the easy way. However there is no easy way with England, no simple cheat to happiness.

It took almost two hundred years to become friends with the man again for goodness sake. I can't bare to be without him in my life, I realise that now, he needs to be there in some way I can't be cut off from him again, I need him for my general sanity and peace of mind. If I told him I love him he'd put up that icy barrier again. I can't live through that again, anything but that. So for now I'll just spend as much time with him as possible as friends, and hopefully something will develop in the future.

Something will develop because the happy ending always happens in the end, I just have to wait for it!

I think about it for a second and realised that I'm not a patient person at all, I hate waiting and in fact I can have quite a temper tantrum about it.

So how is it that I am able to wait for England? I suppose he is the thing I care for the most. If he isn't worth waiting for then what is?

"We've got the allies meeting tomorrow morning so be up punctually I am not waking you up and dragging you out of the house."

"Sure thing!" I can't keep a smile off my face because I know that inevitably he will end up doing just that. I see him glare at my smile but also smile begrudgingly, almost lovingly because he too knows that he will inevitably end up waking me up. I know he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Oh and by the way we're cycling." A look of doom has already spread onto my face.

"But Iggy!" I whine drawing out the latter word.

"No buts, we are at war, fuel is a vital resource and needs to be rationed. We are cycling whether you want to or not, besides we should be doing the exercise. Also we need to do more to help the environment! You are almost single handedly destroying the world!"

"Hey that's not fair it's China's fault too!" I whine.


"America you big dolt get up!" Says a familiar voice as I'm shaken awake.

"Don't wanna." I whine turning over and pulling the covers closer and tighter around me.

"America!" England yells using all his strength to pull the covers off the bed. I fight back but eventually give up and let go. Iggy ends up tumbling backwards sprawled out on the floor covered in the duvet.

I smirk happily as I sit up rubbing my eyes. I get up off the bed and offer a helping hand to Iggy. He however just stares at me, and becomes a beet red, stuttering mess.

I look at him confused and then realise I'm wearing my american flag boxers and nothing else.

"I-I'll just go get dressed!" He says frantically, scrabbling quickly up off the floor refusing to meet my eyes and practically runs out the door, his face the same shade of scarlet as mine.

I hurriedly change not bothering to change my underwear and dash out the bedroom door, I am a loud and proud man but that experience was simply mortifying. My mind is distracted by embarrassment, thought process running at a thousand miles an hour.

This is partly why as I am walking down the stairs and suddenly see Iggy come up behind me that I flinch and end up completely losing my footing, falling down the stairs and end up sprawled out about half way down the staircase.

"America are you alright!" Yells a frantic worried England from above me. Hearing his worried tone creates a warm feeling in my stomach. He half runs down the stairs towards me presumably to help me up however he ends up tripping over my leg and lets out an undignified yelp as he topples forwards.

He frantically grabs onto anything that will help break his fall and that anything ends up being my waist. Due to England's momentum and strong grip on my waist combined with my already unstable position on the stairs we end up doing a dizzying duet roley poley down the stairs.

When we finally crash land at the bottom of the stairs, Iggy lets out a loud groan of pain as my body smashes on top of his at full force.

I immediately push my weight off Iggy and onto my hands, and stare down at the man below me full of concern trying to work out if he's okay.

He eyes are closed in pain and he's wincing slightly, but thankfully he seems alright. I can feel him breathing below me, hear the steady rhythm of his breathing, he's panting slightly still winded from the fall. His warm body below mine is comforting, I've been craving this kind of contact him for god knows how long.

I try to move away but I can't, I find myself trapped forever doomed to stare at the beauty that resides below me. His eyes flutter open after a minute, and emerald orbs lock yet again with sapphire eyes.

We both seem to be trapped, entranced, to my utter surprise England makes no attempt to move from below me.

His expression is full of want and longing, no wait that can't be right. My wishful imagination must be getting the better of me again.

His hand reaches upwards as though he is about to caress my face. But then it jerks away-the trance is broken-and England squirms, agitated, below me, desperate to get away. He succeeds in wriggling out from under me out of my grasp and stands up, then proceeds to smooth down any wrinkles on his clothing and try to flatten down his golden blonde locks as I quickly get up off the floor.

"Um well er I-I'll go make breakfast America I'll call you through when it's ready." He stutters hectically, blushing like mad.

"N-nah, I think I'll er, h-head to the meeting early! You know plan ahead beat the crowds, be prepared and all that." I yell rambling frantically, bright red as I run out of the door, slamming it loudly before I grab the bike violently and pedal away from England's house like there's no tomorrow. By some miracle it was not raining.

Dear god if I had had to spend another minute in there I might have spontaneously combusted.

That was possible the most awkward mornings in the history of mornings.

Today can't possibly get any worse.

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