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There would have been shocked silence across the field, except Naren began to laugh and spit blood at the same time. Out with the blood popped a molar, covered in gunk. His hands dug into the ground below them, the dirt and the rocks. Sitting back on his calves, knelt in the dirt, blood smeared over his features and with a comically crooked nose, Naren still did not appear defeated. His cockiness prevailed despite the severe beating he got, despite the fact he was in the presence of Kylo Ren.

"Like I said, I own you," Naren said at last.

Kylo Ren swallowed deeply, his Adam's apple bulging. His eyes went from Naren to Calista, wondering why she was owned by her brother. The concept was too disturbing for Kylo Ren to be able to wrap his mind around; he realized that despite his own family turmoil, it was still less distressing that the one right before him. He had no idea what to think about the new information that was presented to him.

"We had to do something to make money... when our parents died," Calista whispered.

"There are hundreds of career choices, and your chose a whore," Naren spat.

"You were already in the business," Calista threw right back. "You were my foot in the door, and you manipulated me endlessly."

"Don't play coy, Calista, you knew what you were doing. You knew what I was doing. Don't act like I'm your downfall," Naren growled, making them truly sound like siblings who were bantering and bickering.

"Calista," Kylo Ren said, turning away from Naren. He was proving a point in his stance, that Naren was such scum, that Kylo Ren could turn his back on him and not worry for a moment that he would try something. "My offer still stands."

"You can't take her," Naren growled.

Kylo Ren reached his arm back and began to Force choke Naren again, just to keep him quiet. The entire time, his eyes remained on Calista, boring into her while he waited for her answer.

"Now you know what I am," Kylo Ren said to her. "Will you still come with me?"

"Yes," Calista replied softly.

He reached out his hand, still not releasing Naren, and felt a profound sense of joy as Calista took it. Together they walked side by side as equals, leaving Naren behind in their wake. They heard nothing more of Naren as they made their way to the stairs. Calista stopped when she saw Jessa again, kneeling down in the dirt, not caring about her dress which was already soaked with blood. Brushing a strand of hair from Jessa's face, she placed her palm over her cheek.

"I am so sorry," Calista whispered. "I am so-" her voice broke, "sorry."

Kissing Jessa's forehead, Calista rose back to her feet and took Ben's hand again, and together they left Canto Bight, they left all of Calista's past, they left Naren who was the only family she still had. Calista left everything for the chance to be somebody.

On the ship, Calista sat down quickly, staring at the blood on her hands. Kylo Ren glanced over his shoulder as he approached the cockpit, then stopped – he needed to console her in some way over the death of her friend. He also needed to talk to her about who he was, and wished he had told her a long time ago. She had witnessed what he was capable of, and she might have figured it out already. But if she hadn't, and she was still coming with him, then he was lying to her.

"Calista," he knelt in front of her, reaching his hand up to her cut cheek.

Her sad eyes met his, "It's my fault she's dead."

"We all have blood on our hands," he led, hoping to continue by explaining who he was, but finding himself unable to find the correct words. He sighed, lowering his hand and then rising to his feet. "Get some rest."

Calista did as he said, curling up in the seat while he disappeared. She fell asleep quickly, her head still hurting and possibly being a minor concussion. She was cold, chilled to the bone, though she wasn't sure if it was because of her fear of actually leaving Canto Bight and Naren, or because she'd been in a cell for the last few hours and was wearing nothing more than loose fabric covered in the cold, drying blood of her best friend. The stress made her head throb and ache, but eventually put her to sleep for her brain couldn't handle any more stimuli.

A while later Calista rose, her head feeling less pained, but still full like her brain was swollen. Reaching her hand up, she pressed it against her temple to try and squeeze the headache away. Then she looked at her hands and bit her lip. Clutching her hands into fists, she walked towards the cockpit, hearing the whirring noises of machinery and the soft beeping; she'd never been on a ship before, the smooth flying not disturbing her.

Ben looked over his shoulder when he sensed her presence and gestured to the co-pilot seat.

"You're looking better," he said.

Calista took her seat, placing herself sideways and leaned her head against back. Her hands folded neatly in her lap as she watched Ben fly the ship steadily, without any troubles at all.

"So," she began, "you're not exactly who you say you are."

"No," he admitted, knowing the conversation had to get here at some point. He was glad it was before they arrived at the Star Killer base, where his presence was beginning to dwindle. He needed to spend more time there as they reached the peak of the project, and yet he was too entranced by Calista, too desperate to ensure her safety to even think about what his whole life had built up to.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked at last.

"I want to hear you say it," she whispered.

He kept his eyes firmly on her when he said it, "Kylo Ren."

"Kylo Ren," Calista repeated. "Smitten with a whore from Canto Bight."

"You don't have to do that anymore," he told her, firmness in his voice. So much so that she believed him. "You're free. I can bring you anywhere in the galaxy, just tell me where you wish to be."

"By your side," she told him.

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