Chapter 11

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Takemichi starts listening for news to see if there are any new students in third year at his school. Kazutora stands out so much that there is sure to be news about him on his first day back. However, he hasn't heard anything, and Chifuyu also says that Baji is acting very normal. It's now mid-September, so maybe it's not time for Kazutora to be released yet, and even if he is, he won't go back to school right away.

Chifuyu is busy following Baji, so they don't see each other often, leaving Takemichi feeling quite free. Also, today is the weekend, and he still has plans to hang out with Akkun, Makoto, Takuya, and Yamagishi when they have time. Takemichi quickly confirms the plan with them and goes out. The group hasn't been to the game centers in a long time, so today they will play games to their heart's content, and Takemichi will also find a place to vent his worries.

"I'll get revenge on the claw machine," Yamagishi looks determined.

"Haha, with your talent, it's like a hundred claw attempts in one," Makoto teases Yamagishi.

"Let's play shooting games," says Akkun.

"Let's race first," Takemichi suggests.

"Let's play and then go eat ramen afterwards. There's a shop in front of the station." Takuya adds.


The group really has a fun and expensive day playing together. After playing, they are all starving and go to the ramen shop Takuya wants to eat at to fill their stomachs. Today would be a perfect day if Takemichi could eat his fill and then go home to sleep soundly.

He is thinking it's a happy day when suddenly a group of more than 10 people in white clothes appear in front of an alley. Someone tells him this isn't real. How on earth is the Black Dragon gang here?

"Takemichi, look over there! What gang is that?" Akkun quickly asks him.

"Let's go back quickly, don't eat ramen anymore, let's eat something else," Takemichi pulls the group back and whispers to them.

His friends immediately notice something is wrong with him.

"What's up? Is there something unusual over there?" - Takuya. Yeah, super unusual there.

"That's the Black Dragon gang, can't you see? Run while you still can."

That gang is terrible, the 10th generation Black Dragon is the most brutal. He is still very scared of Shiba Taiju's punches, and not to mention Kokonoi and Inupee during this period show him no mercy.

"You're in Touman but still scared of the Black Dragon gang?" Yamagishi asks.

Takemichi wants to scold him badly. Not afraid? How could he not be afraid? Those guys could crush him in an instant.

Suddenly, a voice from behind startles him, sending a chill down his spine. It's the voice of Inui Seishu, also known as Inupee.

"From Touman?"

Takemichi, worried, doesn't notice they just passed by Kokonoi and Inupee. He stiffly turns his head back. Not having seen them in a long time, he can't believe he's meeting them so soon. Their eyes are still as scary as the first time he met them in the past.

"I just heard someone say Touman doesn't need to fear Black Dragon, huh?"

Then there's Koko's trademark laughter and mocking voice. The Black Dragon gang behind them also notices and starts approaching.

"You guys... run! What are you waiting for?"

Takemichi quickly shouts, and his friends quickly grasp the situation and run away immediately.

"Takemichi, what's wrong?" Yamagishi shouts.

"What's wrong with your head? It's all your fault. Those guys are terrifying!"

He hears the Black Dragon gang chasing behind. Damn it, they're chasing us just because of that one sentence? This isn't even their territory. Those damn bloodthirsty guys, falling into their hands is death. They've been chased through several streets but haven't been able to shake them off yet, and they're all getting tired.

"You guys run to the left, I'll distract them. If you meet anyone from Touman, tell them to come here and help me."

Akkun objects: "No, it's too dangerous, I'll go with you."

"Now is not the time to argue, hurry back and call help for me, it's easier for one person to hide."


"No buts, run to the left, they'll see us now."

Despite the reluctance, Takemichi is determined, so they must also leave quickly to find someone to help him. Takemichi also hears the Black Dragons getting closer, so he deliberately makes noise to lure them towards him. If he can't run, he'll fight and hold out until Touman arrives. He separates to prioritize his friends' safety.

