Chapter 24: Unsaid Emily

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Allie's POV

The next Monday at school I'm being hounded by people, asking for pictures with me. "I don't know why you guys want these, but ok." I tell one group of people as they take our picture. "Thanks Allie." They says before walking off.

I shake my head and continue walking down the hallway when I see Nick walking towards me. "Can I get a selfie too?" He asks. "One sec, let me ask my bodyguard, oh wait, I don't have one." I joke lamely. He laughs a little anyways.

"Yeah, you laugh, but after Friday's performance, it's pretty clear. You guys are gonna blow up." He says. I roll my eyes. "It was just a garage party. Don't get all crazy one me." I tease. He laughs. "Um, sorry I couldn't stay for the whole thing. I had a ton of homework." He says.

"It's fine. I'm glad you were able to go." I tell him, smiling. "I'm glad you invited me." I nod. "See you around." I tell him, but when I go to move past him he grabs my arms and stops me from going past him.

"So, um, listen. Since we make such a great team, you know, with dance and all, and uh, you have an A in History, any chance we could be study partners?" He asks. I give him a sad smile. "I would love to, but with the band, I won't have much time." I explain.

"Oh, nah, no worries. Then, I'll ask you this. Any chance you can find time to go on a date with me?" My eyes widen. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. "Uh, I'm so sorry Nick, but...I, uh-" "You like someone else." He finishes. "Yeah. I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine. And...awkward exit. See ya!" He says, walking away. I feel bad for rejecting him, but I can't lead him on either. That's when Julie and Flynn walk up to me. "Well, that wasn't just a what's up." Flynn says with a giant grin on her face. I nod, giving them a tight lipped smile.

"He asked me out...and I said no." I say. They're eyes widen. "What? Why?" Julie asks. "You know you two said. This thing with Luke isn't going away anytime soon and I'd feel even worse leading him on than I do rejecting him." I explain.

"Awe, our baby's growing up. She's choosing to like someone who doesn't exist, but she's growing up." Flynn says. "He does exist, to me. He might just be air, but we connect in so many other ways that are more important." I say.

"You two are the most watchable duetters I've ever seen." Julie admits. "But it's more than that. When we write we draw from the same pain. We both know what it's like to lose our moms." I say. Julie grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Do not make me cry, I'm having a really good eyeliner day." Flynn tells me. "It's just...Luke's hurting so much. I wish I could help him." I explain. "Maybe you could write him a song! That would help him feel better." Julie suggests.

"Already did, and he-wait. You're a genius." I say realizing what I can do. I head towards the entrance of the school. "Uh Allie! You still have class!" Flynn calls. I turn quickly. "Like I said, genius." I laugh.

The day passes too slowly for my liking, but soon enough the final bell rings and I race home. I go to the garage and sigh in relief when I see the boys aren't there. I grab the song I'm thinking about and then make my way to Luke's parent's house.

When I get there, I pause for a second, taking a deep breath. As I go to ring the doorbell Luke appears next to me. My eyes widen. "Luke!" I exclaim. He turns to face me in confusion. "What are you doing here?" He asks. My breath hitches.

"I, uh, don't be mad. I just wanted to know more about you, so I came here, on your birthday." I mumble. "You were spying on me?" He asks. "I'm really sorry. I know it was wrong. I'm just worried about you." I explain to him. "Yeah, well you don't have to be."

"Well I am because I'm your friend. I also know what it's like to want to talk to someone you love, but can't. I feel that way everyday." I tell him. "I don't even know what I would say to her even if she could hear me." He mumbles. "Yes you do. You've already said it." I say softly.

He gives me a confused look. "Trust me." He stares at me for a second before reaching around me and pressing the doorbell. I stand in front of the door with Luke right behind me. His dad opens the door. "Hello. Can I help you?" He asks.

"Hi, I'm Alessandra. Um, I believe you had a son named Luke." I say. "Well, yes, that's right. And who are you again?" He asks. I look down at my hands for a second before looking up at him. I feel Luke getting closer and closer to me.

"Alessandra Molina. Your son's band used to play in my family's garage. I came across a song that he wrote and figured you might be interested." I say, pulling the sheet of paper from my pocket.

"Um...well, yes. Uh, please. Come in. I'm Mitch." He says, stepping inside and allowing me into the house. When I'm inside I turn to see Luke rooted to the spot. I nod my head and he quickly follows after me. I close the door behind him and walk into the living room.

"Can I, uh, get you something?" He asks me. "Oh, no. I'm ok. Thank you." I see a table with several pictures on it and spot one of a toddler. "Is this your son?" I ask. "Yeah, that's Luke. When we was two." He explain. I smile slightly. He was adorable. "Do you have any other children?"

"No." That's when Emily walks in. She has a kind smile on her face. "Did I hear the doorbell?" She asks. "Hi hon, uh, this is Alessandra." "Hello Alessandra. That's a beautiful sweater." She tells me. "Thank you, it's my mom's." I tell her.

"Alessandra lives in the house where Luke and the band used to rehearse. She was just telling me that she found a song that Luke wrote." Mitch explains. "It's a song about a girl named Emily." I say. Emily walks forward. "Oh, well, I'm Emily." She tells me.

I hand her the piece of paper. "Then I think your son wrote this song for you." I tell her. She unfolds it and together her and Mitch read it.


First things first
We start the scene in reverse

All of the lines rehearsed
Disappeared from my mind

When things got loud
One of us running out

I should have turned around
But I had too much pride

No time for goodbyes
Didn't get to apologize
Pieces of the clock that lies broken

If I could take us back
If I could just do that

And write in every empty space
The words 'i love you' in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me

If you could only know
I never let you go

And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave

Unsaid Emily

Silent days
Mysteries and mistakes

Who's be the first to break?
Guess we're alike that way

He said, she said
Conversations in my head
And that's just where they're gonna stay forever

If I could take us back
If I could just do that

And write in every empty space
The words 'I love you' in replace
Then maybe time would not replace me

If you could only know
I never let you go

And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave

Unsaid Emily

Sunset Curve




If I could take us back
If I could just do that

And write in every empty space
The words 'I love you' in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me

If you could only know
I never let you go

And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave

Unsaid Emily

As they finish reading the song and Luke finishes singing it behind me everyone is crying. That song is so beautiful. "Thank you." Emily tells me with a tear filled smile. I nod. "You have no idea..." Mitch trails off. 

"I write songs in the same place he did, and I want you to know it is the most magical, happiest place I've ever been in." I tell them. "That's so nice to know." Mitch says, holding Emily tightly to him. More tears track down my face. 

"I know he was only 17 when he...but Luke lived doing the one thing he was born to do. Not many people find that, but he did. He was lucky." I say. After that I hear Luke poof away. Emily shakes my hand. "It was so nice to meet you." She tells me. 

"It was nice to meet you too." I tell her. With that I say my goodbyes and leave, letting them have a moment alone. When I get outside I don't see Luke. Did I just lose him?

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