Chapter 22 - Push Broom

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POV America

"But Iggy, I don't wanna!" I whined.

"Tough luck you git! You wanted to have the party, you clean the ball room!" Said England as he walked off to the library leaving me the massive job of cleaning his fricken huge ballroom. I sighed staring at the cleaning supplies, moaning I started sweeping the floor.

I then heard the familiar hum of a happy Italian behind me, the G8 had stayed over night as there was a conference in England coming up next week.

"Ciao America! Can I help you with the cleaning?"

"Would you really? Oh thanks man that would be awesome!" He smiled at me and I threw him a push broom, he looked kind of nostalgic as he stared at it for a minute, but the moment quickly ended and he started humming again happily as he swept the floor. The sound of marukite chikuu warmly filling the ballroom. My version of the song is by far the most awesome, for the record.

I smiled, it was nice being his ally again, I had hated being his enemy. It had been horrible seeing him scared of me. But that was war fare for you, you always had to fight against your enemy to stay in power, even if you didn't want to. If you refused you would fall, lose power, that's the way it worked.

I was drawn from my thoughts by the sound of a glass smashing. I turned around in alarm and saw Germany, staring at Italy in shock. Like he'd just seen a ghost, oh my god what if Germany saw a ghost! Shards of a broken beer glass covered the floor.

"Germany? Are you okay?"

"Y-You, you used to wear a dress!" He half yelled at Italy, pointing accusingly at the man, sounding more distressed and flabbergasted than I had ever heard the man.

"Huh? Yes I did! But how do you know that?"

"I thought you were a girl!" What the hell was the damn kraut on about? Any doofus with eyes could clearly work out that Italy was a boy, even if he was wearing a dress.

"What? But Germany you've seen me shirtless!" He has, has he? This is the first I'm hearing of it, interesting, very interesting.

"No n-not now back then! My love, I-I remember now! It was you! It was always you! Her name, it was Italy! The, the push broom! Something in my mind just snapped!"

"H-Holy rome? You, you remember?" Asked Italy tentatively, hope painfully evident in his voice.

"Yes! Yes I do! Holy Roman Empire that was me! That was my name!" What the actual fuck is going on!

"Holy Rome!" Said Italy leaping into Germany's arms and hugging him so tightly, as if the man would disappear if he so much as loosened a single muscle of his hold. "I-I waited for you everyday, h-holding a pot of sweets but you never came back." Said Italy breaking down now crying into Germany's shirt. Holy Rome, that was Italy's old love right? Was he actually Germany! Oh man I am so confused, how can Germany have had two names? What's with the mood swings! I can't deal with these rapid fire emotions! Happy one minute, crying the next! "I never lost my love of you, I'm sorry that's why I couldn't love you before Germany. I had to hold on to Holy Rome, he p-promised me he was coming back. I had to stay true to him. But it was hard, because I grew to love you too. But now you are the same person!" Said Italy happily, overjoyed, before pulling the german down into a soft kiss. Okay now I am just purely confused. What the hell is going on, can someone please explain.

Italy broke the kiss and skipped over to me. "Thank you America! You promised you'd help me as a child, and now you really have! You really are a hero!" He said before running back to Germany and giving him another sweet kiss on the lips. Don't get me wrong I am always glad to be acknowledged as the hero, it's actually only the second time someone has ever done that.

But right now I'm just confused. They were both friends, and now they are kissing! I mean, what the fuck! And a dress, and who is Holy Rome and what does any of this have to do with push brooms!

Iggy walked into the room carrying a cup of coffee, he looked over at Italy and Germany, smiled and then walked gracefully over towards me. I ran over to him and grabbed the coffee gratefully.

"Iggy help! What the actual hell just happened! I gave Italy a broom, and then Germany dropped his glass, and then one second they were talking about dresses, and the next second they were kissing! I mean I know I said Germany liked Italy's butt but I didn't know Italy liked his butt back!" I rambled at fast pace clearly distressed.

"Shhh." Said Iggy giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You have done a very good thing America, I am proud of you."

"B-But I don't even know what I've done!" I yelled, he chuckled and dragged me out the room by the hand.

"Come on, lets give them some privacy, how about I take you to get a hamburger?"

"Woohoo yeah! Wait Iggy you despise  hamburgers." I said suddenly confused and slightly suspicious.

"I'm just being a gentleman." He said nonchalantly, I was still slightly confused, but hamburgers are awesome. So I would just forget everything that had just happened and focus on those.

POV England

I sighed nostalgically, remembering several past events at once. If America wanted to, he could know exactly what was going on. As a child, after he reached the age of about eleven he could read the atmosphere pretty well, almost as well as me infact.

But then, one fateful horrible day, during a period where I had regrettably been stuck in England, America's friend Davie died. America hadn't dealt with death before, he didn't really understand the concept. After Davie's death he suddenly stopped reading the atmosphere, he told me it was because when you read the atmosphere you realised depressing things, and he'd rather be happy.

