Chapter 7

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Anna's body hurt. From falling on the floor at the restaurant and tripping numerous times on the tablecloth, she was really starting to ache. The pain in her knee was excruciating. She really needed some clothes.
Anna looked around for a clothes store. She found one and tried the door. It was locked. Anna started looking around for something that could break glass. Then she saw a kind of loose decorative rock around a tree. She started digging around it with her hands until her fingernails were bleeding.
The stone was very loose now. She wiggled it around until it came free. How was she going to throw it at the window with the tablecloth on? Nobody was there, so she took it off. Her body was a mess. Her knees and elbows were bleeding, her body was all dirty, and her feet were all blistered from running around barefoot. She threw the rock at the window and it shattered. As Anna walked into the store, she stepped on broken glass. "Owwww!" She said. She kept walking through carefully, but she stepped on more broken glass. She was so unlucky to have to do this. When she got in, she sat on a chair and started picking glass shards out of her bloody feet, then she couldn't help it, she started sobbing uncontrollably.

After a while she took a deep breath and Anna looked around for some clothes that would fit her. She saw an area that said "petite", so she went over there and tried on some clothes. Most of the clothing were still too big but she eventually found some that kinda fit her.

Anna found some lacey underwear like her mother wears. She felt naughty and giggled to herself as she put them on. Then she found a pair of stretchy pants and some socks. The blood soaked right through the socks so she put another pair on right over it. Then she started looking for some shoes. She saw some high heels. "Ooh." she said. She put them on. No way she could run in them! "Okay this is stupid." She said. She looked for some shoes. All she could find were some flats, so she put them on. They would do. She found a shirt that she liked, it was way too big but she was able to wrap it around herself like a kimono.
She started going to other stores and carrying her rock with her. She saw a jewelry store. That was nice. Anna never had really owned jewelry. She found a cool pendant and put it on. She was having fun going into stores and taking whatever she wanted.

She was walking along the middle of a road, when she saw the blue Nissan Sentra. Whaatttt???!!! How unlucky could she be? There was nobody, absolutely nobody else left on earth except for the very last person she wanted to be stuck with. The creep who was stalking her!

"He saw me, I'm sure he must have seen me", she thought as she ran around the block and hid behind a mini van. She tried the door and it was unlocked, so she climbed in. There was a baseball bat, some balls, a duffle bag and a mitt. A kid must have been coming home from baseball. She grabbed the bat and kept it close to her side. She ducked down low in the back until she heard the car pass. After about 20 minutes, when she felt that he was gone, she looked out the window and saw that she was alone again.

Anna looked through the duffle bag to see what she could find. She emptied the contents out onto the seat. there was nothing really interesting to her except something that looked like black lipstick. The label said "Easton Eye Black." She put the black lipstick on her lips then she colored around her eyes and made a smear under her eyes, like she saw baseball and football player do on TV. She looked at herself in the rear view mirror. She no longer looked like a little kid. She looked kinda mean and a little scary. She put a little more eye black under her eyes then picked up the Louisville Slugger and looked in the mirror again. "Just let him try and mess with me!" She said growled. "Yeah that's right, I'm a bad..." She stopped herself before she said a bad word.

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