Chapter 6

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Hola!My dear readers...So far do you like this story? Comment your views on it...If you want me to change anything I would do it gladly...Afterall "Practice makes perfect" right?😉 ...

Now let's move onto chapter shall we?

This takes place after two years ok...


Two years later~

Sun was still yet to rise,the birds were sleeping while shivering to the chill breeze that blowed.But none of it disturbed the figure who was jogging in the pavement of Clark's street.Her brown hair flowed freely from its usual ponytail.She took a deep breath inhaling fresh morning air.

"Hello dear...Good morning" She saw the old fruit vendor waving at her.She smiled at him,"Good morning to you too Nick".She continued her jogging for other 5 minutes and reached the Sonic boom street.She unlocked her apartment and entered inside.She kept her keys on the table and went to her room.She looked at the time"7:30".Her shift starts at 9.She went inside the bathroom and took a nice relaxing bath.

She wore the outfit which she chose the previous day to wear for work.A white shirt with green pants.She left her hair to flow freely.

She locked her apartment,wore earphones and walked towards her work which was 15 mintues away.She loves walking so it's no big deal for her,she loves to watch people pass-by.Infact the morning air was still fresh and calm which soothed her nerves.

She works as a waitress in "Le Café" After reaching there she took her ear buds out and went inside.She greeted everyone while passing inside the changing room.

"Right on time huh" She turned to see Lia standing near doorframe with a hand on her hip.

"Yep" "Well what can I expect from a punctual girl"

She giggled at that." was your date yesterday night Ally?"

Ally wore the apron smirked at her,"I'll tell you later"

"Aww...Come on Ally...I wanna hear" "Nope" Ally said while pulling her hair into a high ponytail

"Awww..Come on please"She pouted at Ally.They both went outside the room,"It's not worth talking Lia" "But I wanna hear all details,"Lia pouted at Ally,"you better tell me everything at break" She said sternly.Ally giggled and nodded.

Ally took her notepad and went to greet the customers.She greeted them with her sweet smile.The day fully went with greeting,serving,receiving tips,some dirty comments and so on.Within no time,Evening had arrived.

Finally Ally's and Lia's shift overed"Ughh...Can you believe that manager he made us to cover for Cheran and Lana" "Oh chill Lia you know today is their anniversary let's them have peaceful date" Suddenly Lia's eyes widened,"That reminds me...How was your date?Tell me...tell me"

Ally sighed she knows she can't escape now,"Lia first of all its not a date he just wanted to have dinner with me and let me say it was the worst he kept talking about himself can you believe him...ugh..."

Lia patted Ally's back,"It's ok babe...I'll find a better date for you next time" Ally's eyes wided,"Oh no no...You won't do that again"Ally said while waving her hands.

Lia laughed and Ally pouted at her.


Ally's Pov

Lia decided to crash in my place.After reaching my apartment,I unlocked and went inside with Lia following me.I crossed my arms and looked at her.Lia looked at me confused,"What...Why are you staring at me like that" I pointed to the jacket on the floor.She laughed and raised her hands in defence."OkOk...I'll picked it up" She hanged her jacket on the hanger and sat on the couch.I took my nightdress and went to change in the bathroom.When I came back I saw Lia talking to someone on the phone

"You idiot I said stop calling me...I hate you.
..Don't you dare come near me... can't you leave me alone...Are you nuts?Why...why...You bastard...You hear me I hate you...I will never love you.Get that inside your brain" She throwed her phone on the couch and shouted in frustration.Tears started rolling down her eyes,I quickly ran to her and pulled her into a hug,

"Shhh....It's ok...It's ok...Don't cry"

"NO....IT'S NOT OKAY Its not okay Ally...He said he'll come back for me...I hate him...I'm afraid Ally he'll come...He...He said he will hurt me that's okay bu...but he said he'll hurt you" She looked at me with tears flowing down her eyes.My heart pained seeing my strong friend breaking down like this.If only I get my hands on that bastard.Can't he understand how much he's making her cry.I felt tears rolling down my cheeks too. I have to make sure he can never come near her.


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