Chapter 25: Let Them Go

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Allie's POV:

When I get home Luke is standing on my porch, waiting for me. "Hey." I say as I approach him. "Hey." I look down as I walk closer to him. "I'm sorry for overstepping." I say, looking up when I reach him. "No, I...I just had to leave. That was-" "You don't have to say anything."

"Yeah, I do. I didn't have many regrets in life besides running out on my parents, especially my mom, so...thank you." He tells me with the most sincerity I've ever heard from someone. I smile softly at him.

"These past few weeks you've helped me feel closer to my mom and I just wanted a way to thank you." I tell him. "It was perfect." He says, extending a hand out to me, never breaking eye contact. I reach for it, but my hand goes right through his, snapping me back into reality.

I turn away from him. He sighs. "This is an interesting little relationship you and I have." I smile. We stand in silence for a few minutes before remembering something. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Flynn said the video we made is trending on YouTube."

He just shrugs, not knowing what that means. "That's a good thing. It means people like our music. We'll definitely be getting calls from mangers now. I grin. His face grows solemn. "What?" I ask, confused. I thought he would be happy that people like our music.

"There's something I have to tell you." He says. "Oh, ok. What's wrong?" "We figured out that we have unfinished business. That's why we came back as ghosts." "What is it?" "We have to play the show we never played." He explains. I nod. "At the Orpheum, that makes sense."

Suddenly light emits from his chest. He gasps in pain and flies backwards into the porch rail to balance himself. My eyes widen in horror. "We don't have a lot of time." He gasps. "What was that? Are you ok?" I ask frantically, getting closer to him.

"We did something that we shouldn't have. The night we missed the dance we met this ghost and he put this curse on us. And if we don't do what he says then those jolts will destroy us." He explains. My eyes widen. "Well then do what he says. What does he want?" I ask.

"He wants us to be in his house band for eternity." He tells me. My heart drops. "But, if we can play the Orpheum soon then we can avoid all that and actually cross over." He says. "Crossover? As in, like, what, like go to Heaven?" I ask. "That's what we're banking on." He replies.

The realization hits me. "How long have you known about this?" I ask, looking him in the eye. "Allie." "No, I want to know how long you've known about this?" I ask again. "Since Friday after the gig." Disbelief floods me.

"And you're just not telling me? So what? It's either you crossover, join his band for eternity, or be destroyed by those jolts?" I ask. "Yeah." He mutters softly. Tears fill my eyes. "Great. Awesome." "Allie." He says, taking a step towards me.

"No, stay back. If you come any closer you'll just disappear faster, like everyone that I care about." I say, tears now falling down my face. I shake my head. I can't do this. I turn and head for the door. "Allie." I hear him call, but he doesn't follow me.

I race to my room and throw myself onto my bed. I quickly explain everything to Julie and Flynn over our group chat before throwing my phone and hugging my pillow to my chest. Why does everyone leave me? Julie rushes into my room, a sad look on her face.

"Oh Al." She walks over and sits next to me, enveloping me in a hug. "Come on, you need to shower and when Flynn gets here we can talk." She whispers softly to me. I can't even bring myself to nod as I walk towards the bathroom and shower. The water droplets mix with my tears.

When I get out I dry off and change into some comfy clothes before going back to my room and sitting on my bed with Julie. I get my sketch book out and begin to draw in it while we wait for Flynn. When she finally arrives I'm not doing too much better. 

"Hey, I got your text." She says, walking towards us. "Don't come too close, everyone I seem to care about disappears." I grumble. "You can't get rid of me, I'm like the crazy glue of best friends." I shake my head. 

"I just don't get it. Right when my life starts to get good. Great friend, great band, great guy, and then...bam!" I say, holding up the picture of an explosion with my name at the bottom that I just drew. 

"Ok, we can't tell you why this is happening to you, but that is going to make a great album cover one day." Julie tells me. With that Flynn kneels at my mother's chest and starts folding the sweater I wore today. "You don't have to do that." I say. 

"I know, but I get to check out all your mom's cool stuff." She says. She starts going through things. "Whoa, did you know this was in here?" Flynn asks, pulling out a bedazzled Sunset Curve shirt. My eyes widen. "No. I didn't." "How do you think she got it?" Julie asks. 

"I don't know, but the guys said they didn't know mom. Why would they lie?" I ask. Flynn stands abruptly. "Maybe they didn't maybe she knew them. She could be a fan!" She reveals. I start to think about it. 

"I mean, it's possible. Sunset Curve was playing the Hollywood club scene around them." I say. "Oh my gosh, what if you are right? What if they are connected to your mom? You know, through music or something." Flynn explains. "Because she bought their t-shirt?" I ask. 

"Think about it, they were the ones who made you want to plat music again. Maybe she knew they could help you." Julie says, catching onto what Flynn is saying. I roll my eyes at their enthusiasm. 

"So you mean to tell me that mom is somewhere out there planning all this? If she wanted me to play music again, why not tell me herself?" I ask, not truly believing what they're saying. I can't believe what they're saying. It's too far fetched, right?

"Maybe she can't. Maybe she has to do it another way. You know, through signs. You've been through these clothes how man times, and haven't found this t-shirt? Why now? This is another sign! I'm just saying, It's not over Allie." Flynn says with a grin on her face. "Really? Signs?" I ask.

"You're in a ghost band that lives in our mom's studio. It's a crazy world." Julie reminds me. Well, she's not wrong about that. I shake my head. Could mom really be trying to call out to me, to talk to me through signs? 

"Look, you're gonna lose them no matter what. And it sucks. But they helped bring you back to life. Now it's your turn to help them. They have to cross over. Let them go." Flynn urges. I take a deep breath and look down at my hands, more tears forming. I quickly wipe them away. 

My sister and best friend stare at me, waiting for me to do something. I stand, giving a small smile. "I'm going tog the studio. Time to plan their crossover." I say. They smile at me as I storm out of the house to the garage. 

When I get there the boys are lounging on the seating area looking helpless. "SNAP OUT OF IT!" I yell. This causes Alex to just into the air, even accidentally throwing one of his drumsticks. "Jeez, I think you broke Alex." Reggie tells me. "Do you guys wanna cross over or not?" I ask. 

They don't answer. Alex just climbs back onto the couch. "Get it together!" I yell. "They're never gonna let us play the Orpheum." Luke says. "We're nobody." Alex chimes. "We're less than nobody. We have no bodies." Reggie adds. I look directly at Luke. 

"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission. You book gigs by doing." I say. He grins slightly at me. "I said that." Reggie says. "No you didn't." I tell him. "No you didn't." Luke repeats. "Yes I did." He mumbles. I just roll my eyes. 

"This isn't over, we were brought together fro a reason, to help each other." I explain. "Yeah, but like Luke said, people don't just play the Orpheum because they want to." Alex says. I smirk. "People don't, but ghosts do." Their eyes widen and a smile stretches on each of their faces. 

Let's get to work. 

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