Allistar - Unlikely Allies

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In the Woods, Allistar, Charlotte, and Lawrence hunted in the Woods for Mice, and Birds.

When they were done Hunting, there was few mice and Birds, It was Winter, and so they need to Warm up, and Get food.

Allistar- "We might have to go to the City, and Take Something, It's already starting to get Cold, It may be Warming up a Bit, so I will go."

and so Allistar went to the City to get some food, luckily, there was a Butchers nearby, so he Started Begging, and because Humans like Cute things, he got some pieces, Big and Small, after that, he Started to Go back, but then...

Allistar- "Alright, That's Enough Food, Got to Get back to feed the Rest."

Just then, a Cat came behind Him, and Stole a piece of Meat, and Ran.

Allistar- "Hey, Get back here, That's my Group's Food!"

Allistar Chased the Cat, and Slowly caught up, But then after a Sharp Turn, the Cat disappeared.

Allistar- "Come out here, I don't Care if you have your Gang with you, I will still knock you out!"

As Allistar kept walking, it got darker, and Darker.

Then, at the end of the Alleyway, he saw... Boxes. All he saw was a pile of boxes.

Allistar got closer, and he heard rustling in the boxes.

He looked in one of the boxes, and saw at least six Cats hiding from him.

Box Cat 1- "He's found us, Run!"

Just as that cat said those words, everyone scrambled away from the boxes, Large boxes, Small boxes, it seemed like they came everywhere.

Box Cat 2- "Everyone, Go to Top's box!"

Suddenly, many cats and kittens jumped and climbed to the Highest box in this "Town."

Allistar had a few moments of silence, before a Cat pounced on him.

Hostile Box Cat- "Who are you, and Why are you Scaring my Villagers?"

Allistar- "I'm asking the same thing, Who are you?"

Hostile Box Cat- "I asked first, Dog."

Allistar- "Okay, okay, my name's Allistar, and I am 100 percent sure that one of your Villagers took the piece of meat I had."

Once Allistar said that, the Cat got off, and Allistar looked around. As he did, he saw the same Grey Cat that took the Food away from him.

Allistar- "That's him, that's the same Cat who stole it!"

The Hostile Cat then looked at The Grey cat, and Walked up to him and spoke.

Hostile Box Cat- "Did you give me that piece of meat, the Stolen piece of meat?"

The Grey cat slowly nodded his head, and then the Hostile cat Screeched a horrible screech, and caused the Grey Cat to Squeal softly.

Hostile Box Cat- "We are not Hyenas, We are civilized Cats, Don't do that again."

Allistar- "I didn't get your name, what is it?"

Top- "The name's Top. I am truly sorry for my behavior, and my Villager's behavior, But you did scare my Villagers. I still have the piece of meat in the bowl, We eat at certain times. Here, Now Please Leave."

And with that, Allistar left the Group, and Got the Food to the Other Dogs in time.

Lawrence- "Where were you, It took you too long."

Allistar- "I'll explain later, right now we got mouths to feed."

As all the Dogs ate their food, Charlotte and Lawrence questioned Allistar on why he took long.

Allistar then explained that There was a Group of Box Cats that are Living in an alleyway.

Lawrence- "So... a Cat stole a piece of meat from you, you followed them, there were a bunch of Box Cats in alleyway, and that's why you are so late?"

Allistar- "... Yeah basically."

Charlotte- "And yet, you went there, by yourself, alone. With a bunch of Cats!?"

Allistar- "..."

The blu-ish dog looked at the other two, with a kind of sheepish smile.

Allistar- "Would you get mad if my answer to that question just so happened to be Yes?"

The two sibling dogs looked at Allistar, like how a Parent would look at their child after said child did the most absolute dumbest decision to have ever been decided on the face of this earth.

Charlotte- "Why would you do that!?"

Lawrence- "Do you have any Idea how dumb that decision was!?"

Allistar- "Relax, I dealt with a Large amount of Cats before, Remember?"

Lawrence- "So? That was still a dumb decision to make!"

Allistar- "... Fine, I admit, it wasn't the smartest idea-"

Charlotte- "Oh, Ya' think!?"

Allistar- "... Why'd you interrupt me?"

Charlotte- "Sorry, sorry, continue."

Before Allistar could continue, the Same Cat that had previously stolen the pieces of Meat had came up to the Dogs.

Allistar- "Oh, it's you. What do you want, food stealer?"

Grey Cat- "It's our leader, Top. He's having trouble. I was sent to get you."

Allistar started to look a bit worried and shocked.

Allistar- "what's happening?"

Charlotte- "Allistar, what's going on?"

Grey Cat- "Our leader is under attack by neighboring Cats in the area. We've been having territorial issues with other Villages lately."

Allistar- "Hmmmm..."

Lawrence- "Wait, are you sure we can trust them, that one right there STOLE our food earlier."

Allistar- "But their leader did give us back our food, without them, we would still be starving."

Then Allistar looked at the Grey Cat, and said:

Allistar- "Where do we go?"

Grey Cat- "Follow Me."

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