Worra - Four Footed Demons

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Where we left off, I was raised with Wolves, after my Own sister Abandoned me in the Forest alone.

The Wolves saw me as a young pup and trained me to become Stronger.

I struggled at first, but then as I grew, I became Stronger. I was Athletic, and Stealthy.

There was only One Wolf who Hated me, and I hate Him, Trots.

He was always Trying to Outdo me, He was Prideful, and Boasted about his Strength, when in his Group, He's the Eighth strongest, with me being third.

My Height, Strength, Stealth, and Smarts were not the Only things that Grew, but also my Impatience, and Anger too.

In my Group of the Wolves, I was called the "Fang of the Fight", It was a nice nickname given to me by the older wolves, my Leaders.

The Older Wolves gave me that nickname, because I was Rough, Sharp, and maybe even Deadly, like a Fang.

The younger ones didn't Dare to Challenge me, but Trots on the Other hand, He always wanted to Fight me, and Every day, he got his butt kicked.

But, one Day would make me almost Kill him, that was also the Day when I had to leave my home, of course, it was by choice, but still, that annoying Waste of a Wolf caused me to do it.

Me- "Hey, Elder Kroma? Can you tell Trots to stop trying to Attack me, because for one, He's getting pretty bruised up, and two, it is just plain annoying, why does he Even do it, it is Getting old, if it wasn't already Old."

Elder Kroma- "It maybe because he sees you as a Threat to his Pride, he's always been trying to prove that he was Strong, Smart, all of that, he's just Jealous, so don't worry."

I said okay, and went on, but I had a Hunch something would happen with tomorrow, and that I wouldn't like what would happen.

Turns out, I was right.

Cat #1- "Hmm, this makes for some Nice land, We finna make this territory OUR home."

Cat #2- "It's a good place to start, we can even Group up others right here."

Apparently, some cats came and had decided to go to the Woods to gather up and live for some reason.

Cat #3- "Let's check on the Locals, if there are any."

When they checked, they found the Worst of the Worst, Trots, who was wandering around the Woods, but then stumbled into a group of 11 cats in total.

Cat #5- "Wow, in all my 9 cat lives have I never seen a Wolf until now."

Trots- "Back up, I'll bite you and Shred you into pieces!"

Cat #4- "Oh no, what should we do, we might as well leave, haha, Funny Joke."

Cat #9- "Yeah sure bud, there's 11 of us, and Only one of you, so have fun getting beaten."

Trots attacked, but after 2 minutes of fighting them, the cats started to overpower him.

Trots- "How, You are Smaller, You are Weaker, HOW!?"

Cat #7- "We're also Faster, oh, and Smarter, and also we have the Numbers."

Cat #6- " Tell us one good reason why we shouldn't claw your face off right now."

Trots- "Please Don't! I, I'll do Anything, Anything, Just Don't Hurt me!"

Cat #8- "Alright, If there are more of you, which I'm pretty sure there are, then we need an Inside man, so you will go in there, and will Deter them, and Give us Intel, Got it?"

After they said that, Trots went, and Gave them intellect about us, who we were, and he also Said-

"Everything is Fine."

-Even though he was Lying through his Fangs.

In the Meanwhile, The Cats started to Gather up, gain more cats, and just waited until enough Cats were here to take the Land.

Cat #11- "Now that we have enough numbers, we will take the Land from those Old time Versions of Dogs' Hands!"

Those Damn cats waited until the Right time, Then when they Did, oh, It was a nightmare I was not Ready for.

Me- "What's Going On!?"

"Elder Sircah- "There's a Battle for Our lands, and some of the Wolves and Pups are missing, We are gonna Fight."

The Elders were Fighting off the Cats, but there was still so many, and I was trying to find All the Missing Pups, But then, I found Him,


Trots- "Oh, why Hello there Worra."

Me- "Why aren't you here helping us Fight!?"

Trots- "Oh, but I am part of the Fight, In fact, I planned all of this."

After hearing that, I felt a bit of My Rage try to Control me, and I pounced on Trots.

Me- "You Little- You led them Here!? I will Kill you!"

Trots smirked, and yelled-

"I got one right here!"

Just then, Some Cats were Trying to Knock me down, But In one slash, I knocked each one out.

I was done, and Me and Trots were gonna Fight, and I was gonna hurt him Badly, But the Cats kept on attacking, and I was Done.

Then... I woke up, Still standing, but there was Blood, and Some Cats Died, But so did some of the Pups and Wolves, Trots had disappeared with the Other Cats, and I turned to the Wolves still alive after that Attack.

"Trots betrayed Us."

All the Wolves were confused, Why had Trots betray us, whelp, I knew the answer already, It was because of his Pride and Envy. He was Jealous, and Wanted to show that he was the Best, but instead, He showed proof of the Fact that he was a Liar, and a Traitor.

Me- "I won't let him get away with it, Not me. I'll go and Get him, and Every Cat that Helped him in this Foul Attack. I WON'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

Some of the Wolves cheered, some of them were Timid, and Some of them Were Concerned, but I knew that I would find them, and Kill each, and Every one of them.

With that, I bid Farewell to me, and as I went, while hearing children and friend's cries, I saw a House, and It reminded me of Something, It might be Nothing, I don't care, All I want to do is Take the Lives of the Ones who did the same to my Family.

I won't Stop.

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