Then, even giving him ten more heads, Takemichi doesn't expect to run into another group of Black Dragons, but they're already on the ground. Standing in the middle is someone with striking two-toned yellow and green hair.

Takemichi curses under his breath, thinking he must have stepped out the door on the wrong foot today. How on earth is Haitani Rindou here?

Rindou sees a kid running frantically towards him, dragging behind him a group of Black Dragons, and he doesn't understand what's happening. But whatever, these people are making him mad. Conveniently, he hasn't quite vented all his anger yet.

Takemichi runs past Rindou. The Black Dragons see Rindou and stop chasing him. Takemichi should be happy about this, right? Let the two sides fight each other and he can sneak away. But the heavens don't let Takemichi have his way. In front of the path he's running, Koko, Inupee, and a dozen more Black Dragons appear.

"Oh, what a coincidence? The little mouse and the big rat run into the same place, that's perfect, saving us the trouble of chasing them."

Kokonoi, can you be less sour?

"You brats have some nerve, don't you? You want to declare war on me, right?"

Rindou retorts with frustration. Takemichi stands there dumbfounded. What the hell is going on?

"You're the one declaring war on the Black Dragon, Haitani Rindou. This is Black Dragon's territory, and you barged in here," Inupee responses.

Lying, this is actually Touman's territory. Honestly, Takemichi doesn't know how Black Dragon controls the area now.

"Thanks to you bastards."

""If you're stupid, just deal with it. What's up, little bro, feeling vulnerable without your big bro to watch your back?"

Takemichi is confused. Why am I here? Where is this place? If the two sides hate each other, then let him go. Blocking both paths like this, who knows which way to go?

Suddenly, Rindou kicks him, but luckily, he manages to react in time to block it, even though he falls backward, it's still better than taking the full force of the kick to the body. These crazy guys are acting so strangely. Rindou clicks his tongue in annoyance when he sees Takemichi react quickly and block his kick.

"Fuck off my way, brat!"

"Lose your temper in the right place, bro. Over there and there, see? Why kick me?"

Takemichi is pissed off. These guys are acting really arrogant.

"What's this, two rats planning to bite each other first? Rest assured, none of you will leave here unharmed today."

Then...they just start fighting. Takemichi could see the improvement after training with Baji, his punches are stronger and his form is better. After this, he will buy Baji 10 boxes of peyoung. But this number is too much of a difference.

In fact, his situation is still better than Rindou's, because they are all focused on attacking Rindou, Takemichi only has a few people, not to mention Rindou also has to deal with Inupee and Kokonoi. Takemichi quickly takes some heavy hits from being ganged up on, but he can still endure it.

"This bastard is really tough," someone in Black Dragon says in frustration.

"S***, today I have to kill you."

You crazy guys, what the hell did I do to you? Can't you thugs fight more reasonably? Takemichi forgets he is also a delinquent.

Takemichi doesn't know why Rindou came here alone, but without his brother's help, he seems less powerful. Anyway, the Black Dragons are well-trained, based on their numbers, and some carrying bats, they attack from multiple sides and guard against Rindou's joint-locking skill. Inupee is also very strong and he will launch surprise attacks in the midst of the chaos.

"Oh man, the youngest bro really can't do anything without his brother, right? Weaker than I thought."

Hearing Kokonoi's taunting voice while already exhausted is the perfect combo to push the tolerance to the limit. His attitude and mouth are really worth beating.

Even though Takemichi is getting beaten up, he still has time to exclaim Kokonoi. Because Rindou is provoked by Kokonoi, he pays too much attention to him and forgets about a more silent person. Inupee is about to attack with a dagger from behind, and Kokonoi smiles as Rindou is ambushed, this is a good opportunity to end it, Rindou is exhausted and losing his focus, but the smile is quickly extinguished.

"Don't sneak attack with a dangerous weapon like that Inupee-kun!"

