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It was as if the planet had stopped spinning, but no one else noticed except Kylo Ren. His brown eyes locked onto her bright blue ones, her alluring features made something inside of him twist, and he was forced to look away. His eyes landed on his drink, which he swirled the contents of in his gloved-clad grip. When he looked up again, she was seated right beside him; she'd moved so silently, so effortlessly, and confidently above all.

"You look like a man who is desperate for an escape," she spoke with as much confidence as she wore.

"An escape from this place, perhaps," he replied easily, finding himself comfortable and intimidated by her all at once. Intimidation was typically his approach, but without his mask on, he was able to wash away such appearances, and play something else entirely. What he felt, however, was that he was playing something more real than what he was with the mask on.

"Canto Bight has not swept you up in pleasures, lavishness and lust?" She asked, her accent thick and powerful.

Kylo Ren had to chuckle, for Canto Bight certainly had charms for the right people. For the right people it could keep them blind to the rest of the world until they ran out of coin or credits. The weak minded could easily forget that there were other planets to see, political ordeals that went on in the galaxy. It all seemed so easy to get swept up in it all, and yet so foolish.

Reminding himself that he was not at the bar with a drink in his hand and without his mask to think about politics or the First Order, he smiled. "Not yet, although the intrigue is starting to settle in."

"Well," she wiggled her shoulders slightly, her dangly gold earrings tinkling like ice would in a glass. "I can toast to intrigue."

He watched as she raised her glass, the bubbly pink drink sparkling in the crystal chandelier lighting from above. His own darker drink looked black under the light, with a hint of amber. He gave her the toast she wanted, an excuse to keep his eyes upon her for a while longer. Watching as she held his gaze for a moment longer, then sipping her drink, he found himself surprised at how easy it was to be someone other than Kylo Ren. This could have been another life of his, some other version of himself had he chosen another path.

"So, what do people do around here other than get drunk and spend money?" Kylo asked, eager to speak more with her.

"Get more drunk and spend more money," she laughed as she spoke, the smile in her eyes. There were laugh lines in her cheeks, suggesting that she was older than she looked. Kylo Ren wondered if he had stress lines; when was the last time he truly looked at himself in a mirror?

"Anything worth seeing?" He asked, wondering why he was suddenly asking this stranger about what sights there were to see on a planet he wanted nothing more to do than leave.

"You tell me," she suggested, leaning forward. Her suggestive pose made Kylo Ren recoil ever so slightly, surprised by her forwardness. He sipped his drink and then looked down into the glass.

"Walk with me?" she then asked. "Let's get some air."

"Alright," he agreed and rose from his seat. He flashed his hotel card over a screen, which paid for their drinks. He thought nothing of buying her drink, and when she linked arms with him, that was when he realized he had made the right decision.

They navigated through the crowds, Kylo Ren was unsure if it was his presence or hers that seemed to part the people with ease. They stepped out of her way like she was royalty. It created a curiousity within him, but he did not ask right away. Things were going smoothly, he felt, and there was no need to rush into any serious questions; for a moment he was someone other than Kylo Ren and it was so much easier. No one knew him now, and it was exciting, if he would choose a word for it.

Or perhaps it was because her arm was linked with his, their bodies bumping slightly as they made their way through the casino and out onto a giant deck that wrapped around the entire floor of the building. The railings were well built, made from marble and brick of a rose-gold colour. The marble tile that lined the walkway was white with dark flecks throughout, making it look like space, but with the colours reversed.

"Ah, is that not better?" she asked with an audible sigh of relief.

"Yes," Kylo admitted.

"You're very agreeable," she commented. "I like that in a man."

They walked along, but Kylo Ren was unsure how to answer, or rather, reply to her. Was her reasoning for approaching him to woo him? To spend the night with him knowing he would be gone in the morning? Or perhaps she thought he would take her away from this planet, for perhaps she disliked all of it, too. The false taste it left in her mouth.

Suddenly they stopped walking. Or rather, she stopped walking and he came to a halt before tugging her arm. Glancing at her, this gorgeous woman in his arms, she was looking up at the stars. With a slender hand and rather toned arm, she pointed up at the sky, which looked like liquid; dark black with stars scattered all over, a flurry of constellations. Within them, many of them darted along the skyline.

"I like to watch people come and go. I long to leave, and yet, I am tethered," she replied. "The beauty, the lust, the riches, I must admit I have my addictions, my... vices. So I come out here and watch the thousands of people who come and go every night, I both envy and pity them."

"Pity?" he asked.

She glanced at him. "If you stay in one place, you learn to only see the best of what you have. You never take it for granted, but when you see everything else, it begins to blur into one. Then again, how would I know? I've never left this planet."

He turned to face her, surprised that she had never left. It had not occurred to him that there were people on planets like Canto Bight that had never left. Poor planets like Jakku, and Tatooine, sure, but Canto Bight? He wondered what sort of debts she had, what her particular vices were that held her down to this place. So swept up in thought, he hadn't noticed his hand upon her cheek, his gloves soft upon her pale skin.

She leaned into his hand, and that's when he finally noticed that his hand seemed to have a mind of its own. Her own hand slithered up his other arm, grazing over his black-cloth clad muscles, feeling very ripple, then tiptoeing along his shoulder, up to his bare cheek. Her striking blue eyes made contact with his brown ones, and he was rendered utterly useless. Unable to move, captivated by her charm, paralyzed by her beauty.

She stepped closer, her heels giving her immense height, and she was able to kiss his lips. Her own lips were soft, like silk, and he finally broke the spell of paralysis, kissing back quickly. His free hand slipped around her lower back, where her dress did not cover, and her flesh was exposed. She did not push away from his advances, but did so much as moan into the kiss. 

I'm so excited for this story! Who has seen Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi? Did you like it?

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