Chapter 12

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"Why come here, brat?" Rindou wonders as he sees Takemichi running towards the shopping mall center.

"Just shut up and get in there."

As soon as they enter the shopping mall center, he turns back and sees the Black Dragons hesitating on the other side of the street. Delinquents can't operate everywhere. They wouldn't recklessly drag the whole gang into a place like this. The police would arrive immediately. Even if only one or two of them go in, wearing gang uniforms, they'd definitely be stopped by security.

Takemichi is out of breath, and Rindou, grimacing, looks back at him, now understanding why Takemichi wants to run in there.

"Then how to get out?"

"Don't know. Just hide first to catch our breath. You talk too much."

Rindou glares at Takemichi. If it weren't for the fact that they can't act here, he would have already broken Takemichi's bones.

Black Dragon is really determined to find them out. Takemichi quickly pulls Rindou out of their sight. Now the silent hunt inside the shopping mall begins. Only then does he receive a call from Draken asking how he is and where he is.

"Not dead yet, I'm in the X shopping mall center now. The Black Dragons are still on our tail, and there are some waiting outside too. Get here quickly or I'm really going to die."

He feels relieved knowing Draken will come. He runs into here just to buy some time.

Rindou also makes a call to his brother, Haitani Ran.

"I know, they tricked me. Next time, I'll crush them. Just get here quickly."

Ha, you have no idea how pathetic you look now.

Sensing Takemichi's gaze, Rindou glances over threateningly, and Takemichi quickly looks away. He has no idea why they are still together, but now they're in the same boat.

He notices a few Black Dragons scattered in the lobby. Walking through the hallways is not a good way. Takemichi sees a men's fashion store crowded with shoppers, so he abruptly pushes Rindou inside, grabs some clothes, then pulls him into a changing room.

"Rest here, wait for our people to arrive."

"Why do I have to hide with you?"

Takemichi can't stop being annoyed with this guy, what kind of that disdainful look means. There's numerous customers so he can only quickly take a slot in an empty one. Otherwise, even if he's crazy, he never wants to be in the same place with this demon. If he knew that would happen, he wouldn't have felt pity for him and left him behind. Takemichi doesn't bother to reply and turns his head away.

Their panting from the chase is covered by the chatter of the shoppers. Rindou now takes a close look at the brat in front of him. He scrutinizes him.

Is this brat really a thug under the Invincible Mikey? His face has no trace of a thug at all. Fighting is so so, not really stupid, but this face looks truly naive.

"What's your name, Touman brat?"

Takemichi doesn't respond, there's no need to let him know. Being ignored makes Rindou frustrated.


Before he can finish speaking, Takemichi suddenly jumps on him, pushing him back and covering his mouth because he hears people whispering about the unusual group outside.

Rindou, caught off guard, just widens his eyes. Takemichi focuses on listening to the situation outside, while Rindou only cares about looking at him. One of Takemichi's hands covers Rindou's mouth, which has a knife wound. Rindou thinks to himself that it is quite an achievement. Takemichi's other hand presses on his shoulder, and his whole body leans on him.

Sweat drips down Takemichi's face, his lips tightly pressed in worry, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths, and his face slightly red, giving an ambiguous feeling. The small room is filled with their scents. Takemichi's hand is rough and scarred, but Rindou still feels its warmth and softness. This is really stimulating, and he feels a stir inside. But he quickly pushes it down. What is he thinking? He is a guy, why is he feeling like this?

"Damn, that was close."

Takemichi now turns to look at the person whose mouth he is covering. He forgets to remove his hand and, while maintaining the position of leaning over Rindou, he looks at him. Their faces are very close, and Rindou can see Takemichi's eyes clearly. He seems to forget his previous thoughts.

Takemichi's eyes are really different from anyone Rindou has ever met. Everyone around him is dangerous and always has dark, cruel, or hateful eyes. He has never seen a delinquent with such bright and clear eyes like the one in front of him. How can this kid have such beautiful eyes?

He sees him smiling and giving him a strange look. He quickly tries to pull his hand back, but before he can, Rindou bites his hand painfully. Takemichi doesn't dare to scream, just grits his teeth and endures it.

He glares at him angrily, while he just laughs with amusement, even licking his lips meaningfully. Those eyes look even more beautiful when angry, don't they?

Takemichi senses this guy is about to go crazy again, and he feels scared.

"What's wrong, kid? You were so fierce just now. Why do you look scared now?" he asks, grabbing his hand.

"What are you planning to do?" Is he going to break his hand or what?

"You're my lifesaver. How could I dare to do anything to you? I owe you a debt of gratitude."

Takemichi grimaces, wishing the guy would stop with that creepy tone. It is better when he's rough like earlier; this tone is giving him goosebumps.

The phone ringing saves him. He quickly pulls his hand back and answers it. Hearing Draken's voice makes him happy. Draken has dealt with the Black Dragons outside. Overjoyed, Takemichi runs out. Rindou feels disappointed and annoyed as he watches him leave. Doesn't this kid know who he is and yet show no respect? How can he just abandon him as soon as his ally arrives?

