Chapter 8

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Brad started driving the car around to look for the person. He was driving down one street, when Brad saw a broken window at a jewelry store. There was also one in a boutique shop. Brad walked in the clothes store to investigate. There was blood all over the floor where the glass was there were also bloody footprints. The footprints were a kids size. There must be another kid here, he thought.
Brad walked around. There were others stores with broken glass. He walked into one store. "This must be a liquor store" he said to himself, not particularly interested in the rows and rows of bottles. Then he saw a shelf with things like pretzels, peanuts, chips, Gatorade, and other things like that. He was deciding which snack his mother would have let him eat when he heard something. It sounded like a... "Snore?" "Who's that?" Asked Brad. Again, he heard a "snore."
Somebody else was in the store. "snore." Brad followed the snores. It led him to a person. Thank goodness there was someone else here! "Snore." Brad saw a guy sleeping. He had lots of empty bottles all around him. "Snore." "Hello!" Brad said. He shook the guy. "Hello!!!" "Huhhhhhh?" The guy said. "Huh huh huh huh." He said and drifted back to sleep. This guy must be drunk, Brad thought looking at all the empty bottles around him.
Brad waited for the guy to wake up. He waited for awhile. He was getting hungry, so he ate some of the junk food. Who cared? He was (almost) alone. He would find some healthy food later.
He couldn't afford to leave because then the guy would get up and leave without him. After what felt like hours the person started to stir. "Hello!" Brad said. "Huhh?" The guy said. "Uhhhh, whaz your name kid?" "I'm Brad." He said. "Who are you?" "Dominic." The guy replied. Then he started coming to his full senses. "You know what," Dominic said. "I had the weirdest dream. I had a dream that there was nobody on earth. I think they were taken or something." "You know," said Brad. "What?" Dominic asked. "That's actually all true." "What?!" Dominic said. "Yeah. I can show you." Brad walked outside. "See any cars moving?" "No." "See any people?" "Uhhhh... no." "There." said Brad.
"Actually, there are other people but not here. Let's find a car with an XM radio." "Okay. Good idea." Said Dominic. They searched in some cars until they found one.
Dominic searched around for the channels. It was all static. "Go to country music." Said Brad. "Okay." Dominic said. When they found country music, it was static at first but then they could hear the guy with the heavy southern accent. "We have word from our air national guard and they found no signs of radiation so we're going to probably send, some more investigators. So far, we still have no communication from Washington D.C., New York, and Philadelphia. Stay tuned!" Then they played more country music. "So where's he from?" Asked Dominic. "Georgia." "So we have to drive down there?" "I guess." Okay let's go." "Wait! I need to get my back pack first." "Okay kid." Brad ran to the blue Nissan Sentra. There were all kinds of dents on the car. "That was my car." Dominic said. "Oh, sorry." Said Brad. "No problem, kid. I never liked that old Nissan Sentra anyway." Dominic said walking over to a car dealer window. He pointed to a little red car. "Do you know what that is? That is the Porsche 911 turbo S, the best race car ever built. I've never driven anything like this before!

Dominic smashed the window with one quick kick of his boot and was sitting behind the wheel and started rubbing the dashboard and making some strange noises like "Ahhh, oooohhhh, woowww." Brad still didn't see what was so special about is tiny car. There were only two tiny seats, he climbed in on the passenger side and barely found any space to put his backpack. "Put your seatbelt on kid." Dominic commanded, "We're going for a ride!"

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