Chapter 5

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Hello my dear lovely friends....I hope you guys like this story...


On the other side,Dez went back to his cell dejected after getting shouted by one of the officers for standing near the punishment room.He dragged himself to the corner of the cell and sat with his legs folded and his face between his knees.For the first time,he felt cold and alone.

He heard footsteps in front of his cell he lifted his head to see Terry,Nick and Mick.Terry looked at him,"Where's your friend what will you call each other...what's that?" He asked his friends,Nick said"Something like bud...yeah that's it" Terry came and crouched in front of him,"Where's your bud??Where did he run of too...he's a coward he can't face me haha haha" They laughed and went back to their cell but not without pushing Dez down and kicked him in his stomach.

Dez got up coughing and glared at them.Dez knows that Austin will not be back after 5 days and the singles match is 3 days from now.He doesn't want his friend to be known as coward.He wiped his mouth and got up he decided he'll fight with Terry instead of Austin.


[3 days later--The day of singles match]

Terry,Nick and Mick were playing carrom board in the private chamber where the singles match is supposed to be held.

"It's so boring Terry.I thought we would be entertained today with Austin but he's locked up in 'special room' " Terry laughed and aimed at red coin,"Oh Nick.I thought so too...I want to play with him.But even if he is here I would beat him up in a second"

Suddenly their conversation was cut off by someone opening the door.There came a slightly red haired boy inside.He closed the door and stood in front of Terry.

"What are you doing here doofus...Where's your friend Austin oh wait he's in 'special room' right?" They all started laughing which ticked Dez.He shouted,"I'll fight with you instead of him" Everyone blinked at him and started rolling in laughter.

All the hell broke out when Dez punched Terry.


Austin came back from special room excited to see his bud Dez.He had last seen him before the inspection and that was 5 days ago.He can't wait to see him and say everything that had happened.

He went into the cell shouting without looking at ,"Buddy....You know what happened Diggy loves a girl"  He took water which was kept at the corner of the cell,he drank and continued "we have to help him to escape so he can get together with his love of life..isn't it hilarious??Love of his life...How could he say she's his life...Stupid...he's blinded by her but whatever he's our friend so we have to help him what do you say??" He didn't get any reply.He called again,"Dez??Bud??" He turned to see the cell empty.

'Where did he go?Maybe he's in lunch room?I'll go check it out' Austin went towards lunch room expecting to see Dez argue with lunch lady for his bread.But the room was empty.

Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulder he turned to see Mr.Mishar,a guard who looks after them.He's a good man when compared to others.He usually had a smile on his face but today he looked troubled while confused Austin more.He didn't like the feeling which is now forming in his gut.

Mishar looked at him guilty and said,"I'm sorry for your loss my boy.." Austin couldn't understand he was beyond confused,"Um..could you elaborate it sir...I don't understand" Mishar shaked his head and started,"Um...your bud Dez..." he trailed off.

Austin grew angry and grabbed Mishar by his collar."What the hell happened to him?Where is he? I asked you where is he-" Suddenly he was yanked off and pushed to the ground.He groaned and opened his eyes to see his warden standing there while rubbing his hand."How dare you grab collar of an officer.You just came out of punishment room.Do you need special treatment again?"

Austin glared at him and tried jumping on him but he was held back by Diggy and other boys."Austin get back...Do you want to die?".Austin struggled to get out of their grip but they pulled him back.They were away from warden and Mishar but he heard

"Poor boy...He doesn't know that his friend is dead"


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