Takemichi quickly looks around and sees no Black Dragons. He runs out of the shopping center. Seeing Draken waiting, with the Black Dragons lying on the ground and the bystanders shocked, he calls out, "Draken-kun, I'm here!" He jumps up and down, waving like a child happy to see their parents.

He runs to Draken, but before he could say anything, Draken grabs his chin and shakes it to check his injuries. Draken frowns, thinking he should have hit those guys harder.

"I'm fine, luckily I ran fast," Takemichi says, laughing proudly.

"Still laughing, huh? How can you always get into trouble every time you step outside, Takemitchy? What if you can't run fast enough? You idiot, stop making others worry about you."

Draken scolds him again. Not only does he act like Mikey's caretaker, but now he acts like Takemichi's too.

"Just bad luck. I am just out having fun..."

Draken is listening to Takemichi explain the situation when he suddenly pauses. Takemichi notices and turns to look too. It isn't much different from a clash of titan.

Haitani Rindou stands in one corner, with a few remaining Black Dragons, Kokonoi, and Inupee standing in another corner, Draken and Takemichi are in another one too. The three all look at each other.

Takemichi quickly hides behind Draken, gripping his shirt tightly, using Draken's large frame as a shield. Draken smiles, not realizing he looks at Takemichi fondly.

"That's enough for today. If you want a real fight, send a challenge to Touman. Right now, I need to take my gang members back," Draken says.

Kokonoi and Inupee, seeing their men scatter on the ground and unable to fight back, are furious and leave bitterly, yet don't forget to glare at Takemichi as if wanting to kill him. Since Draken is protecting him, Takemichi sticks his tongue out at Kokonoi, who has been mocking him all day.

"If I see that little rat again, he's dead," Kokonoi grumbles angrily.

"I'm wondering how that guy knows my name and calls me Inupee-kun," Inupee says, glancing back at Takemichi. There is something about the kid that catches his attention.

Draken pats Takemichi's head. Because he is there, Takemichi has the guts to tease dangerous people like that. Is this dependence? A smile tugging on Draken's lips shows satisfaction.

"Takemitchy, you're quite cheeky today, huh?"

"It's fine, you're here. If they attack, you'll stop them."

"What do you think I am?" Draken pinches Takemichi's cheek.

"So, your name is Takemitchy, huh? Kid," Rindou suddenly speaks up. Takemichi almost forgets that Rindou is still there.

"Haitani Rindou, what are you doing here? This isn't your territory," Draken turns back to his cold manner again.

"I have a reason to come. I am not causing trouble on Touman territory, so why are you so fierce?" Rindou replies.

Seeing a dangerous guy in his territory and hearing him call Takemichi in an eerie tone makes Draken unhappy. Even 'kid'? What happened between Takemichi and this guy today?

Takemichi pats Draken's back.

"Ignore him, let's go home."

Takemichi doesn't want to have anything to do with that dangerous guy anymore.

"Takemitchy! We just went through hardships together, how can you be so heartless now?"

"You..." Draken's face darkens with irritation.

"Oh oh, calm down, Draken-kun," Takemichi says. There's no need to be angry about this, he's the one who should be angry.

"Don't call me Takemitchy. I'm Hanagaki Takemichi. Call me Hanagaki."

Draken smiles contentedly, not everyone can call him by that nickname.

"I don't care, Takemitchy," Rindou emphasizes each word of Takemichi's nickname.

What's with this guy? As for Draken, the words 'extremely annoyed' were written all over his face.

Let's go quickly, he has no idea what might happen if they're still here. He tries to push Draken to leave. Behind, Rindou keeps calling Takemichi's name.

"Goodbye, Takemitchy. We'll meet again soon."

Takemichi waves dismissively, wanting him to leave. Rindou laughs. Is he crazy? Anyone else would have had their bones broken by now. He grows silent, thinking. What's wrong with him?

A while later, Haitani Ran appears.

"You're late, brother," Rindou says, sounding reproachful.

"You are reckless. I told you not to come here. But it looks fine, doesn't it? Not too hurt," Ran says.

"Haha," Rindou suddenly laughs out loud, sounding happy as if he has just finished a pleasant stroll rather than a fight.

"Thanks to a kid, I didn't get hurt much and even had a very interesting time."

He thinks back to the moment when an unexpected idiot ran up to him, cursed at him, frowned at him all the time, yet still saved him from a sneak attack and helped him escape. He rubs the hand Takemichi had held when he pulled him along to escape earlier. The feeling isn't bad.

He looks up at the blue sky. That kid's eyes are the color of the sky, right?

Ran looks puzzled. Who is his brother so interested in? What kid? He thinks his brother would be furious after the fight with the Black Dragons, but Rindou seems unusually happy.

"I think you'll have a lot to tell me today," Ran says gently, happy as long as his brother is happy.

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