Takemichi appears out of nowhere and kicks Inupee's hand, causing the knife to fly away. He then punches Inupee in the stomach, stopping him in his tracks. Takemichi had witnessed Inupee and Kokonoi's sneak attack before, so he quickly figured out their plan and intervened just in time. Takemichi is scared and doesn't like Rindou, but he knows that if Rindou loses, he will be next to die.

Takemichi's sudden escape from the group fighting him and his attack on Inupee surprises the other three and creates an eerie silence.

"Don't interfere, brat!"

Rindou is irritated. This brat is trying to save him? Meddling too much, he won't be thanked for it. Rindou is arrogant, Takemichi saving him doesn't mean anything to him.

"Yeah, if you can't say anything nice, just shut up."

Takemichi doesn't understand where he's getting the energy to argue. He thinks it might have been better to let him get stabbed to make him less noisy.

"Touman's little rat, I was going to deal with you later, but it seems you're in a hurry?" - Koko

"Huh? You're with Touman?" - Rindou

"What's with that surprised look? And hey there, talk more nicely, it'll make you look better, dude," Takemichi says to Rindou and Kokonoi.

"We don't need to be nice to you."

Inupee attacks him. He sees the blow coming to his face, but Inupee is too fast to dodge, so he takes it full force. It stuns him. And it also hurts his heart, when will Inupee ever respect him again?

"Biting off more than one can chew," Rindou continues to look down on him.

Why hasn't anyone come yet? Takemichi doesn't know how long it's been, but it feels like a millennium. He's tired and wants to run away. He's only beaten 3 guys, Rindou has knocked down more than 10 others, but there are more than 10 people left.

He can run, but how can he escape? Takemichi sighs and looks around. The buildings and shopping center come into view. An idea pops into his head. Then he sees another group of Black Dragons appear behind Kokonoi and Inupi, confirming his decision to run. How many people did those two bring here anyway? Kokonoi gives a mocking smile towards Rindou.

"How is it? This is the party I prepared for you, little bro."

"Damn it, just come out all at once."

Come out all at once so you can see that it's hard to back down, huh? It's also because of your arrogance that you think you can fight a small group on your own. Just stay here and act tough until you lose all your strength. By then, even a small fry could defeat you. Doesn't losing like this make you angry to die?

Kokonoi thinks to himself.

Although Rindou is very strong, he is also getting tired. No matter how strong he is, how can he fight so many people bare-handed? Takemichi doesn't quite understand the reason, but he feels like Rindou being here alone is a trap set by Black Dragon for him.

Takemichi turns to Rindou abruptly. He's not sure if he's gone crazy. No, he must be crazy.

"Haitani, can you still fight?"

"What are you talking about, brat?"

"I want to run."

"I don't care about you."

Even arguing makes him run out of breath but still persist, the people he knocked down also start to regain consciousness. The Black Dragon gang is really tough. But Draken can defeat them all, he's truly incredibly strong. Well, enough reminiscing.

"Don't care shit, just run!"

Takemichi, despite everything, grabs Rindou's hand and runs away, to the astonishment of Rindou himself and those around them. He runs for a while before pulling away from Takemichi's grip.

"What are you doing, brat? Let go, I still need to kill that bastard."

Talking about Kokonoi, right? But don't worry, if you two still end up in the same gang in the future, you'll have plenty of chances to kill each other.

"You better save your strength and run. You're crazy! Do you know how many guys you're facing right now? If the underworld finds out that Haitani was defeated in another gang's territory, they'll laugh in your face. Koko and Inupee are not easy to handle. Save some of your pride, this is a strategic retreat."

This guy, those guys are almost here. If he doesn't run, then stay here and fight, he'll run first. Takemichi doesn't care about him anymore, but after running a bit, Rindou is running alongside him. This annoying guy, so messy, why don't do it from the start! His arrogance will get him beaten someday. If there's a chance, he'll let Angry cry and beat this guy up again to teach him a lesson.

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