Chapter 27: Signs

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Allie's POV:

When we get to the Orpheum I am lead to a dressing room with the band's name on it. Julie is here as well. Flynn is out front setting up the projector. I quickly change and then sit in the chair to let Julie start on my hair. 

She straightens it before flipping it over like I had it for the garage party and braiding that piece back tightly. Once she's done I quickly do my make my and look at my reflect. "You look great Al." She tells me, grinning. I smile back. "Thanks Jules." Suddenly there is a knock on the door. 

"Allie, your roadie is here." Rob, the stage manager calls through the door. "Come in!" I call back. The door opens and Flynn walks in. "Holograms are good to go boss." She says, grinning. I smile at her then look at Rob. "Best roadie ever." I tell him. 

"I'll be back in a few minutes to walk you to the stage." He tells me. I nod. "Thanks Rob." He nods back and then leaves. "You see this backstage pass? I had sushi with Brendan Urie!" She exclaims. Julie's eyes widen. "What? And you didn't invite me?" She asks. Flynn just shrugs. 

I smile at the two fo them. "Well, good for you, I threw up on the car ride over here, so..." They just shake their heads, grinning. "Well, you still look amazing." Flynn compliments. I laugh. "I made friends with the tech crew, you're gonna love what we've got planned." She tells me. 

She then looks around. "The guys are here right?" I shake my head. "I haven't seen them." "Wait, you don't think they changed their mind and took Caleb's offer, do you?" She asks. Julie smacks her. I shake my head. 

"No, that's the last thing they wanted." I remind her, facing the mirror and looking down. They come around on either side of me. "Hey, your'e gonna kill it." Julie reassures me. I give her a grateful smile. "We should get some snack." Flynn chimes in. 

We laugh and walk over to the seating area where the snacks are. We sit there and talk for a while before I get up and start to pace where are they. I know they didn't go to Caleb. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Hey Allie, it's time." Rob calls. "Just a second." I call back.

I walk back over to Julie and Flynn. "Something's wrong. Those jolts were getting pretty bad as I was leaving. And they wouldn't stand me up again. I think they ran out of time." I say, tears coming to my eyes. "I'm so sorry Al." Julie says. I shake my head. 

"They didn't crossover. They're gone. And I didn't even get to say goodbye." I mutter. They both stand and come around to hug me. Another knock. "Hey Allie, you're on." He calls. I let go, shaking my head. "I-I can't." I choke out. 

I sprint for the door, throwing it open and bolting down that hallway. I quickly find the exit and go outside. I stand in the middle of an ally, tears falling from my eyes. I look up at the sky, my body trembling. 

"Mom? I don't know if you're listening, but Flynn and Julie say that you're behind everything so I'm going to trust that. I'm so lost. I couldn't help them. They're gone and I couldn't do anything. I was too late. They were my friends. My band. My family." I sob. 

"Mom, why can't you just come back? Just come backend hold me in your arms and sing to me and tell me everything is going to be alright even if the world is crashing down around me. I need you. I need you momma. I just wish you were here." 

I crouch down, hugging my kneels to my chest, shaking. I feel a tap on my shoulder and stand up. A woman is there. She hands me a dahlia and then walks away. My eyes widen. No way. Signs. I guess Flynn was right. I hug the flower to my chest. "Thank you mom." 

With that I wipe away my tears. I'm going to go back in there and give the performance of my life. Not for me, but for my mom, for the guys. I'm going to fulfill their dream for them. Once my tears are dried I storm back into the building and head towards the stage. 

When I get there Rob and Flynn are panicking. Julie is trying to calm them down. I hold the flower up between Julie and Flynn. "Signs." I state before marching on stage. I'm doing this. When I get to the stage I place my flower on my piano and adjust my mic. 

"Welcome to Live at the Orpheum. Now give it up for Allie and the Phantoms." The announcer calls out. Everyone cheers. I take my mic of the stand and hold it up. This is it. This is the time to get it all out before I perform. 

"Hi, I'm Allie. Um...tonight I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time I've played. And thank her for...not giving up on me." I say, smiling sadly as I look toward the sky where I know she's watching from. I look back at the crowd.

"I'd also like to dedicate tonight's performance to three special friends...who have changed my life completely. Who have brought music back to me. It was their dream to play here, and...this is for them." I say, choking a little. 

"This song is for anyone who's lost their way. Step into your greatness. Don't give up. Stand tall." I say, putting the mic back on the stand. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I'm gonna make you guys proud. I promise. You're right here with me every step of the way. 

WIth one last shaky breath I open my eyes and place my hands on the keys. Then, I begin to play.

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