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The night wrapped around them in a warm gust of wind, making her dress billow and glow around them. Kylo Ren still had his arm wrapped around her thin waist, hand placed on the exposed skin of her lower back. He wished he had removed his gloves so he could actually feel her, but the barrier between them did little to hold them back. Their lips were interwoven, he could feel her heartbeat against his chest as she moved closer.

And then she pulled back, their lips still remaining only a centimeter apart, her sweet-tasting breath lingering on his tongue. His heart was hammering, and he hoped that she could not hear or feel it like he could. Like an earthquake, it shook him.

A handful of people walked past them, chatting and laughing, waving their drinks in the air for they were drunk. It was one man with two women, both of them had their arms linked with the man's, laughing at his every bad one liner. The man, with slicked back dark hair, glanced over at Kylo Ren as they walked by, and he winked as though they were all up to the same thing. There was something that made Kylo Ren reconsider what he had done, to reflect upon it. He knew nothing about the very woman he had just kissed, and it didn't sit right with him.

Her words sounded like velvet when she brought his attention back to her, like she was the star which the planets all circled. "Do you want to go somewhere more private?"

The way her voice dripped with seduction, with lust, it almost made him cave instantly. "I don't even know you."

She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, "Isn't there something so exciting about that? About getting to know someone, to peel back each layer of them moment by moment?"

He lowered his gaze, "I don't even know your name."

"What do you want to call me?" She inquired.

His eyes met with hers again, surprised by her words. Why would any woman be so careless about who they were? Why did she not care? Something was wrong, something didn't sit right with Kylo Ren in that moment. He felt a slight twang of anger inside of him, and so his voice came off as brash and uncaring when he said, "Your name."

The woman arched an eyebrow high, clearly showing signs that she was unimpressed with his sudden eagerness to know everything about her. "Calista," she told him.

"I'm..." he paused.

"You forgot your name?" she asked, a smile tugging at her lips again, as though the outburst from before had never happened.

"Ben," he replied. No one needed to know who he was, and so he went with his given name in order to prevent Calista from knowing who he really was. It also didn't matter that he gave her a false name -which was not truly false- because he wouldn't be back on Canto Bight for a long time, and probably would never see this woman again. The thought made his heart ache just a bit.

"Well, Ben, what makes you tick?" she asked as she linked arms with him again, and began walking along. She had a force about her, the way she could make him walk along without ushering him. He just fell into step with her, never minding the people around them, feeling like they were the only two people on the planet. Even though there was music and laughter, chatter and applause all around them, noises emitting from certain parts of the building as they passed windows, it didn't feel like there was anyone around.

"I'd rather not talk about myself," he admitted. There was plenty of himself that could lead to interesting conversation, plenty that could lead them through the entire night and they would never run out of things to say. But he didn't remove the mask and give her a false name just to talk about who he was, and he didn't want to lie any more either.

Kylo Ren expected her to shrug away from him, to realize that he was not a very kind person. What he didn't expect was for her to laugh, quite loudly at that. It was brash, and he was surprised by it. She used her free hand to brush back her blonde hair, and then crossed her arm over her stomach, placing her hand atop his which was linked through her other arm. She patted his hand twice. "Alright, Ben, what do you suggest we talk about, or better what, what would you like to do?"

Calista guided them down a flight of switchback stairs, bringing them down along the large building and mountainside. The music and laughter began to fade away, and it was replaced by the earthy sounds of waves crashing into the sand, and wind blowing gently. Swept up in the natural sounds of the planet, they forgot what they had been talking about, it didn't matter that the conversation had faded. Something out in the ocean waters groaned, a large beast calling out to the night, and then it disappeared with a hearty splash.

"We could go the whole night and not say another word to each other," she said suddenly, then she stopped and removed her high heels that were sinking into the sand below their feet. She placed her bare feet onto the wet sand and sighed, clutching her heels in her free hand. She was surprisingly shorter without them, but still tall for a woman. "We could talk about our lives all night, we could talk about our dreams, we could lie and pretend that we are other people than we really are. It's clear, warm nights like this that allow us to be free."

"Are any of us truly free?" He asked philosophically.

She glanced up at him, the moon and stars beaming down on her and making her glow. "Maybe we can be, just for the night. Whatever we call ourselves, whoever we wish to be, let's just be that for the night."

It was a tempting offer, and he knew he was taking the bait.

"If you were free, truly free, what would be the first thing you would do?" he asked.

Something in her expression changed, and then she smiled lightly. It was as if she had a little secret that she wasn't telling him, some joke she was a part of and he wasn't privy to it. She walked to the shore line after detaching from Kylo Ren, the waves lapping at her toes. Raising her arm, she launched her high heel into the ocean, and then she threw the other one.

Kylo Ren stood beside her, eyes on her, though she was looking out at the great wide open of the ocean. She sighed in relief, as though she had thrown away all her problems with those high shoes of hers.

"I would leave," she said. "I'd leave this place forever."

"And go where?" he asked her.

She turned to look at him, her whole body moving. She was close to him again, very close too him. Drawn in to one another yet again, there was a strange but undeniable connection felt between them. Strong enough to make Kylo Ren want to take her away from this planet, just as she wished, strong enough to want to whisk her away. Whether it was to the room he happened to have, or to wherever she wanted to go.

He was helpless to her charm, and knew that if she asked something of him, he would agree to it.

"Why don't we start with your room?" she whispered seductively. 

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