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Clad in a luscious red dress that was more voluptuous than she was used to, and a plunging neckline that she was used to, Calista finished adorning herself with black gem stud earrings, a matching necklace, a dark black eyeliner. It all contrasted with her pale white flesh, but she looked at herself in the mirror and knew that she was stunning; there was no way she wouldn't have people bidding for her time that evening. However, she didn't want to see anyone, she didn't want to do her work that night, or any other night.

Calista wanted out.

Instead of heading towards the Casino, Calista made her way to Naren's condo. It was twelve floors up in an adjacent building from the Casino, rivaling hers. Actually, it always made her home feel tiny and pathetic, but she didn't need something as large as Naren wanted. He lived for income, he lived to impress and be able to spend her hard earned money. As Calista made her way to the man's front door, she grew increasingly angry that he lived off of her like a well-dressed leech.

She knocked twice, and the door was opened only moments later. Naren was wearing white trousers and an unbuttoned white shirt. Calista withheld a scowl when she saw him, trying not to show that she detested him more in this moment than she did when he suggested she fall into this line of work. Yes, he helped her get on her feet, to have contacts, but she still hated him for making the decision for her. It was all too likely that she would have ended up there anyways, but she was allowed to be spiteful.

"Calista, what a pleasant surprise! What brings you to my door dressed... like that?" he asked, a drink in his hand that will filled too high and threatened to spill with his abrupt movements to allow her into the condo.

"Client preference," she said casually. Stepping into the condo, she felt uncomfortable being trapped in there with Naren. It would have been better to do this at her place, where everything was familiar. But then again, if he acted out in anger and broke something, it would be something of his instead of hers.

"I come with a question, or rather, a proposition," Calista informed him, closing the door behind her.

"Is it your proposition, or this clients?" Naren asked, sipping his too-full glass.

"Call it mutual," Calista replied. "This client -the one you so desperately wanted me to win over- wants me full time."

Naren considered these words, playing with them in his mind, and considering all options and consequences of this. It was clear from the expression on his face that he was adding up the total cost of what he would make off of this deal, but there were the risks as well. After he had pondered each and every vein of this deal, he took another drink just to keep Calista on her toes, eager and in anticipation.

"I will consider it," he admitted, to Calista's surprise. "I would need a lump sum up front, of course, and I would expect you to return. I would need safeguards, for I cannot lose you."

"Thank you, Naren," she breathed out her words, this showed her utmost respect towards him. Though she often wished he'd drink too much, and choke on his own vomit, or perhaps slip while walking down a flight of stairs and crack open his skull, she still respected him.

Turning to leave with her head and shoulders higher than when she arrived, Calista felt empowered.

Until Naren spoke again, "Actually, I'm not going to consider it."

"Pardon me?" Calista spun on her heel, the polished floor below her whining in complaint.

"I know who this man is, you don't, but I do. I would not be surprised if he double-crossed me, and took my best income away from me," Naren listed his reasons.

"Perhaps denying him would also be a bad decision, have you not considered that? If he is so rich, so powerful, and even you are scared of being double-crossed, then perhaps he will do it without you knowing. Perhaps he will come and take me away from this ugly planet, and you will be left with not a single credit to show for it," Calista laid it out.

Naren placed his glass on a table, then walked towards Calista. Before she could avoid the blow, he struck her with the back of his hand. The side of her cheek stung, but the flesh did not split. He used his left hand, the one which never bore rings, always void of jewelry so that he could hit her without damaging her. Sure, she would develop a bruise, but she was an expert at covering them.

Calista looked up at him with fire in her eyes, "Take his deal, I doubt he will be so kind next time. And when he arrives and sees that you laid a hand on me," she laughed, "you might not have to worry about an income after that."

"Hold your tongue, Calista. Remember your worth is running out, it won't be long before you're cast aside for being too old in this business. You're pretty face got you this far, but soon you'll be scraping for money."

"You believe what you need to Naren, I'm out."

"Excuse me?" he stepped towards her, invading her space again, his alcohol breath making her gag.

"You heard me, I'm out."

"You can't just walk away, I own you, Calista."

Calista made a subtle step towards the door, knowing that she needed to get away from Naren. He would only do so much damage, but when provoked, Calista didn't know how far he might actually go. She was putting herself at risk, but she had no other choice.

"Given that you live off my earnings, maybe I own you, Naren," she spat, then briskly walked towards the door. She yanked in open, and that's when Naren threw his glass at the door. It hit the giant white door and shattered, spilling amber liquid all down the paint, pooling over the shiny floors. The glass debris went everywhere, a shard slicing Calista's cheek.

She turned and glared at him, then slammed the door behind her. She ran from there, knowing that he could follow her. Unable to return to her home, Calista made her way to the casino, turning down potential clients for she was officially unemployed. Considering booking a hotel room just to hide out, she realized that Naren could easily follow her through the money she spent, for their accounts were linked. And she knew that the first thing he would do is freeze her accounts, and thus she had nothing.

There was still one option for her; Creatures of the Night looked out for one another, and she had a few friends in the business who would let her in, hide her for a few days. She just needed to stay hidden until Ben showed up.

She hated relying on a man, but right then she had no other choice. 

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