Chapter 22: Perfect Harmony

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Allie's POV:

It's been a week since the performance and the boys and I are playing better than ever. It's Friday as well as the day I perform with Nick in dance. I'm super nervous. I really want this dance to go well. Right now I'm walking downstairs when I hear my dad singing Finally Free.

I grin as I enter the kitchen to see him cooking breakfast and Reggie standing beside him. "This is new." I say. "Yeah, well, I was in the mood for cooking some breakfast." He says. Reggie laughs at this.

"He thought you were talking to him. Me and your dad are pals now. It's a little one sided, but it works." I just smile and shake my head. "Look, after the talk we had the other night, I was thinking that I may have cost you an opportunity with that manager. So, I was thinking-"

I shake my head, cutting him off. "Dad, no. I should have never snuck out." I say. "Let the man speak. He's been stress eating all week. I don't know where he puts it though. It's like...firm." Reggie says.

"I know, but I really want to support your band. So I called in some favors, and I booked you a local gig." He says. My eyes widen. "Best dad ever!" Reggie exclaims. "Oh my gosh! Where? Did you cal your buddy from Drakes?" I ask, excited.

"Not quite. I called Flynn, and her and Julie are gonna help us throw a party. Here. Tonight." He says. "So you booked us a gig at our house." I state. "Maybe I was a little early with the best dad ever award." Reggie says.

"Alright, hear me out. You invite some of your friends over, you play with your band, and I'll get some of my colleagues to put you on film. That way you have something professional for your YouTube." He says. I smile at him. "You'd do that for me?" "Yeah." He says, excited.

"Back to best dad ever. I'll go tell the guys." Reggie says right as Julie calls from the front door. "Come on, we don't want to be late." She says. I nod and rush over to her, backpack in hand. With that we head towards school.

The first three classes go back quickly and soon I'm getting ready in the girl's locker room with Flynn and Julie. "Oh! I left my phone in my locker. I'll be right back." I tell them. They nod and I rush off, going as fast as I can in my heels. I finally reach my locker.

I open it and grab my phone quickly. When I close it however I jump when I see Luke on the other side. His eyes widen when he sees me. "You know, normal people don't do that, and ghosts definitely shouldn't." I say. He just keeps staring at me.

I blush and wrap my arms around my stomach self consciously. "Uh, hello?" I ask. That snaps him out of it. "What? Sorry. You, uh, you looking amazing." He says. I smile a little. "Thanks. I'm performing in dance so..." He nods.

"So, I need to talk to you about the song we're gonna play tonight. I was thinking...Great?" He asks. A few people walk by me and I smile. "One second." I mumble to him, grabbing my phone and putting it to my ear.

"You're just gonna take a call while we're talking? Do you know how rude that is?" He asks. "Hey! Thanks for calling, otherwise people might think I'm talking to myself." I mumble that last part. A grin makes its way onto his face. "Right. Nice." He says.

"But, yeah, I think Great is a...great choice." I tell him. "Sweet. Well...I mean, that's pretty much what I wanted to talk to you about." He says. "Oh, ok." Now it's awkward. I wait for him to say something else to break this silence.

"Uh, actually, no, there is one more thing I wanted to talk to you about. It's...look, I know I'm not the easiest person to work with, but I...I wanted to tell you I think you make me a better writer." He says. I blush. "I think we make each other better." He grins.

"You know what, why don't just ditch school today, let's go rehearse." He suggests. My eyes widen. "What? No. No, I promised dad school first." I explain. "Right, you're at school first, now you're leaving to go rehearse. Come on, I can't do this without you." He tries again.

I just look down. "I'm sorry, I can't. I promised Nick I'd be his dance partner." His brows furrow at Nicks name. "Allie!" I hear. I look over Luke's shoulder to see Nick coming this way. My eyes widen. "And he's headed this way, gotta go, bye." I say into my phone before pulling away.

Luke doesn't look too happy about this. That is, until he sees what Nick's wearing. "Hey." "Well don't you look sharp." Luke jokes. "You ready for our big performance? You look great by the way." He tells me. Then I guess it dawns on Luke that that is why I'm wearing this dress.

His smile drops for a second before returning, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, we're gonna do great." I tell Nick. "I'm glad you're confident. Even after three classes, I still think I got worse. It's a good thing I have my secret weapon." He says. Something flashes in Luke's eyes.

"Uh oh, looks like someone has a crush on Allie." He teases. "Shut up." I tell him. Then I realize that I did that. "Uh, I mean, shut up!" I tell Nick. "No, seriously Molina. I-I-I'm nothing without you." Luke is imitating him the entire time.

"No, no, you're gonna do fine." I say, shoving his shoulder into Luke's playfully. Luke gives me a 'really?' look. "See you in there?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll be the guy trying not to make us look stupid." He says, walking away with Luke copying him again.

Luke then turns back and comes back towards me. "Well he is just too cute." He jokes. I roll my eyes. "I'll see you after school." I say, walking past him. "I guess we'll just have to carry you tonight, just like we always do." He says. I smile, but don't turn around.

"I know you're smiling. Kill it on the dance floor! Might just have to come watch!" He calls. I turn and shake my head before continuing on. He better not show up. When I get into the gym I walk straight over to Nick.

Our teacher and Coach Barron give us pep talks before going off to start the music. "I don't remember anything about surrendering." Nick tells me after the teachers walk away. "You'll fine Luke." I tell him. "It's Nick, actually." He corrects. My eyes widen.

"Right, sorry. My mind just wondered, but I'm back and ready to kill it." I say. He grins and we get into position. The first part of the dance is fine. It isn't until Nick taps me on the shoulder and I turn that I see Luke. My heart starts beating fast and my smile drops.


Step into my world
A bittersweet love story bout a girl

Shook me to the core
Voice like an Angel, never heard before


Here in front of me
They're shining so much brighter
Than I have ever seen

Life can be so mean
But when he goes
I know he doesn't leave


The truth is finally breaking through
Two worlds collide when I'm with you

Our voice is rising so, so high
We come to life when we're in

Perfect harmony


Perfect harmony



We say we're friends


We play pretend


You're more to me


We create


The perfect harmony

When the dance comes to an end I am thrust into reality. My eyes widen. What just happened. I look to the side to see a flash of maroon disappear through the doors. Ok, now I'm seeing things. Luke went to go rehearse. There's no way he would have stayed to watch me dance. Is there?

"Wow, that was great! Thanks partner." Nick says. I shake my head. "Yeah." Then the bells rings. "I'm sorry, I have to go." With that I run out of the room. 

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