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                Frantically banging on the door, Calista constantly looked over her shoulder, wondering if Naren might be coming for her. There was no way for him to know where she was, where she would try to hide from him, but she still hated that she couldn't go to her home, and she couldn't use her own money. The door finally opened, a modest place just like her own just beyond it. In front of her was a brunette, her dark brown eyes wide and beautiful.

"Calista?" She asked, the beckoned for her to enter right away. "What are you doing here? Aren't you on shift?"

She shook her head, "No, Jessa, I won't be having any more shifts."

"Oh," Jessa replied, though by her tone she revealed that she didn't know what Calista really meant by it. "Sit down, let me grab you something to drink."

"Nothing with alcohol, please. I need to keep a clear head," Calista called to Jessa as she flopped down on the couch. The materials wrapped around her like a warm hug, comforting her temporarily. A few moments later, Jessa came back with a steaming cup of tea, the aroma filling the room and making Calista believe that everything was going to be okay.

She took the mug and then waited until Jessa had gotten comfortable, feet tucked underneath her thighs on the couch. Their eyes met, an unspoken knowledge between Creatures of the Night was that they would always look out for one another, regardless of the situation. They helped one another out when they wanted out, they took care of vile clients who just wouldn't take no for an answer, they even took care of the odd procurer.

"First off, I should thank you," Calista began.

"It's what we do, hun."

"I want out, and Naren won't let me. I know I'm connected to him more than the rest of you, I know that... He won't ever let go of me, his hold is too strong. My apartment is in his name, I don't even have documents that would allow me to leave the planet, he never allowed me to get them. Over the years, he's made sure I can never leave."

"Well, you are his golden girl," Jessa said. "So you need to get out, quietly, secretly. I might know someone."

"Every one out of five people on this planet could get me off of it, but I can't go just yet," she explained. "I... I've found someone."

Jessa laughed, "Sweetheart, in our line of work you don't find people. Give him a week, and you'll never see his face again and he won't remember your name."

"It's different," Calista wasn't cold towards Jessa and her harsh but realistic reply. It was true, many Creatures of the Night thought they found their knight in shining armour, only to be laughed at and sent back to Canto Bight where they crawled back to men like Naren. But Ben wasn't like that, and Calista knew it. "He offered to pay for me for a year, to have me with him wherever he went -but not just for sex, no, for companionship."

"Hun, companionship is a euphemism for what we do. Men are all the same."

"Will you just listen to me? I've been in this business since I was eighteen, and I knew how it worked by the time I was twelve, alright? You don't think I can tell the difference between some bloke who wants a good lay and someone who actually see's me as a human being?"

Jessa sighed, "Alright, so you've found someone. Who is he? Are you able to leave tonight?"

Calista shook her head. "That's the problem. He goes by Ben, but I know he is hiding his identity. I don't know when he will be back, I only know that he will be. But... if I'm in hiding..."

"He'll never find you..." Jessa finished the sentence.

"I need your help to break into the system, I know exactly what dates he has been here, and I know that he had business here. He is important, very likely with the First Order if I'm guessing correctly. I just need you to figure out his real name, and maybe then I can find out some way to contact him," Calista looked Jessa straight in the eyes, showing her just how serious this really was to her.

"Fine," Jessa replied. "I'll see what I can do, and you can stay here tonight."

"When I'm gone, or dead, I have a few thousand in coin in my apartment, hidden well. It's yours."

"You don't need to do that,"

"It's the least I can do."

Calista was asleep on the couch when they came, officers burst through the door, waking her from her already light sleep. Quickly, she leapt over the back of the couch and looked for another exit, one she knew she wouldn't find. Even if she made it out a window, it was a twenty-meter plummet to hard ground below. She ran towards the kitchen, in search of a blade or something to defend herself with, but she was already grabbed at the waist.

The officers grip on her slipped in her sleek dress, and she tumbled to the ground, knocking her head against the edge of the counter. With a groan of agony, Calista forced herself to kick the officer off of her, who was also recovering from the tumble. With a swift kick to his nose, he recoiled and Calista was free, but not for long.

The electricity jolted through her, and Calista collapsed to the ground in seething pain, screaming as the voltage ran through her entire body. Immobile and suffering, she could do nothing to alleviate the pain. Finally it stopped, though she dared not move. She could only watch helplessly as three more officers joined the ranks of the one with a bloody nose, all of them staring at her like she was a bug on the kitchen floor.

"Calista Evon," the officer began, "You're under arrest for theft, attempt to pirate documents, and plotting to leave without proper documentation." 

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