He had realised, that when he hadn't been reading the atmosphere, he hadn't understood that Davie was dead. But when he did suddenly the horrible truth had come crashing down on top of him.

Now he just blocks the ability from his mind. He'd rather be happy, and let everyone see a happy face, even when they themselves are sad, rather than mirror the sad face as he would if he'd read the atmosphere, and realised he was meant to be sad, or at least act sad.

It is kind of noble in a way, it also has a beautiful sadness surrounding it. I wish I had been there. Maybe I could have helped him further in some way. But the politics in my country at the time just wouldn't allow it.

That's why I took America away, to distract him. So that he wouldn't be tempted to do something which he didn't want to do-read the atmosphere-and also to give Germany and Italy some privacy, I think he was probably stressing them out. So being the gentleman I am, I helped in the way I could.


POV America

"No way are you getting a kiss until you have brushed your teeth you idiot." Said England stubbornly.

"But Iggy why! That's so mean!" I said pouting.

"You are going to taste like hamburgers!" I then proceed to put on the puppy dog eyes. I saw England's will power shatter before my eyes, and he begrudgingly pulled me down over the table for a quick kiss. When he pulled back scowling I grinned at him until he just had to smile back. I smiled wistfully, we really were star crossed lovers. "You really are a love struck dork." Said England dryly.

"Yeah, but I'm your love struck dork!" England went red.

"Do you have to be so cheesy!" He half yelled at me.

"I am America, land of all things cheesy, of course I have to be cheesy!" I said grinning, England scowled but there was a smile hidden behind it. "Oh Iggy! We have to get China and Japan together!" England looked at me confused. "It's part of my revenge, Japan came up with the plot to get us together and now we have to get him back!" I said determination in full force, suddenly a familiar glint appeared in England's eyes, I knew he had come up with a plan.

"I think I know just what to do." He said with a smirk. "But first we are going to have to do a little research, can you call Japan and ask him out drinking?" Now I was the confused one.

"Wait a sec Iggy, Japan can get drunk?" A shocked expression appeared on England's face.

"You mean you have never encounter Japan drunk?" I was intrigued now.

"Is he as bad as you?"

"I am not a bad drunk! I am perfectly capable of holding my alcohol!" I gave him a look.

"Okay, maybe he's not quite as bad as me, but certainly amusing in a different sense."

"Different sense?"

"You'll find out." England said smiling, sounding mysterious. I was now very interested in what drunk Japan could possibly be like. 


"Konnichiwa America-san, England-san."

"Hey Japan!"

"Hello Japan."

"It is a great pleasure to be invited to drink with you two. What is the occasion?"

"No occasion dude!"

"My apologises, I assumed there was one."

"Hey Japan loosen up! We're just out for some drinking like old times." Said England smiling.

"Alright I'll do my best." I was about ready to face palm at this point, don't get me wrong Japan is awesome, but he needs to loosen up.

About twenty shots each later England was where he normally was after drinking alcohol.

"I used to own a quarter of the bloody world! But now I don't own anything! Do you know how depressing that is! The golden age, it is gone, over! Never to be seen again! And another thing I am I catholic or am I protestant! I don't  bloody know and it gives me a headache! And it's all Henry the eighths fault! Damn player gave me a headache that won't go away! I can't swim! I was the most feared pirate the world has ever known, but I can't swim! I live on an island and I can't bloody swim!" England yelled slurring half his words. Thank god the bar was empty save us and the bar tender, who was probably already scarred. Dear god drunk Iggy worries me, but he's also really, really funny.

"That is funny England-san, because in gakuen hetalia you save America-san from drowning! It was so cute! America-san deliberately jumped in so you could be the hero for once!" Said Japan hiccuping happily, smiling at us with a delighted look in his eye. I may be a little drunk myself, but that did definitely not sound like Japan. Is this what England meant? And I never deliberately tried to drown, what is he on about? I am the hero, hero's do not make themselves damsels! Maybe I would to make Iggy feel better though.

"Japan what the bloody hell are you on about what is this 'gakuen hetalia' you speak of?" Said England drunkenly voicing my confusion.

"It's a game made of the anime we are in!" Said Japan sounding happy.

"The hell is an anime?"

"You mean you don't know dude? They are these cool cartoons Japan makes!"

"Anime and cartoons are two different things!" Japan yelled now sounding riled up, jesus christ this is awesome! Drunk Japan is bad ass!

"Oh you mean animated manga." England slurred.

"Dude how do you like know what manga is and not what anime is?"

"Shut up! I'm sleepy." Said England cutely, leaning on me gently, his drunk mood swings I swear.

"Hey dude don't sleep now! We have to get to the bottom of the anime mystery! We can be like Sherlock and Watson from your country!"

"Okay okay, but if anyone is being Sherlock it's me! You can be Watson!"

"I don't wanna be Watson." I whined.

"You made me be Robin so you can be Watson!" England yelled.

"Okay okay, now lets solve this mystery! Japan why are we in an anime?"

"We all have an anime made about us it's called Hetalia." Said Japan still grinning creepily.

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