Chapter 26: Anything

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Allie's POV:

Last night we hatched our brilliant plan to play the Orpheum and now I'm pacing in the studio waiting for the boys to return and tell me if our plan worked. I jump a little when they poof in. I'm so anxious that I start spouting off questions.

"There you guys are! I was worried. What happened? Did Willie get the bus? Did you show them the video? Did they like the video? Did you give them the number? Are they gonna call the number? Why isn't anyone saying anything? Someone answer me." I say.

"Whoa, that's a lot fo questions. Luke, you wanna take this one?" Reggie asks. He nods and looks at me, a smile on his face. "Take a seat." I do and they kneel in front of the coffee table. It's fine, everything's fine." He says, his smile spearing.

"Yeah, you should be getting a phone call right now!" Alex says, pointing at my waiting phone on the table. Nothing happens. He tries again. "Right now." A second does by and then my phone rings. We all cheer before I quiet them and picket up. "Hello." I answer.

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood." She says. We all jump up, dancing around. "Is this Allie form Allie and the Phantoms?" She asks. I motion for the guys to freeze. They do and I pick up the phone. "Yes it is." I say. We start jumping around again.

"Hi, are you available to open for us tonight?" She asks. "Of course!" I say, grinning from ear to ear. "Great!" "Thank you so much." "See you then." She says, then hangs up. I toss may phone on the couch. "We're playing the Orpheum baby!" I call out.

They all laugh, living Alex us and spinning him around. I love these guys. After awhile I pull Luke aside and we start brainstorming what we're gonna play tonight. "So, I was thinking we do the song of your moms that we finished. Stand Tall." He tells me.

A small smile makes its way onto my face. "I think that's perfect." He smiles back. We sit there, close to each other, just looking in to each others eyes. I feel myself start to lean in when Julie bursts through the door.

"Allie! Come on! We have to figure out what you're wearing tonight!" She says. I sigh and look back at Luke, blushing. "I'll see you in a bit, before I head out." I say. He nods and I get up to follow Julie. When we're out of ear shot and smack her. "Hey! What was that for?" She asks.

"For having the worst timing ever." I grumble. "What do you me-oh! Sorry Al." I just roll my eyes as the two fo us head up the stairs to my room. I open my trunk and start to go through it. I've almost given up hope about finding something when I see soothing gold reflect in my eyes.

Curious I grab ahold of it. I smile when I pull out the gold and black skirt. When I continue to dig through I find a back droptop with fringe on it. I also grab mom's second favorite leather jacket. The one she usually performed in. "Oh Al, that'll look great with some boots." She says.

I nod and grin. "Also, I found this in my box, and I thought you should have it." She says, handing me a gold necklace. I smile. "It's perfect. Thanks Jules." I say. We hug and she stands. "Change into something else and meet us downstairs. Dad says we're about to leave." She tells me.

I nod and she leaves me alone. Smiling I hang up my outfit and put it in a garment bag. I also pack a hair and makeup bag. Once that's all put together I change into something more comfortable. Once I'm dressed I walk downstairs with my things. Julie is waiting for me.

"Mind taking these to the car? I have to go talk to the guys." I tell her. She nods, and takes everything but the garment bag. I smile at her and walk out of the house towards the studio. When I get in there I'm grinning wildly. "You guys ready?" I ask. They look pained though.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my smile dropping. "We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex explains. "Pretty sure I ghost peed a little." Reggie adds. I make a disgusted face. Luke steps in front of him, giving me a forced smile. "But we're fine." He reassures me. 

"Actually guys, I'm a little nervous." I admit. "Don't worry, you're gonna do fine." Alex tells me. Reggie and Luke nod in agreement. I turn to the lead guitarist. "Luke, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask. He nods and we walk towards the entrance. 

I place my garment bag on the handle of the door and then step up to him. We're pretty close. He smiles at me. "What?" "Can you do me a favor?" I ask. "Anything, Allie, you know that." He tells me. 

"When you crossover, if you happen to see my mom, can you tell her I love and thank you for sending you to me." I say, a soft smile making its way onto my face. His smile remains, but he looks more serious. "I will." We just stand there for a second, soaking in the other's company. 

Luke breaks the silence. "Band circle?" He asks. I smile and nod as we turn back to the others. "Hey guys, band circle." Luke says. We all huddle together. The boys holding hands me hovering my own over Reggie and Alex's.

"We don't know what brought us here, but what we do know're a star Allie. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above, or, uh." He makes a clicking sound and nods towards the ground. I roll my eyes. 

"Now let's go rock this show. Let's give them a night they'll be talking about till the sun comes up. Ok?" He asks. We all chuckle and nod. He puts his hand in. "Legends on three." Alex is second. "One." Then Reggie. "Two." Finally me. "Three." 

"Legends!" We all call out together, grinning. That's when my dad honks his horn. "That's my dad, he's giving me a ride to the show. I'll see you guys soon." I say. They nod and I walk past them. 

About halfway to the door I turn back and smile at them before grabbing my garment bag and heading to the car. Orpheum, here we come. 

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